Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.608
EU - Europa 4.349
AS - Asia 2.087
SA - Sud America 460
AF - Africa 166
OC - Oceania 17
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 12.690
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.385
IT - Italia 1.709
CN - Cina 560
SE - Svezia 392
DE - Germania 337
IE - Irlanda 318
UA - Ucraina 301
RU - Federazione Russa 291
SG - Singapore 273
HK - Hong Kong 255
BR - Brasile 253
TR - Turchia 222
GB - Regno Unito 201
IN - India 163
ID - Indonesia 153
AT - Austria 144
ES - Italia 129
VN - Vietnam 120
CA - Canada 119
EG - Egitto 99
MX - Messico 86
FR - Francia 85
FI - Finlandia 74
DK - Danimarca 65
JP - Giappone 64
PE - Perù 55
CL - Cile 52
PT - Portogallo 52
NL - Olanda 43
KR - Corea 41
IR - Iran 39
EC - Ecuador 32
RO - Romania 32
PL - Polonia 31
MY - Malesia 30
CO - Colombia 28
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 28
SA - Arabia Saudita 27
AR - Argentina 25
BE - Belgio 24
IQ - Iraq 18
TH - Thailandia 18
AU - Australia 17
MA - Marocco 17
TW - Taiwan 17
CH - Svizzera 15
GR - Grecia 15
PK - Pakistan 14
KE - Kenya 13
ZA - Sudafrica 12
AL - Albania 11
DZ - Algeria 11
EE - Estonia 11
LT - Lituania 11
BG - Bulgaria 10
HU - Ungheria 10
IL - Israele 10
VE - Venezuela 10
LB - Libano 9
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 7
MD - Moldavia 7
YE - Yemen 7
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 6
CR - Costa Rica 5
HN - Honduras 5
HR - Croazia 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
TN - Tunisia 5
RS - Serbia 4
JO - Giordania 3
NG - Nigeria 3
PH - Filippine 3
BO - Bolivia 2
CU - Cuba 2
EU - Europa 2
LY - Libia 2
NP - Nepal 2
SC - Seychelles 2
UY - Uruguay 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MW - Malawi 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PY - Paraguay 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 12.690
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.556
Woodbridge 337
Chandler 336
Wilmington 323
Jacksonville 315
Milan 313
Dublin 302
Fairfield 280
Houston 241
Singapore 231
Ashburn 214
Frankfurt am Main 199
Dearborn 186
Hong Kong 174
New York 169
Princeton 156
Vienna 134
Santa Clara 119
Jakarta 107
Nanjing 101
Seattle 93
Beijing 89
Cambridge 87
Istanbul 86
Central 78
Rome 78
Lachine 51
Shanghai 45
Dong Ket 44
Cairo 40
Guangzhou 39
Lawrence 39
Brasília 36
Nanchang 33
Bologna 32
Altamura 28
Lima 26
Tokyo 26
Andover 25
Hebei 25
Shenyang 25
Pune 24
Konya 22
Padova 22
Toronto 22
Ankara 21
Brescia 19
Brussels 19
Monza 19
Quito 19
Santiago 19
São Paulo 19
Dallas 18
Ho Chi Minh City 18
London 18
Ottawa 18
Bengaluru 17
Florence 17
Kuala Lumpur 17
Boardman 16
Bovisio-Masciago 16
San Diego 16
Valencia 16
Los Angeles 15
Bangkok 14
Chicago 14
Munich 14
Alexandria 13
Buenos Aires 13
Jinan 13
Kunming 13
Madrid 13
Ningbo 13
Turin 13
Zhengzhou 13
Baghdad 12
Jiaxing 12
Lisbon 12
Manchester 12
Naples 12
Palermo 12
Rio de Janeiro 12
Riyadh 12
Barcelona 11
Changsha 11
Edmonton 11
Giza 11
Hangzhou 11
Helsinki 11
Huizen 11
Jeddah 11
Redmond 11
Ribeirão Preto 11
Tallinn 11
Terranova dei Passerini 11
Tianjin 11
Ahmedabad 10
Fremont 10
Izmir 10
Kiev 10
Totale 7.670
Nome #
Evaluation with micro-CT of the canal seal made with two different bioceramic cements: Guttaflow bioseal and bioroot RCS 704
Minimal invasive flapless piezotome alveolar crest horizontal split technique: Preliminary results 651
Treatment of Osteoradionecrosis of the Jaw with Ozone in the Form of Oil-based Gel: 1-year follow-up 596
Elementi di clinica odontoiatrica per il corso di laurea in odontoiatria e protesi dentaria 555
Digital orthopantomography vs Cone Beam Computed Tomography-Part 1: Detection of periapical lesions 483
Osteoradionecrosis of the posterior maxilla: A new approach combining erbium: Yttrium aluminium garnet laser and bichat bulla flap 330
