Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.431
EU - Europa 5.488
AS - Asia 2.111
AF - Africa 64
SA - Sud America 30
OC - Oceania 12
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 15.141
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.273
IT - Italia 2.010
CN - Cina 796
DE - Germania 740
SE - Svezia 638
IE - Irlanda 616
SG - Singapore 595
RU - Federazione Russa 383
UA - Ucraina 335
HK - Hong Kong 210
GB - Regno Unito 195
VN - Vietnam 155
CA - Canada 151
FR - Francia 115
FI - Finlandia 101
ID - Indonesia 101
IN - India 99
AT - Austria 69
NL - Olanda 65
DK - Danimarca 51
CH - Svizzera 48
BE - Belgio 45
IR - Iran 36
JP - Giappone 30
TR - Turchia 30
BR - Brasile 22
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 21
ES - Italia 18
KZ - Kazakistan 13
EG - Egitto 11
KR - Corea 11
ZA - Sudafrica 11
AU - Australia 9
PL - Polonia 9
ET - Etiopia 8
DZ - Algeria 7
MX - Messico 7
PK - Pakistan 7
MA - Marocco 6
NG - Nigeria 6
MY - Malesia 5
RO - Romania 5
AR - Argentina 4
BG - Bulgaria 4
HU - Ungheria 4
IQ - Iraq 4
LY - Libia 4
SI - Slovenia 4
EU - Europa 3
GH - Ghana 3
HR - Croazia 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PT - Portogallo 3
QA - Qatar 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AL - Albania 2
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
CO - Colombia 2
GW - Guinea-Bissau 2
PH - Filippine 2
RS - Serbia 2
ZW - Zimbabwe 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AM - Armenia 1
BJ - Benin 1
CL - Cile 1
EC - Ecuador 1
GE - Georgia 1
IL - Israele 1
KE - Kenya 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LB - Libano 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NP - Nepal 1
TH - Thailandia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 15.141
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.709
Milan 708
Dublin 595
Chandler 561
Singapore 512
Frankfurt am Main 494
Woodbridge 438
Fairfield 413
Jacksonville 382
Ashburn 351
Wilmington 328
Dearborn 318
Houston 308
New York 283
Princeton 206
Santa Clara 205
Hong Kong 195
Seattle 150
Cambridge 139
Nanjing 119
Shanghai 115
Rome 105
Jakarta 97
Dong Ket 96
Beijing 82
Pune 67
Lachine 59
Vienna 53
Guangzhou 51
Los Angeles 46
Altamura 43
Brussels 42
Lawrence 42
Nanchang 42
Toronto 42
Andover 37
San Diego 37
Shenyang 34
Hangzhou 33
Helsinki 33
Tianjin 32
Lissone 29
Boardman 28
Brescia 28
Changsha 27
Hebei 26
Torino 26
Albino 24
Munich 24
Bologna 23
Jinan 23
London 22
Zhengzhou 22
Dallas 21
Jiaxing 21
Turin 21
Ottawa 20
Sacramento 20
Bari 17
Milwaukee 17
Rezzato 17
Norwalk 16
Fremont 15
Topeka 14
Borgoratto Mormorolo 13
Chicago 13
Ningbo 13
Padova 13
Amsterdam 12
Chiari 12
Innsbruck 12
Manerbio 12
Almaty 11
Changchun 11
Falls Church 11
Gardone Riviera 11
Huizen 11
Kunming 11
Montreal 11
Casalpusterlengo 10
Florence 9
Napoli 9
Parma 9
Pavia 9
Phoenix 9
Aosta 8
Edmonton 8
Monza 8
Nagold 8
Redmond 8
Taizhou 8
Tokyo 8
Udine 8
University Park 8
Bardolino 7
Bergamo 7
Cairo 7
Concesio 7
Gorle 7
Karlsruhe 7
Totale 10.449
Nome #
Modeling groundwater/surface-water interactions in an Alpine valley (the Aosta Plain, NW Italy): the effect of groundwater abstraction on surface-water resources 390
Origine e dinamica della contaminazione da ferro, manganese, arsenico ed ammonio in acque sotterranee superficiali, il caso di Cremona 314
Multivariate statistical analysis supporting the hydrochemical characterization of groundwater and surface water: a case study in northern Italy 313
The effects of irrigation on groundwater quality and quantity in a human-modified hydro-system: The Oglio River basin, Po Plain, northern Italy 313
Groundwater and surface water quality characterization with positive matrix factorization 276
Groundwater/surface-water interactions and their effect on nitrate pollution in the Oglio River basin (N Italy) 268
Pollutant sources in an arsenic-affected multilayer aquifer in the Po Plain of Italy: Implications for drinking-water supply 267
Identification of groundwater pollution sources in a landfill site using artificial sweeteners, multivariate analysis and transport modeling 248
