Purpose: The purpose of this study is the evaluation of the reasons of the litigation for "malpractice" in dentistry coming out from orthodontic therapy offering to clinician information about the behavior to be assumed in case of litigation and used to minimize the legal consequences. We will show cases that, correctly managed, didn't lead to legal litigations ore were solved quickly before a court and instead cases that, incorrectly managed , led to long and difficult legal acts, ended with unsuccess of the clinician in the court. Materials and methods. In thies study we 'll show, with the use of iconographic support of many forensic cases, the critical steps of the orthodontic therapy in which unwanted consequences may happen subdividing them in "not otherwise avoidable" complications (there's no responsibility for the clinician) or in professional error for uncorrected treatment ("malpractice"). Results and conclusions. Most part of forensic case in a court are not due to errors in treatment only, but especially to an incorrect management of the litigation because of the wrong behavior of the clinician. Therefore it's clear that, using a correct endodontic therapy (main requirement for quality results), it's so important for the clinician to know not only the inspected consequences that may happen but also the errors in clinician's behavior in the relationship between dentist and patient, errors leading unavoidably into a court of the times with the clinician leavening in the litigation.

Scopo dello studio: Questo lavoro intende fornire ai sanitari, attraverso l'analisi dei principali motivi di contenzioso per responsabilità professionale di origine ortodontica, informazioni di comportamento utili a ridurne l'incidenza e le conseguenze. Verranno presentati casi di situazioni di conflitto medico-paziente nei quali, grazie ad una corretta gestione , non sono derivate conseguenze in ambito giudiziario e casi nei quali, invece, proprio a causa di errori di gestione, si sono instaurati contenziosi giudiziari con obbligo di risarcimento del sanitario. Materiali e metodi. Nel lavoro vengono evidenziati, con il supporto iconografico di molteplici casi clinici giunti all'osservazione in ambito di responsabilità professionale, i momenti critici del trattamento ortodontico in cui si possono verificare conseguenze indesiderate, suddividendole in complicanze non altrimenti evitabili (in cui non vi è colpa professionale del sanitario) e in errore secondari invece un incongruo trattamento. Risultati e conclusioni. La maggior parte dei casi giudiziari è dovuta non solo a un errore nel trattamento, ma soprattutto ad un'incongrua gestione del contenzioso per un inadeguato comportamento del sanitario. E' quindi evidente che, a parte l'utilizzo di corrette tecniche ortodontiche, requisito base per una ortodonzia di qualità, è fondamentale per i sanitari conoscere non solo le conseguenze negative che possono verificarsi , ma anche, gli errori comportamentali nel rapporto medico-paziente che sfociano inevitabilmente nel contenzioso, il più delle volte a esito sfavorevole per il sanitario.

Maddalone, M., Radice, C., Pellegrinelli, M. (2012). Profili di responsabilità professionale in ortodonzia: errori e complicanze. IL DENTISTA MODERNO, 44-69.

Profili di responsabilità professionale in ortodonzia: errori e complicanze



Purpose: The purpose of this study is the evaluation of the reasons of the litigation for "malpractice" in dentistry coming out from orthodontic therapy offering to clinician information about the behavior to be assumed in case of litigation and used to minimize the legal consequences. We will show cases that, correctly managed, didn't lead to legal litigations ore were solved quickly before a court and instead cases that, incorrectly managed , led to long and difficult legal acts, ended with unsuccess of the clinician in the court. Materials and methods. In thies study we 'll show, with the use of iconographic support of many forensic cases, the critical steps of the orthodontic therapy in which unwanted consequences may happen subdividing them in "not otherwise avoidable" complications (there's no responsibility for the clinician) or in professional error for uncorrected treatment ("malpractice"). Results and conclusions. Most part of forensic case in a court are not due to errors in treatment only, but especially to an incorrect management of the litigation because of the wrong behavior of the clinician. Therefore it's clear that, using a correct endodontic therapy (main requirement for quality results), it's so important for the clinician to know not only the inspected consequences that may happen but also the errors in clinician's behavior in the relationship between dentist and patient, errors leading unavoidably into a court of the times with the clinician leavening in the litigation.
Articolo in rivista - Articolo scientifico
Orthdontic treatment, orthodontic informed consent, legal responsibilities, malpractice incident
Trattamento ortodontico, consenso informato, responsabilità professionale, errori professionali
Maddalone, M., Radice, C., Pellegrinelli, M. (2012). Profili di responsabilità professionale in ortodonzia: errori e complicanze. IL DENTISTA MODERNO, 44-69.
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