Searching for cognitive and neural biomarkers of Developmental Dyslexia: a longitudinal study on children with familial risk
2024 Carioti, D; Loca, G; Parisi, C; Corigliano, E; Basso, G; Arosio, F; Stucchi, N; Guasti, M; Della Rosa Paquale, A; Berlingeri, M; Tettamanti, M
Take your time: What Meter and Rhythm can tell us about Developmental Dyslexia.
2024 Carioti, D; Figini, C; Toneatto, C; Riva, M; Guasti, M; Stucchi, N
A ReadFree Tool for the identification of reading disorders in monolingual and minority language children: a validation study.
2023 Carioti, D; Stucchi, N; Toneatto, C; Stefanelli, S; Travellini, S; Tettamanti, M; Vernice, M; Guasti, M; Berlingeri, M
A ReadFree tool for the identification of reading disorders in monolingual and minority-language children.
2023 Carioti, D; Stucchi, N; Toneatto, C; Stefanelli, S; Del Monte, M; Travellini, S; Marcelli, A; Tettamanti, M; Vernice, M; Berlingeri, M
Rhythm as a language-independent marker of poor reading performances.
2023 Carioti, D; Taha, J; Stucchi, N; Stefanelli, S; Vernice, M; Sarti, D; De Salvatore, M; Berlingeri, M; Guasti, M
The effect of the preferred hand on drawing movement
2023 Zarandi, Z; Stucchi, N; Fadiga, L; Pozzo, T
The ReadFree tool for the identification of poor readers: a validation study based on a machine learning approach in monolingual and minority-language children
2023 Carioti, D; Stucchi, N; Toneatto, C; Masia, M; Del Monte, M; Stefanelli, S; Travellini, S; Marcelli, A; Tettamanti, M; Vernice, M; Guasti, M; Berlingeri, M
A Reading-Free Screening Tool: testare le abilità cognitive sottostanti la dislessia per identificare le difficoltà di lettura in bambini monolingue e bilingue.
2022 Carioti, D; Stucchi, N; Stefanelli, S; Toneatto, C; Masia, M; Travellini, S; Guasti, M; Vernice, M; Berlingeri, M
Identifying the risk of dyslexia in bilingual children: The potential of language-dependent and language-independent tasks
2022 Taha, J; Carioti, D; Stucchi, N; Chailleux, M; Granocchio, E; Sarti, D; De Salvatore, M; Guasti, M
Rapid Automatized Naming as a Universal Marker of Developmental Dyslexia in Italian Monolingual and Minority-Language Children
2022 Carioti, D; Stucchi, N; Toneatto, C; Masia, M; Broccoli, M; Carbonari, S; Travellini, S; Del Monte, M; Riccioni, R; Marcelli, A; Vernice, M; Guasti, M; Berlingeri, M
Suggestions for interdisciplinary teaching in mathematics education: The case of the history of the concept of group
2022 Zudini, V; Stucchi, N
The Poggendorff illusion in Ruben's Descent from the Cross in Antwerp: Does the illusion even matter?
2022 Daneyko, O; Stucchi, N; Zavagno, D
The ReadFree Tool: uno strumento per lo screening delle abilità cognitive sottostanti la lettura nei bambini monolingui e multilingui.
2022 Carioti, D; Stucchi, N; Stefanelli, S; Toneatto, C; Masia, M; Stefanelli, S; Travellini, S; Guasti, M; Vernice, M; Berlingeri, M
Using HoloLens Mixed Reality to research correlations between language and movement: a case study
2022 Beccaluva, E; Vona, F; Di Gioia, F; Patti, A; Guzzo, A; Cappella, I; Ma, Y; Stucchi, N; Garzotto, F
Alla base della Dislessia Evolutiva: testare e isolare le abilità cognitive sottostanti a lettura per lo screening delle difficoltà di apprendimento in bambini monolingue e bilingue.
2021 Carioti, D; Stucchi, N; Stefanelli, S; Toneatto, C; Masia, M; Stefanelli, S; Travellini, S; Guasti, M; Vernice, M; Berlingeri, M
A Tablet App for Handwriting Skill Screening at the Preliteracy Stage: Instrument Validation Study
2020 Dui, L; Lunardini, F; Termine, C; Matteucci, M; Stucchi, N; Borghese, N; Ferrante, S
Arte come forma di comunicazione
2020 Stucchi, N
Timing anticipation in adults and children with Developmental Dyslexia: evidence of an inefficient mechanism
2020 Pagliarini, E; Scocchia, L; Granocchio, E; Sarti, D; Stucchi, N; Guasti, M
Music Education at School: Too Little and Too Late? Evidence From a Longitudinal Study on Music Training in Preadolescents
2019 Carioti, D; Danelli, L; Guasti, M; Gallucci, M; Perugini, M; Steca, P; Stucchi, N; Maffezzoli, A; Majno, M; Berlingeri, M; Paulesu, E
Predicting the Future in Rhythm and Language: The Anticipation Abilities of a Group of Italian-Speaking Preschoolers.
2019 Persici, V; Stucchi, N; Arosio, F