3D reconstruction of the multi-layer aquifer in a Po Plain area 245
Groundwater and surface water quality characterization through positive matrix factorization combined with GIS approach 239
Groundwater contamination by Cr(VI) in the Aosta Plain (northern Italy): Characterization and preliminary modeling 237
Interactions between river water and groundwater and their influences on river chemistry: the case study of Oglio River (northern Italy) 230
Chloride Balance in Freshwater System of a Highly Anthropized Subalpine Area: Load and Source Quantification Through a Watershed Approach 226
Arsenic release and attenuation in a multilayer aquifer in the Po Plain (northern Italy): Reactive transport modeling 210
Hydrogeological characterization of a closed MSW landfill using multivariate statistical analysis and groundwater numerical modelling 207
Overlapping redox zones control arsenic pollution in Pleistocene multi-layer aquifers, the Po Plain (Italy) 200
3D subsurface reconstruction in the lombardian Po plain for groundwater sustainable planning 192
A 3D Geodatabase for Urban Underground Infrastructures: Implementation and Application to Groundwater Management in Milan Metropolitan Area 192
Sustainability evaluation of a medium scale GSHP system in a layered alluvial setting using 3D modeling suite 191
Multivariate statistical analysis and numerical modelling for the hydrogeological and hydrochemical characterization of a closed MSW landfill: the case study of Vizzolo-Predabissi 184
Hydrogeological conceptual model of a highly impacted watershed: the case study of Oglio River (N Italy) 183
Considering a threshold energy in reactive transport modeling of microbially mediated redox reactions in an arsenic-affected aquifer 182
The hydrogeological well database TANGRAM©: a tool for data processing to support groundwater assessment [Banca dati idrogeologica TANGRAM©: strumento per elaborazioni quantitative di dati per la valutazione delle acque sotterranee] 179
Determination of trigger levels for groundwater quality in landfills located in historically human-impacted areas 177
The hydrochemical database TANGCHIM, a tool to manage groundwater quality data: the case study of a leachate plume from a dumping area 177
Positive Matrix Factorization and GIS approach to perform data mining on groundwater and surface water quality dataset 173
Choosing between linear and nonlinear models and avoiding overfitting for short and long term groundwater level forecasting in a linear system 173
Assessment of the groundwater quantitative status in the Aosta Plain (North-West Italy): applicability of the national guidelines defined by ISPRA 172
Ricostruzione 3D della distribuzione delle tessiture nel sottosuolo della Pianura Lombarda centro-occidentale 171
Land uses and freshwater system quality of Oglio River sublacual basin (Northern Italy) 168
Local refinement of a groundwater flow model aimed at assessing the environmental sustainability of a fish hatchery water supply 160
Informatics tool to support quantitative groundwater assessment: the hydrogeological well database TANGRAM© 154
Groundwater flow modelling of the aosta plain in northern italy 152
Numerical Modeling of Remediation Scenarios of a Groundwater Cr(VI) Plume in an Alpine Valley Aquifer 149
Three-dimensional reconstruction of aquifer heterogeneity for modeling the transport of Cr(VI) in an Alpine alluvial aquifer 147
Fluvial and fluvioglacial systems in the Milan Plain 146
Origin of Arsenic in Groundwater from the Multilayer Aquifer in Cremona (Northern Italy) 146
Hydrochemical characterization of groundwater and surface water supported by multivariate statistical analysis: a case study in the Po plain (in Italy) 145
Classifying zones of suitability for manual drilling using textural and hydraulic parameters of shallow aquifers: a case study in northwestern Senegal 144
Using isotopic and hydrochemical data to investigate groundwater recharge and discharge in a highly impacted watershed: the Oglio River, northern Italy 143
Utilizzo del codice di calcolo MODFLOW nell’analisi del flusso idrico sotterraneo in condizioni geologiche complesse: il caso studio di un’area contaminata nella città di San Pietroburgo 142
