Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.234
NA - Nord America 9.549
AS - Asia 2.077
SA - Sud America 40
OC - Oceania 19
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
AF - Africa 7
Totale 21.937
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.337
IT - Italia 5.983
DE - Germania 904
CN - Cina 851
SE - Svezia 751
SG - Singapore 664
UA - Ucraina 532
IE - Irlanda 524
RU - Federazione Russa 383
GB - Regno Unito 293
HK - Hong Kong 217
DK - Danimarca 209
CA - Canada 204
FR - Francia 195
FI - Finlandia 137
VN - Vietnam 127
NL - Olanda 84
TR - Turchia 48
CH - Svizzera 42
AT - Austria 39
IN - India 38
BE - Belgio 37
ES - Italia 33
ID - Indonesia 28
BR - Brasile 26
IR - Iran 26
KR - Corea 18
AU - Australia 17
RS - Serbia 17
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 15
IL - Israele 15
JP - Giappone 13
PL - Polonia 13
EU - Europa 10
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 7
HU - Ungheria 6
LV - Lettonia 6
MX - Messico 6
AZ - Azerbaigian 5
AL - Albania 4
PE - Perù 4
PT - Portogallo 4
TW - Taiwan 4
AD - Andorra 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
CO - Colombia 3
HR - Croazia 3
MD - Moldavia 3
MV - Maldive 3
PK - Pakistan 3
RO - Romania 3
VE - Venezuela 3
AR - Argentina 2
EG - Egitto 2
LT - Lituania 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MA - Marocco 2
MU - Mauritius 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PH - Filippine 2
TH - Thailandia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
CL - Cile 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
GR - Grecia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MY - Malesia 1
PA - Panama 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 21.937
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.877
Milan 1.230
Woodbridge 800
Frankfurt am Main 703
Fairfield 658
Chandler 631
Houston 620
Jacksonville 598
Singapore 529
Dublin 500
Ashburn 487
Wilmington 455
Rome 357
Dearborn 295
Seattle 273
Princeton 232
New York 217
Cambridge 213
Hong Kong 205
Santa Clara 205
Nanjing 154
Beijing 100
Lachine 96
Shanghai 94
Hangzhou 91
Dong Ket 87
Boardman 74
Turin 67
Florence 62
Bologna 61
Altamura 57
Lawrence 53
Ottawa 49
Andover 47
Nanchang 47
San Diego 47
Bari 46
Monza 43
Shenyang 38
Helsinki 37
Vienna 35
Guangzhou 33
Padova 33
Como 32
Dallas 32
Torino 32
Brussels 31
Changsha 28
Fremont 28
Toronto 28
Mountain View 27
Verona 27
Bergamo 26
Hebei 26
Jakarta 26
Naples 26
Brescia 25
Tianjin 25
Trento 24
Cagliari 23
Catania 22
Genoa 22
London 22
Menlo Park 22
Norwalk 21
Jiaxing 19
Kunming 19
Napoli 19
Redmond 19
Amsterdam 18
Meda 18
Palermo 18
Pescara 18
Novara 17
Zhengzhou 17
Busto Arsizio 15
Cinisello Balsamo 15
Edmonton 15
Paderno Dugnano 15
Paris 15
Philadelphia 15
University Park 15
Jinan 14
Los Angeles 14
Pavia 14
Perugia 14
Prato 14
Duncan 13
Falls Church 13
Rho 13
San Giuliano Milanese 13
Settimo Milanese 13
Venice 13
Washington 13
Bolzano 12
Chicago 12
Hefei 12
San Maurizio Canavese 12
Sassari 12
Savski Venac 12
Totale 13.631
Nome #
La Scienza Dei Dati 2.645
Psicologia Generale - Nuova edizione con risorse online 1.993
Multiple neural representations of elementary logical connectives 529
Profiling Online Poker Players: Are Executive Functions Correlated with Poker Ability and Problem Gambling? 437
Looking for Honesty: The Primary Role of Morality (vs. Sociability and Competence) in Information Gathering 414
Working memory in healthy aging and in Parkinson's disease: Evidence of interference effects 367
Psicologia cognitiva. Mente e cervello. Con e-text. Con espansione online 347
Effects of asymmetric questions on impression formation: A trade-off between evidence diagnosticity and frequency 345
Large scale brain activations predict reasoning profiles 342
Evidence Evaluation: Measure Z Corresponds to Human Utility Judgments Better than Measure L and Optimal-Experimental-Design Models 325
You are fair, but I expect you to also behave unfairly: Positive asymmetry in trait-behavior relations for moderate morality information 302
When Fruits Lose to Animals: Disorganized Search of Semantic Memory in Parkinson's Disease 293
The influence of affective factors on time perception 278
Being honest and acting consistently: Boundary conditions of the negativity effect in the attribution of morality 255
Oggetto e metodi della psicologia generale 239
Fallacie nel ragionamento probatorio 232
Preferences for different questions when testing hypotheses in an abstract task: Positivity does play a role, asymmetry does not 228
Rethinking the focusing effect in decision making 215
Psicologia generale 211
Integration of base rates and new information in an abstract hypothesis-testing task 194
Conditional and syllogistic deductive tasks dissociate functionally during premise integration 192
Premessa alla Nuova edizione con risorse online 192
Il ragionamento probabilistico nella diagnosi medica: sensibilità e insensibilità alle informazioni. 190
The effect of outcome information on doctors' evaluations of their own diagnostic decisions 188
Taking into account the observers’ uncertainty: a graduated approach to the credibility of the patient’s pain evaluation 186
Response demands and the recruitment of heuristic strategies in syllogistic reasoning 184
Fundamental dimensions of social judgment: Sociability and morality as distinct characteristics of social warmth 183
You want to give a good impression? Be honest! Moral traits dominate group impression formation 183
Does everyone love everyone? The psychology of iterative reasoning 182
Effetto framing: implicazioni in ambito medico 181
Neural basis of generation of conclusions in elementary deduction 179
A graduate approach to credibility attribution in pain assessment 177
Generation of hypotheses in Wason's 2-4-6 task: An information theory approach 176