Digital orthopantomography vs cone beam computed tomography-Part 2: A CBCT analysis of factors influencing the prevalence of periapical lesions 326
Pigmentazioni da clorexidina: efficacia di un collutorio contenente Anti Discoloration System 289
Treatment of temporomandibular disorders of muscular origin with a silicon oral device (Alifix®): Electromyographic analysis 277
Radiographic evaluation of the bone remodeling on tilted osseointegrated implants: Follow-up at 1 Year 277
Profili di responsabilità professionale in ortodonzia: errori e complicanze 249
Evaluation of the oropharyngeal airway space in class II malocclusion treated with mandibular activator: A retrospective study 248
Use of a partial-thickness flap for Guided Bone regeneration in the upper jaw 244
Does Low-Level Laser Therapy Enhance the Efficiency of Orthodontic Dental Alignment? Results from a Randomized Pilot Study 242
Long-term stability of autologous bone graft of intraoral origin after lateral sinus floor elevation with simultaneous implant placement 239
Endodonzia chirurgica retrograda: MTA vs cemento Portland; sperimentazioni in vitro 236
Cone-beam computed tomography accuracy in pulp chamber size evaluation: An ex vivo study 234
Electromyographic Evaluation of Masticatory Muscles in a Young Patient with Crossbite Treated with Rapid Palatal Expander: A Case Report 231
Persistent hiccup reflex activation as a complication of dental implant surgery: a case report 222
Antimicrobial activity, toxicity and accumulated hard-tissue debris (AHTD) removal efficacy of several chelating agents 208
Oral mucosa’s lesions of pediatric leukemia 198
Usage of lactobacillus reuteri dsm 17938 and atcc pta 5289 in the treatment of the patient with black stains 176
Evaluation of Surgical Options for Supernumerary Teeth in the Anterior Maxilla 167
Clinical and functional analyses of the musculoskeletal balance with oral electromyography and stabilometric platform in athletes of different disciplines 154
Prevalence of vertical root fractures in teeth planned for apical surgery. A retrospective cohort study 151
Utilizzo delle miniviti nelle meccaniche ortodontiche di intrusione 147
Linee guida al trattamento dei pazienti con bisogni speciali. Seconda parte 141
Prevention of oral diseases in children with Acute Leukaemia 135
Linee guida al trattamento dei pazienti con bisogni speciali. Prima parte 133
Utilizzo delle miniviti nelle meccaniche ortodontiche di distalizzazione 130
Immediate Autotransplantation of Molars with Closed Apex 129
Profili di responsabilità professionale in endodonzia 129
The association between the psychological status and the severity of facial deformity in orthognathic patients 126
Guidelines for oral and dental management of leukemic children 125
Concentrazioni batteriche nell'acqua dei riuniti odontoiatrici: valutazione delle possibilità di controllo offerte da un protocollo di decontaminazione a base di differenti concentrazioni di perossido di idrogeno 122
Treatment of polymerized resins. A new method 118
Il ruolo della tomografia cone-beam in endodonzia. Validazione di un metodo sperimentale di confronto tra misurazioni effettuate su modelli dentali ex-vivo e su immagini ottenute mediante scansioni con TC con e-beam 118
Vertical Bone Augmentation with GBR Pocket Technique: Surgical Procedure and Preliminary Results 117
Notes on morpho-functional differences between the Meissner's corpuscles of man and the green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops L.) 114
Do the intracanal medicaments affect the marginal adaptation of calcium silicate-based materials to dentin? 114
Oral manifestations of acute leukaemia 110
Occlusion and postural stabilization in patients with previous whiplash: patients with normal occlusion 104