Local natural background levels assessment through a groundwater redox zonation, the case of Lombardy Region 140
Data-driven decision management of urban underground infrastructure through groundwater-level time-series cluster analysis: the case of Milan (Italy) 139
Changes in Shallow Groundwater Recharge Due to Drought Impacting the Po River Basin 138
Numerical modeling of groundwater flooding in urban area: The case of polustrovo (st. petersburg, russia) 136
Freshwater system of coral inhabited island: Availability and vulnerability (Magoodhoo Island of Faafu Atoll – Maldives) 136
Modellazione preliminare del flusso idrico sotterraneo e delle interazioni con le acque superficiali: piana di Aosta. Preliminary groundwater modelling by considering the interaction with superficial water: Aosta plain case (northern Italy) 134
COMPSEC, a new tool to derive natural background levels by the component separation approach: Application in two different hydrogeological contexts in northern Italy 133
Hydrogeological and hydrochemical characterization to assess wells vulnerability in the scope of Water Safety Plans, a case study in Northern Italy 133
Integration of Stratigraphic Data, Pump Test and Geophysics for the Analysis of Shallow Unconsolidated Aquifers in West Africa and Identification of Suitable Condition for Manual Drilling 131
Using Cl/Br ratios and water isotopes to trace aquifer recharge in a highly irrigated area, the Po Plain (N Italy) 131
Modeling As release and attenuation by considering a threshold energy for microbially mediated redox reactions 130
Effect of hydrological variations and land-use evolution on chloride trend: a long-term analysis in the Oglio River-Lake Iseo system (Northern Italy) 126
Estimation of groundwater volumes in the Adda-Oglio area (northern Italy) by 3D reconstruction of hydrogeological properties 122
Chloride increase in the deep south-Alpine lake Iseo (Northern Italy): load quantification and source identification with a watershed approach 122
Linking local natural background levels in groundwater to their generating hydrogeochemical processes in Quaternary alluvial aquifers 121
Characterization of shallow aquifers in Guinea Bissau to support the promotion of manual drilling at country level 118
Fenomeno di inquinamento da solventi in acque sotterranee sfruttate ad uso potabile nel nord-ovest della provincia di Milano 117
Approccio metodologico nell'analisi di fenomeni di contaminazione da Arsenico, Ferro e Manganese nelle falde superficiali, il caso del territorio di Cremona 115
Component separation approach to estimate natural background levels: a case study from the lower Po Plain (northern Italy) 114
An integrated theoretical and practical approach for teaching hydrogeology 113
Long-term chloride quantification in a mixed-land-use watershed (Iseo-Oglio system) 113
Groundwater flow & transport models for an oil polluted area in the city of Saint Petersbourg (Russia) 111
Natural background levels and threshold values of selected species in the alluvial aquifers in the Aosta Valley Region (N Italy) 111
Parametrizzazione 3D e modelli idrogeologici del sottosuolo della Pianura Lombarda, con particolare riferimento alla Provincia di Milano 110
Tree-ring δ18O from an alpine catchment reveals changes in glacier stream water inputs between 1980 and 2010 109
Acqua invisibile in città: acqua sotterranea 108
Modeling the unsatured zone for assessing groundwater recharge 108
Groundwater database for sustainable water development in Guinea Bissau 108
Assessment of groundwater availability in the Milan Province aquifers 106
Shuvalovo contamined site analysis with groundwater flow and transport mathematical models 105
Mapping of suitable zones for manual drilling. An overview of the method and the application as decision tools 105
Il progetto GeTraMiN:" Controllo della enesi, trasformazione e migrazione dei nitrati dal suolo alle acque superficiali e sotteranee 104
Promotion of manual drilling in Guinea 104
