Predicting developmental language disorders using artificial intelligence and a speech data analysis tool
2024 Beccaluva, E; Catania, F; Arosio, F; Garzotto, F
Rhythmic priming of sentence processing in italian children
2024 Curreri, M; Arosio, F
Searching for cognitive and neural biomarkers of Developmental Dyslexia: a longitudinal study on children with familial risk
2024 Carioti, D; Loca, G; Parisi, C; Corigliano, E; Basso, G; Arosio, F; Stucchi, N; Guasti, M; Della Rosa Paquale, A; Berlingeri, M; Tettamanti, M
The Acquisition of Object Clitics in Children with a Phonetic-Phonological Disorder: evidence from comprehension and production
2024 Pagliarini, E; Milan, M; Arosio, F
The production of relative clauses in Italian-speaking children with DLD
2024 Arosio, F; Silleresi, S; Guasti, M
The effect of a priming-based training on the production of object clitic pronouns in Italian speaking children with DLD
2023 Bettelli, G; Guasti, M; Ajmone, P; Tenca, E; Arosio, F
Grasping the Grammar with Moovy: a Tangible User Interface to Train Linguistic Skills in Children
2022 Beccaluva, E; Riccardi, F; Bettelli, G; Moskwa, L; Di Iorio, M; DI GIOIA, F; Pasqua, E; Arosio, F; Guasti, M; Garzotto, F
Prediction on the basis of gender and number in Mandarin-Italian bilingual children
2022 Bosch, J; Chailleux, M; Yee, J; Guasti, M; Arosio, F
Design Patterns of Technology-based Therapeutic Activities for Children with Language Impairments: A Psycholinguistic-Driven Approach
2021 Spitale, M; Silleresi, S; Leonardi, G; Arosio, F; Giustolisi, B; Guasti, M; Garzotto, F
Production of third-person direct object clitics in children with cochlear implants speaking Italian
2021 Giustolisi, B; Guasti, M; Nicastri, M; Mancini, P; Palma, S; Genovese, E; Arosio, F
Two clinical markers for DLD in monolingual Italian speakers: what can they tell us about second language learners with DLD?
2021 Guasti, M; White, M; Bianco, G; Arosio, F; Camilleri, B; Hasson, N
Processing of object clitics in Italian monolingual children.
2020 Arosio, F; Persici, V; Pagliarini, E
Agreement and Interference in Direct Object Clitic Production in Italian Monolingual Children
2019 Arosio, F; Giustolisi, B
Predicting the Future in Rhythm and Language: The Anticipation Abilities of a Group of Italian-Speaking Preschoolers.
2019 Persici, V; Stucchi, N; Arosio, F
Rhythmic and Morphosyntactic Predictions: The Anticipation Abilities of Italian Children with Developmental Dyslexia
2019 Persici, V; Stucchi, N; Arosio, F
Tense, Aspect and Temporal Homogeneity
2019 Arosio, F
The production of wh-questions in italian-speaking children with SLI
2019 Arosio, F; Guasti, M
Predicting the future in rhythm and language: The anticipation skills of a group of Italian children
2018 Persici, V; Stucchi, N; Arosio, F
Rhythmic and morphosyntactic predictions in Italian children with DD
2018 Persici, V; Stucchi, N; Arosio, F
Rhythmic and morphosyntactic predictions: The anticipation abilities of Italian children with developmental dyslexia
2018 Persici, V; Stucchi, N; Arosio, F