Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 48.806
EU - Europa 22.427
AS - Asia 9.506
SA - Sud America 103
AF - Africa 53
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 41
OC - Oceania 41
Totale 80.977
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 47.829
DE - Germania 3.895
IT - Italia 3.856
SE - Svezia 3.755
CN - Cina 3.715
IE - Irlanda 3.004
SG - Singapore 2.572
UA - Ucraina 2.244
RU - Federazione Russa 1.933
VN - Vietnam 1.352
GB - Regno Unito 1.286
HK - Hong Kong 967
CA - Canada 957
FI - Finlandia 571
DK - Danimarca 429
AT - Austria 397
FR - Francia 351
TR - Turchia 249
IN - India 244
NL - Olanda 222
ID - Indonesia 152
PL - Polonia 133
BE - Belgio 107
JP - Giappone 88
BR - Brasile 62
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 43
IR - Iran 43
RO - Romania 39
KR - Corea 30
AU - Australia 29
EU - Europa 29
MU - Mauritius 29
CH - Svizzera 28
ES - Italia 27
HU - Ungheria 24
NO - Norvegia 24
CL - Cile 19
PH - Filippine 19
BG - Bulgaria 13
GR - Grecia 13
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 12
MX - Messico 11
TW - Taiwan 10
PE - Perù 9
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 8
EE - Estonia 8
PK - Pakistan 8
MY - Malesia 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
SC - Seychelles 6
IL - Israele 5
PA - Panama 5
TH - Thailandia 5
A1 - Anonimo 4
LT - Lituania 4
PT - Portogallo 4
SI - Slovenia 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
AL - Albania 3
AM - Armenia 3
BO - Bolivia 3
CM - Camerun 3
CO - Colombia 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EC - Ecuador 3
EG - Egitto 3
HR - Croazia 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
MA - Marocco 3
MK - Macedonia 3
AR - Argentina 2
HN - Honduras 2
JO - Giordania 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
NP - Nepal 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
PY - Paraguay 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
ET - Etiopia 1
GE - Georgia 1
GT - Guatemala 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LB - Libano 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MT - Malta 1
NA - Namibia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
OM - Oman 1
QA - Qatar 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 80.977
Città #
Ann Arbor 11.368
Woodbridge 4.950
Fairfield 3.830
Houston 3.225
Dublin 2.924
Chandler 2.903
Frankfurt am Main 2.844
Jacksonville 2.577
Wilmington 2.293
Ashburn 2.126
Singapore 2.097
Seattle 1.415
Dearborn 1.327
Milan 1.320
Cambridge 1.235
Santa Clara 1.216
New York 1.131
Princeton 1.071
Hong Kong 949
Nanjing 727
Dong Ket 693
Beijing 504
Lawrence 432
Lachine 404
Shanghai 400
Altamura 396
Vienna 373
Boardman 321
Toronto 286
San Diego 250
Guangzhou 231
Nanchang 213
Shenyang 193
Andover 188
Ottawa 164
Hangzhou 153
Jakarta 140
Tianjin 136
Hebei 134
Huizen 133
Helsinki 130
Rome 118
Sacramento 117
Changsha 115
Jiaxing 111
Los Angeles 109
Kraków 105
Mountain View 101
Brussels 98
Jinan 95
Norwalk 87
Zhengzhou 79
Kunming 78
Dallas 77
Ardea 76
Moscow 70
Ningbo 70
Fremont 67
London 61
Falls Church 55
Auburn Hills 51
Phoenix 50
Assago 49
Edmonton 49
Pune 48
University Park 48
Kocaeli 44
Bergamo 41
Taizhou 40
Torino 40
San Mateo 38
Kiev 31
Philadelphia 30
Turin 30
Atlanta 28
Hefei 28
Brescia 27
Montréal 27
Washington 27
Nürnberg 26
Wuhan 26
Como 24
Bonndorf 20
Chengdu 20
Tokyo 20
Grafing 19
Bologna 18
Fuzhou 18
Kilburn 18
Mcallen 18
Monza 18
Gallarate 17
Leawood 17
Melzo 17
Munich 17
Olomouc 17
Seveso 17
Tappahannock 17
Xian 17
Changchun 16
Totale 60.214
Nome #
Single-cell digital twins for cancer preclinical investigation 513
MaREA4Galaxy: metabolic reaction enrichment analysis and visualization of RNA-seq data within Galaxy 513
Synchronization effects in a metabolism-driven model of multi-cellular system 502
Integration of single-cell RNA-seq data into population models to characterize cancer metabolism 485
Integration of transcriptomic data and metabolic networks in cancer samples reveals highly significant prognostic power 471
null 441
CNN-based prostate zonal segmentation on t2-weighted MR images: A cross-dataset study 432
A metabolic core model elucidates how enhanced utilization of glucose and glutamine, with enhanced glutamine-dependent lactate production, promotes cancer cell growth: The WarburQ effect 426