Nitrate leaching through the unsaturated zone following pig slurry applicatons 103
Optimization of a well system using the ground water management package of MODFLOW-2000 103
Severe disseminated toxoplasmosis after unrelated bone marrow transplantation: a case report 101
Modello 3D del sottosuolo della Pianura Padana: analisi degli effetti della variabilità delle precipitazioni sulle acque sotterranee in un'area lombarda 100
The Shallow Aquifer in a Plain Area of Northern Italy: Estimation of the Fresh Water Stocked in the Subsoil 99
Derivation of preliminary natural background levels for naturally Mn, Fe, As and NH4+ rich groundwater: the case study of Cremona area (Northern Italy) 99
Caratterizzazione e modellizzazione del Non Saturo nella protezione del suolo e delle acque 98
An integrated approach to asses origin and mobilization of As, Fe and Mn in groundwater: the case study of Cremona (northern Italy) 98
Procedure to manage potential groundwater contamination by arsenic, iron and manganese in lower Po Plain: a proposal from the case study of Cremona 95
Promotion of manual drilling in Guinea Bissau: mapping suitable zones and estimating the potential 95
Groundwater mathematical flow model for Polustrovo pilot area 94
Approccio metodologico nell'analisi di fenomeni di contaminazione da Arsenico, Ferro e Manganese nelle falde superficiali: il caso del territorio di Cremona 94
Fenomeno di inquinamento da solventi in acque sotterranee sfruttate ad uso potabile nel Nord-Ovest della provincia di Milano 94
Exploring climate change impact on groundwater supporting a medium and long term water management planning, a case study in Northern Italy 94
Modellizzazione del bilancio idrico ed azotato della pianura Reggiana per la valutazioine della capacità di attenuazione dei suoli all'inquinamento delle acque sotterranee da nitrati di origine agricola 93
Using the hydrochemical database TANGCHIM to manage groundwater quality data: the case study of a leachate plume from a dumping area 92
Modeling groundwater/surface-water interactions and their effects on hydraulic barriers, the case of the industrial area of Mantua (Italy) [Modellazione delle interazioni tra acque superficiali e sotterranee e loro effetto sulle barriere idrauliche, il caso dell’area industriale di Mantova] 92
Assessment of groundwater quantitative status: implementation on the Aosta Plain aquifer 90
Presenza di ammonio e metalli nelle acque sotterranee in Provincia di Cremona 88
Un'applicazione metodologica di delimitazione delle fasce di rispetto dei pozzi per acqua in aree di pianura 88
Preliminary groundwater flow model of the Aosta valley aquifer (Northern italy) 87
How to manage potential groundwater contaminations by As, Fe and Mn in lower Po Plain: a proposal from the case study of Cremona [Come gestire potenziali contaminazioni da As, Fe e Mn nelle acque sotterranee della bassa Pianura Padana: una proposta dal caso studio di Cremona] 86
Groundwater quality characterization of Cremona area (northern Italy) affected by As, Fe and Mn contamination, combining hydrochemical analysis and aquifer texture modeling 85
Preliminary conceptual model of groundwater contamination by Mn, Fe, & As in a multi-layer alluvial aquifer, the case study of Cremona (Northern Italy) 83
Assessment of the chemical status of the alluvial aquifer in the Aosta Plain: an example of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Italy 82
A reproducible procedure to elaborate long groundwater level and abstraction rate time series acquired from data logger, a present-day necessity 81
Totale 14.690
Categoria #
all - tutte 53.289
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 53.289

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.339 0 0 0 0 0 338 350 113 171 135 180 52
2020/20212.415 135 60 235 249 172 241 327 241 178 176 137 264
2021/20221.411 144 174 127 173 63 102 61 56 62 82 153 214
2022/20232.443 277 667 300 194 164 358 42 113 195 10 76 47
2023/20242.346 91 73 88 115 262 696 415 126 111 105 77 187
2024/20252.091 264 439 347 300 447 294 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.836