Biosignal comparison for autism assessment using machine learning models and virtual reality
2024 Minissi, M; Altozano, A; Marin-Morales, J; Chicchi Giglioli, I; Mantovani, F; Alcaniz, M
Psychomatics-A Multidisciplinary Framework for Understanding Artificial Minds
2024 Riva, G; Mantovani, F; Wiederhold, B; Marchetti, A; Gaggioli, A
Searching for the Metaverse: Neuroscience of Physical and Digital Communities
2024 Riva, G; Wiederhold, B; Mantovani, F
The Disembodied Disconnect Hypothesis: How Online Interactions Undermine Neurobiological Foundations of Social Cohesion
2024 Riva, G; Wiederhold, B; Mantovani, F
A digital health home intervention for people within the Alzheimer's disease continuum: results from the Ability-TelerehABILITation pilot randomized controlled trial
2023 Rossetto, F; Isernia, S; Realdon, O; Borgnis, F; Blasi, V; Pagliari, C; Cabinio, M; Alberoni, M; Mantovani, F; Clerici, M; Baglio, F
Comparing online cognitive load on mobile versus PC-based devices
2023 Caldiroli, C; Gasparini, F; Corchs, S; Mangiatordi, A; Garbo, R; Antonietti, A; Mantovani, F
Embedding the Patient-Citizen Perspective into an Operational Framework for the Development and the Introduction of New Technologies in Rehabilitation Care: The Smart&Touch-ID Model
2023 Realdon, O; Adorni, R; Ginelli, D; Micucci, D; Blasi, V; Bellavia, D; Schettini, F; Carradore, R; Polsinelli, P; D’Addario, M; Gui, M; Messina, V; Foglia, E; Steca, P; Mantovani, F; Baglio, F
The Electrodermal Activity of Children with ASD in Virtual Reality Tasks Resembling Regular Actions
2023 Minissi, M; Gomez-Zaragoza, L; Maddalon, L; Marin-Morales, J; Mantovani, F; Sirera, M; Abad, L; Cervera-Torres, S; Chicchi Giglioli, I; Alcaniz, M
The whole-body motor skills of children with autism spectrum disorder taking goal-directed actions in virtual reality
2023 Minissi, M; Gomez-Zaragoza, L; Marin-Morales, J; Mantovani, F; Sirera, M; Abad, L; Cervera-Torres, S; Gomez-Garcia, S; Chicchi Giglioli, I; Alcaniz, M
A virtual reality home-based training for the management of stress and anxiety among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
2022 Pallavicini, F; Orena, E; di Santo, S; Greci, L; Caragnano, C; Ranieri, P; Vuolato, C; Pepe, A; Veronese, G; Stefanini, S; Achille, F; Dakanalis, A; Bernardelli, L; Sforza, F; Rossini, A; Caltagirone, C; Fascendini, S; Clerici, M; Riva, G; Mantovani, F
Am I present in imaginary worlds? Intentions, actions, and flow in mediated experiences and fiction
2022 Pianzola, F; Riva, G; Kukkonen, K; Mantovani, F
Assessment of the Autism Spectrum Disorder Based on Machine Learning and Social Visual Attention: A Systematic Review
2022 Minissi, M; Chicchi Giglioli, I; Mantovani, F; Alcaniz Raya, M
Attitudes and Perceived Communicative Competence: The Impact of Different AAC Means of Communication among Italian Teenagers
2022 Radici, E; Heboyan, V; Mantovani, F; De Leo, G
Psychoeducation on Stress and Anxiety Using Virtual Reality: A Mixed-Methods Study
2022 Pallavicini, F; Orena, E; Achille, F; Cassa, M; Vuolato, C; Stefanini, S; Caragnano, C; Pepe, A; Veronese, G; Ranieri, P; Fascendini, S; Defanti, C; Clerici, M; Mantovani, F
The Effects of Playing Video Games on Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness, and Gaming Disorder During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: PRISMA Systematic Review
2022 Pallavicini, F; Pepe, A; Mantovani, F
Virtual Reality Applications in Medicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Systematic Review
2022 Pallavicini, F; Pepe, A; Clerici, M; Mantovani, F
Virtual Reality to Support Healthcare Workers in Managing Stress and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Online Survey
2022 Pallavicini, F; Orena, E; Achille, F; Stefanini, S; Caragnano, C; Vuolato, C; Pepe, A; Ranieri, P; di Santo, S; Greci, L; Fascendini, S; Defanti, A; Clerici, M; Mantovani, F
A Decision Support System in the Context of an Applied Game for Telerehabilitation
2021 Baldi, M; Mavrodiev, P; Galuzzi, B; Mantovani, F; Realdon, O; Messina, E
A qualitative and quantitative virtual reality usability study for the early assessment of ASD children
2021 Minissi, M; Chicchi Gigliol, I; Mantovani, F; Alcaniz, M; Sirera, M; Abad, L
Application of a clinical training based on mindfulness in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
2021 Caldiroli, C; Mangiatordi, A; Fornaro, E; Mantovani, F; Castiglioni, M; Antonietti, A