Attending to objects: costs or benefits? 176
New knowledge for old credences: Asymmetric information search about in-group and out-group members 174
From models to rules: Mechanization of reasoning as a way to cope with cognitive overloading in combinatorial problems 173
Missing the dog that failed to bark in the nighttime: on the overestimation of occurrences over non-occurrences in hypothesis testing 171
Improving attitudes toward prostate examinations by loss-framed appeals 169
Nothing new under the sun, or the moon, or both 168
The influence of anchoring on pain judgment 166
Dimensioni fondamentali del giudizio sociale: evidenze sull’importanza di moralità nella formazione di impressioni 166
Nothing new under the sun,or the moon, or both 166
Inference-driven attention in symbolic and perceptual tasks: Biases toward expected and unexpected inputs 159
Moderators of the Feature-Positive Effect in Abstract Hypothesis-Evaluation Tasks 157
Conditionals and conditional thinking 156
How the presence of information directs people when selecting hypotheses 156
A graduate approach to credibility attribution in pain assessment 154
Errors in deductive reasoning 154
Facilitation and inhibition caused by the orienting of attention in propositional reasoning tasks 153
You want to give a good impression? Be honest! Moral traits dominate impression formation 152
Can any ostrich fly? Some new data on belief bias in syllogistic reasoning 149
Long-term decrease in subjective perceived efficacy of immunosuppressive treatment after heart transplantation 148
The leading role of morality in the impression-formation process 148
Testing hypotheses about social targets: The effects of instructions on asymmetric strategies 147
Gli obiettivi, le strategie e le azioni dell’università di Milano-Bicocca 146
Are you honest? I doubt it. Asymmetric trait-behavior relations in the morality vs. competence dimensions 146
A re-examination of illusory inferences based on factual conditional sentences 145
Fundamental dimensions of social judgment: The leading role of morality in the impression-formation process 144
Recruitment of intuitive versus analytic thinking strategies affects the role of working memory in a gambling task 142
Judgements of deontic relevance in reasoning: A reply to Jackson and Griggs 140
On the importance of morality (vs. sociability and competence) in information-gathering 139
The additive integration of prior probabilities and new present information in one-shot tasks of hypothesis evaluation 139
Selezione di informazioni e controllo di ipotesi sociali: possibili strategie di debiasing 139
Selezione di informazioni e dimensioni stereotipiche: il ruolo primario di moralità 138
Deduction without awareness 137
Social and cognitive factors affecting information search for ingroup and outgroup members 134
Misweighing clues: A feature-positive effect in belief update 134
Effects of asymmetric questions on impression formation: A trade-off between evidence diagnosticity and frequency 134
Social and Cognitive Factors Affecting Asymmetric Social Hypothesis Testing 134
On the short horizon of spontaneous iterative reasoning in logical puzzles and games 132
What is a good question? Positivity and diagnosticity drive people’s testing preferences in abstract tasks. Asymmetry does not 130
The role of initial impressions when evaluating credibility in the observers-patients relationship 126
Confirming expectations in asymmetric and symmetric social hypothesis testing 126
The effect of outcome information on health professionals’ spontaneous learning 125
Nudge: l’ultimo nato in casa ergonomia 125
Information gathering on social targets: the trade-off between frequency and diagnosticity 124
A subliminal premise can automatically trigger an elementary deductive inference 122
Psicologia del pensiero 122
Semantic fluency: Cognitive basis and diagnostic performance in focal dementias and Alzheimer's disease 122
Neural correlates of inference-driven attention in perceptual and symbolic tasks: An event-related potential study 120
Information Search and Stereotyping 119
Recensione di 'G.B. Vicario. Il tempo. Saggio di psicologia sperimentale' 112
Effetti di framing nella presa di decisione in ambito medico 111
Diritto : Elementi di psicologia giuridica; processi cognitivi e ragionamento giudiziario; i processi decisionali del giudice e dell'avvocato 111
Differenza tra verità e asseribilità di condizionali fattuali e controfattuali 110
There’s foreigner and foreigner: xenophobic reasoning and anti‐immigrant discourse 107
Enhancing human-AI collaboration: The case of colonoscopy 105
Effetti di framing nella presa di decisione in ambito medico 104
Symposium on ‘‘Cognition and Rationality: Part II’’ (introduction) 101
Cheating e questionable research practices come strategie razionali 98
Creatività e innovazione 97
Symposium on ‘‘Cognition and Rationality: Part I’’ (introduction) 95
Decisioni in contesti interattivi 95
Cognizione e computazione 92
Experimental evidence of effective human–AI collaboration in medical decision-making 90
L’errore in medicina 88
Apprendere per esperienza diretta: uomini e topi 87
La decisione in ambito medico 86
Il crimine come scambio: schemi metaforici nel codice penale? 84
Totale 21.419
Categoria #
all - tutte 60.986
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 60.986

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.392 0 0 0 0 0 0 417 201 284 162 246 82
2020/20214.063 152 64 273 218 258 875 661 312 394 370 209 277
2021/20222.312 141 223 249 367 109 188 103 142 137 138 188 327
2022/20233.270 336 705 316 324 270 478 91 192 241 70 153 94
2023/20243.065 145 162 229 440 317 539 430 150 196 87 109 261
2024/20252.444 292 606 438 384 462 235 27 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 22.630