Analysis of the apical constriction using micro-computed tomography and anatomical sections 103
Guidelines for oral and dental management of leukemic children 101
Assessment of Electromyographic Changes in a Patient with Masseter Hypertrophy and Muscle Pain after Botulinum Injections: A Case Report and 5 Months Follow-up 100
A Micro–computed Tomography Evaluation of the Shaping Ability of Two Nickel-titanium Instruments, HyFlex EDM and ProTaper Next 100
Evaluation of a new technique for binding orthodontic wires 99
Filosofia della clinica odontoiatrica 99
Il team odontoiatrico nelle scienze pedo-ortodontiche: approccio clinico e di ricerca 98
Clinical evaluation of a new mouthwash during orthodontic therapy 95
Molars and Premolars Intrusion with the Aim of Tads 93
Filosofia della clinica odontoiatrica dell'Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca 89
Anatomia dentale endodontica: come l’anatomia può condizionare il trattamento 87
Conservative surgical approach for large cysts of dental origin 87
Traumi dentari in età pediatrica 85
TMJ disorders treated with PRGF articular injection: the effectiveness of growth factors 85
Oral Manifestations in Hospitalized COVID Patients 84
Trattamento parodontale di supporto nei pazienti pediatrici sottoposti a trapianto di rene 82
Progetto di screening odontoiatrico sul territorio di Monza e Brianza: gli odontodays 82
Restoration of the Vertical Posterior Dimension in a Grinding Patient before Orthodontic Treatment: A Case-Report with Electromyographic Evaluation of Masticatory Muscles Balance 79
Use of temporary anchorage devices for dental up-righting 79
Le infezioni in odontostomatologia 77
Occlusion and postural stabilization in patients with previous whiplash. Part 2: patients with malocclusion 77
Интрузивная механика с использованием ортодонтических мини-имплантатов [Intrusive mechanics by the use of TADs] 75
Protokol za zbrinjavanje povreda 72
Odontoday: screening pedo-ortodontico nel territorio lombardo 69
Reimpianti dentari nei molari mandibolari 69
Second class functional treatment: Andreasen activator vs twin block 68
Complications connected with the use of temporary anchorage devices 67
Recurrences of surgery for antrochoanal polyps in children: A systematic review 62
Valutazione microbiologica dell'efficacia di un protocollo di igiene orale in un gruppo di pazienti in terapia ortodontica 60
Il trattamento olistico odontoiatrico nel paziente pediatrico con bisogni speciali 60
Temporary anchorage devices e trattamento ortodontico: complicanze e loro frequenza in un campione di 94 miniviti inserite consecutivamente 59
Periapical endodontic surgery: a 3-year follow-up study 56
Correlation between a Force-Sensing Oral Appliance and Electromyography in the Detection of Tooth Contact Bruxism Events 45
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) Aid in the Management of Apical Root Resorption of Impacted Maxillary Canines and Physiologically Erupted Maxillary Canines after Orthodontic Treatment 44
Comparison between Two Methods of Skeletal Growth Evaluation: Cervical Vertebrae Maturations and Middle Phalanx Maturation 29
SCD14 level in saliva of children and adolescents with and without dental caries, a hurdle model 27
Totale 13.176
Categoria #
all - tutte 39.943
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 39.943

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.167 0 0 0 0 0 211 248 113 187 145 204 59
2020/20211.948 112 61 223 203 145 154 215 185 172 155 118 205
2021/20221.080 121 170 128 134 62 80 33 37 43 79 49 144
2022/20232.121 182 399 174 172 194 307 109 165 152 54 99 114
2023/20242.462 129 92 168 156 271 386 284 205 244 123 149 255
2024/20251.643 258 387 215 276 341 166 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.176