Linking alterations in metabolic fluxes with shifts in metabolite levels by means of kinetic modeling 412
popFBA: tackling intratumour heterogeneity with Flux Balance Analysis 395
Emerging ensembles of kinetic parameters to characterize observed metabolic phenotypes 395
Constraint-based modeling and simulation of cell populations 393
CAPRI: Efficient Inference of Cancer Progression Models from Cross-sectional Data 379
Zooming-in on cancer metabolic rewiring with tissue specific constraint-based models 373
Integration of single-cell RNA-sequencing data into flux balance cellular automata 372
TRONCO: An R package for the inference of cancer progression models from heterogeneous genomic data 370
Constraint-based modeling and simulation of cell populations 362
Fuzzy modeling and global optimization to predict novel therapeutic targets in cancer cells 360
USE-Net: Incorporating Squeeze-and-Excitation blocks into U-Net for prostate zonal segmentation of multi-institutional MRI datasets 353
Design of the TRONCO bioconductor package for TRanslational ONCOlogy 352
Constraining mechanism based simulations to identify ensembles of parametrizations to characterize metabolic features 341
Algorithmic methods to infer the evolutionary trajectories in cancer progression 340
SpidermiR: An R/bioconductor package for integrative analysis with miRNA data 332
Computational methods for resting-state EEG of patients with disorders of consciousness 332
Fuzzy Self-Tuning PSO: A settings-free algorithm for global optimization 332
Optimized Social Explanation for Educational Platforms 327
An attention-based architecture for EEG classification 325
CABeRNET: A Cytoscape app for augmented Boolean models of gene regulatory NETworks 311
Pathway-based classification of breast cancer subtypes 303
COSYS: A computational infrastructure for systems biology 300
Kernel Methods: Support Vector Machines 300
Parallel implementation of efficient search schemes for the inference of cancer progression models 295
A comparison of machine learning techniques for survival prediction in breast cancer 290
A New Evolutionary Gene Regulatory Network Reverse Engineering Tool 289
Cognac: A chaste plugin for the multiscale simulation of gene regulatory networks driving the spatial dynamics of tissues and cancer 285
Subroutines in P systems and closure properties of their complexity classes 285
Ordering cancer mutational profiles of cross-sectional copy number alterations 282
Computer-assisted approaches for uterine fibroid segmentation in MRgFUS treatments: Quantitative evaluation and clinical feasibility analysis 277
MedGA: A novel evolutionary method for image enhancement in medical imaging systems 273
Approaching explainable recommendations for personalized social learning the current stage of the educational platform”WhoTeach” 273
The Genopolis Microarray Database 269
An Application of Kernel Methods to Gene Cluster Temporal Meta-Analysis 268
A Study on Gene Regulatory Network Reconstruction and Simulation 261
Identification of Individualized Feature Combinations for Survival Prediction in Breast Cancer: A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques 260
The role of feedback control mechanisms on the establishment of oscillatory regimes in the Ras/cAMP/PKA pathway in S. cerevisiae 260
Attentional neural mechanisms for social recommendations in educational platforms 259
GAN-based synthetic brain MR image generation 258
Modeling cell proliferation in human acute myeloid leukemia xenografts 255
GenHap: A novel computational method based on genetic algorithms for haplotype assembly 253
Coupling Mechanistic Approaches and Fuzzy Logic to Model and Simulate Complex Systems 252
Characterizing PSPACE with shallow non-confluent P systems 249
ginSODA: massive parallel integration of stiff ODE systems on GPUs 248
A novel framework for MR image segmentation and quantification by using MedGA 245
ProCell: Investigating cell proliferation with Swarm Intelligence 245
Surfing on Fitness Landscapes: A Boost on Optimization by Fourier Surrogate Modeling 242
cuTauLeaping: A GPU-Powered Tau-Leaping Stochastic Simulator for Massive Parallel Analyses of Biological Systems 241
