Con quale aspetto del linguaggio correlano le abilità ritmiche? Una metanalisi della letteratura
2024 Riva, M; Carioti, D; Figini, C; Guasti, M
Situating language and music research in a domain-specific versus domain-general framework: A review of theoretical and empirical data
2024 Drakoulaki, K; Anagnostopoulou, C; Guasti, M; Tillmann, B; Varlokosta, S
The acquisition of Italian as the second language of children with Mandarin or Arabic as first language
2024 Guasti, M; Saponaro, C; Raminelli, L
The Daily Linguistic Practice Interview: A new instrument to assess language use and experience in minority language children and their effect on reading skills
2024 Carioti, D; Stefanelli, S; Giorgi, A; Masia, M; Del Pivo, G; Del Monte, M; Travellini, S; Marcelli, A; Guasti, M; Vernice, M; Berlingeri, M
The production of relative clauses in Italian-speaking children with DLD
2024 Arosio, F; Silleresi, S; Guasti, M
A ReadFree Tool for the identification of reading disorders in monolingual and minority language children: a validation study.
2023 Carioti, D; Stucchi, N; Toneatto, C; Stefanelli, S; Travellini, S; Tettamanti, M; Vernice, M; Guasti, M; Berlingeri, M
Assessing scalar meaning: a first exploratory study on some Italian focus particles
2023 Raminelli, L; Carioti, D; Wünsch, J; Guasti, M
Conceptual Representations of Plurals: A Production Study on the Acquisition of Distributivity and Collectivity.
2023 Saponaro, C; Carioti, D; Riva, M; Guasti, M
Editorial: Language acquisition in diverse linguistic, social and cognitive circumstances, volume II
2023 Garraffa, M; Guasti, M; Marinis, T; Morgan, G
Event Culmination in Child Language
2023 Curti, S; Carioti, D; Guasti, M
Exploring Daily Linguistic Practice and their impact on Minority Language Children’s reading skills.
2023 Carioti, D; Stefanelli, S; Masia, M; Giorgi, A; Del Pivo, G; Del Monte, M; Travellini, S; Marcelli, A; Guasti, M; Vernice, M; Berlingeri, M
Exploring the link between language and rhythm: a meta-analytic study
2023 Carioti, D; Riva, M; Figini, C; Guasti, M
How English-Medium affects language and learning outcomes of children in the Maldives
2023 Bosch, J; Tsimpli, I; Guasti, M
Language Acquisition within Meaning first
2023 Guasti, M
Language as a Mirror of the Mind: How Italian Children Think about Distributivity
2023 Saponaro, C; Carioti, D; Riva, M; Guasti, M
Multilinguismo. Contesti educativi e clinici
2023 Guasti, M; Carioti, D; Costa, F; Silleresi, S
Quando il ritmo incontra il linguaggio: una metanalisi della letteratura.
2023 Riva, M; Carioti, D; Figini, C; Guasti, M
Remote Screening for Developmental Language Disorder in Bilingual Children: Preliminary Validation in Spanish–Italian Speaking Preschool Children
2023 Eikerling, M; Andreoletti, M; Secco, M; Luculli, B; Cha, G; Castro, S; Gazzola, S; Sarti, D; Garzotto, F; Guasti, M; Lorusso, M
Rhythm as a language-independent marker of poor reading performances.
2023 Carioti, D; Taha, J; Stucchi, N; Stefanelli, S; Vernice, M; Sarti, D; De Salvatore, M; Berlingeri, M; Guasti, M
The effect of a priming-based training on the production of object clitic pronouns in Italian speaking children with DLD
2023 Bettelli, G; Guasti, M; Ajmone, P; Tenca, E; Arosio, F