Proteomic profiles of thyroid tumors by Mass Spectrometry-Imaging on Tissue Microarrays 238
Combination of gene expression and genome copy number alteration has a prognostic value for breast cancer 238
Graph Algorithms 237
Kernel Machines: Introduction 236
A computational model for promoting targeted communication and supplying social explainable recommendations 235
High performance computing for haplotyping: Models and platforms 234
GPU-powered model analysis with PySB/cupSODA 233
Online social space identification. A computational tool for optimizing social recommendations 229
Robust conclusions in mass spectrometry analysis 228
Computational Strategies for a System-Level Understanding of Metabolism 227
Mutual Information Optimization for Mass Spectra Data Alignment 227
On the tractability of finding disjoint clubs in a network 224
In-Silico Integration Approach to Identify a Key miRNA Regulating a Gene Network in Aggressive Prostate Cancer 221
Top k 2-clubs in a network: A genetic algorithm 221
GPU-accelerated simulations of mass-action kinetics models with cupSODA 218
System of Nudge Theory-Based ICT Applications for Older Citizens: The SENIOR Project 216
Different expression of Fibrinopeptide A and related fragments in serum of type 1 diabetic patients with nephropathy 215
Top-k overlapping densest subgraphs: approximation algorithms and computational complexity 215
On the complexity of approximately matching a string to a directed graph 215
Biochemical parameter estimation vs. benchmark functions: A comparative study of optimization performance and representation design 214
P Systems with Elementary Active Membranes: Beyond NP and coNP 213
Covering a graph with clubs 213
Corrigendum: Computational Methods for Resting-State EEG of Patients With Disorders of Consciousness (Frontiers in Neuroscience, (2019), 13, 10.3389/fnins.2019.00807) 212
NeXt for neuro-radiosurgery: A fully automatic approach for necrosis extraction in brain tumor MRI using an unsupervised machine learning technique 210
Shallow laconic P systems can count 210
First Steps Towards a Wet Implementation for τ -DPP 209
On the Use of Genetic Programming for the Prediction of Survival in Cancer 208
A Turing machine simulation by P systems without charges 208
Inferring Tree Causal Models of Cancer Progression with Probability Raising 207
An ensemble approach to the study of the emergence of metabolic and proliferative disorders via Flux Balance Analysis 207
Proactive Particles in Swarm Optimization: A self-tuning algorithm based on Fuzzy Logic 207
A Gentle Introduction to Membrane Systems and Their Computational Properties 207
Cancer cell growth and survival as a system-level property sustained by enhanced glycolysis and mitochondrial metabolic remodeling 205
Tumor size, stage and grade alterations of urinary peptidome in RCC 205
Seasonal variance in P system models for metapopulations 204
Urinary Peptidome and Proteome Alterations Related to Tumor Progression and Invasion in RCC 204
Solving QSAT in Sublinear Depth 204
Enhancing Teachers-AI Collaboration: Human Computer Interaction Techniques for Recommender Systems in Educational Platforms 202
A GPU-based Multi-Swarm PSO Method for Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Biological Systems Exploiting Discrete-Time Target Series 201
A survey on space complexity of P systems with active membranes 201
m-Asynchronous Cellular Automata: from fairness to quasi-fairness 200
Urinary Signatures of Renal Cell Carcinoma Investigated by Peptidomic Approaches 198
Shallow non-confluent P systems 196
Complexity issues of string to graph approximate matching 196
Totale 27.904
Categoria #
all - tutte 263.747
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 263.747

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20208.244 0 0 0 0 0 1.540 2.071 1.071 1.479 826 931 326
2020/202112.385 806 422 1.018 1.114 886 971 1.065 1.141 1.054 1.275 655 1.978
2021/20229.237 744 815 1.265 900 509 680 734 535 560 548 781 1.166
2022/202312.623 1.677 3.548 1.267 1.145 1.054 1.809 107 626 803 126 291 170
2023/20248.230 256 295 386 339 1.052 2.026 1.978 232 536 112 133 885
2024/20256.997 1.056 2.117 1.077 757 1.415 575 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 83.719