Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.660
EU - Europa 4.997
AS - Asia 1.762
SA - Sud America 23
OC - Oceania 6
AF - Africa 5
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 15.454
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.467
IT - Italia 1.587
CN - Cina 727
DE - Germania 719
SE - Svezia 579
SG - Singapore 524
IE - Irlanda 459
UA - Ucraina 413
RU - Federazione Russa 357
GB - Regno Unito 229
HK - Hong Kong 185
CA - Canada 174
DK - Danimarca 164
VN - Vietnam 147
FR - Francia 129
FI - Finlandia 124
AT - Austria 122
TR - Turchia 55
BE - Belgio 38
IN - India 33
ID - Indonesia 30
JP - Giappone 27
BR - Brasile 18
MX - Messico 18
NL - Olanda 18
CH - Svizzera 13
IL - Israele 9
ES - Italia 8
IR - Iran 7
RO - Romania 7
AU - Australia 6
KR - Corea 6
PL - Polonia 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
HU - Ungheria 4
PT - Portogallo 4
CL - Cile 3
GR - Grecia 3
NO - Norvegia 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DZ - Algeria 2
HR - Croazia 2
LI - Liechtenstein 2
MY - Malesia 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
EG - Egitto 1
LB - Libano 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 15.454
Città #
Ann Arbor 2.019
Woodbridge 903
Chandler 640
Houston 603
Fairfield 556
Frankfurt am Main 504
Jacksonville 496
Dublin 443
Singapore 430
Wilmington 394
Ashburn 376
Milan 334
Dearborn 258
Princeton 204
New York 198
Seattle 197
Santa Clara 185
Cambridge 183
Hong Kong 183
Nanjing 130
Rome 113
Vienna 112
Shanghai 99
Beijing 90
Dong Ket 88
Boardman 85
Lachine 85
Lawrence 56
Altamura 52
Ottawa 42
San Diego 37
Brussels 36
Hangzhou 36
Shenyang 36
Helsinki 35
Padova 35
Falls Church 33
Nanchang 33
Jakarta 28
Andover 27
Hebei 27
Toronto 25
Guangzhou 24
Tianjin 22
Bologna 20
Thiene 20
Norwalk 19
Philadelphia 18
Verona 18
Overland Park 16
Hefei 15
Kunming 15
Jinan 14
Changsha 13
Jiaxing 13
London 13
Los Angeles 13
Auburn Hills 12
Edmonton 12
Palermo 12
Fremont 11
Melzo 11
Parma 11
Trieste 11
Vicenza 11
Huizen 10
Pescara 10
Turin 10
Monza 9
Pavia 9
Shenzhen 9
University Park 9
Zhengzhou 9
Belgioioso 8
Chicago 8
Cormano 8
Florence 8
Macerata 8
Paris 8
Redmond 8
Washington 8
Brescia 7
Cuauhtémoc 7
Kocaeli 7
Mountain View 7
Ningbo 7
Ancona 6
Chengdu 6
Genoa 6
Nürnberg 6
Sacramento 6
Stuttgart 6
Torino 6
Udine 6
Wuhan 6
Avellino 5
Boulder 5
Casalecchio di Reno 5
Como 5
Dallas 5
Totale 11.043
Nome #
Evoluzione dei modelli interpretativi dello sviluppo atipico delle abilità numeriche 371
Smelling the Space Around Us: Odor Pleasantness Shifts Visuospatial Attention in Humans 360
Distancing the present self from the past and the future: Psychological distance in anxiety and depression 348
Walking on a mental time line: Temporal processing affects step movements along the sagittal space 345
Colours + Numbers differs from colours of numbers: cognitive and visual illusions in grapheme-colour synaesthesia 338
Arithmetic, working memory, and visuospatial imagery abilities in children with poor geometric learning 333
A Place for Zero in the Brain 320
Number processing and calculation - Normative data from healthy adults 272
Intellect is not that expensive: differential association of cultural and socio-economic factors with crystallized intelligence in a sample of Italian adolescents 270
How difficult is it for adolescents to maintain attention? The differential effects of video games and sports 269
Pleasantness smells like a spatial boundary: Odor pleasantness shifts visuospatial attention in humans 246
Cultural and biological factors modulate spatial biases over development 242
A helping hand putting in order: Visuomotor routines organize numerical and non-numerical sequences in space 240
Infants’ detection of increasing numerical order comes before detection of decreasing number 234
Radial bisection of words and lines in right-brain-damaged patients with spatial neglect 210
Minds without language represent number through space: Origins of the mental number line 203
More far is more right: Manual and ocular line bisections, but not the Judd illusion, depend on radial space 200
Keeping an eye on serial order: Ocular movements bind space and time 200
Happiness takes you right: The effect of emotional stimuli on line bisection 199
Non-symbolic numerosity encoding escapes spatial frequency equalization 199
The effects of hemispheric dominance, literacy acquisition, and handedness on the development of visuospatial attention: A study in preschoolers and second graders 198
Manual actions cover symbolic distances at different speed 198
The influence of Number and Magnitude Information on Space representation in Children 197
Human infants’ preference for left-to-right oriented increasing numerical sequences 193
Mathematical skills in Prader-Willi syndrome 187
Grasping the sound: Auditory pitch influences size processing in motor planning 177
Writing through the phonological buffer: a case of progressive writing disorder 174
The representational space of numerical magnitude: Illusions of length 172
Visualizing numbers in the mind’s eye the role of visuo-spatial processes in numerical abilities 169
Numerical representations: abstract or supramodal? Some may be spatial 167
On knowing about nothing: The processing of zero in single- and multi-digit multiplication 164
Visuo-spatial components of numerical representation 159
The centre is not in the middle: spatial biases in the bisection of different visual stimuli 159
Interactions between number and space: Further evidence for a cognitive illusion 158
Numbers can move our hands: A spatial representation effect in digits handwriting 158
Mapping Numbers on the Hand and on the Head: Which Direction? 154
Numerical abilities in dementia 152
Spatial-numerical consistency impacts on preschoolers' numerical representation: Children can count on both peripersonal and personal space 148
Reading direction shifts visuo-spatial attention: an Interactive Account of attentional biases 147
Seven-month-old infants detect ordinal numerical relationships within temporal sequences 146
The centre is not in the middle: evidence from line and word bisection 145
Meeting an “Impossible Challenge” in Semantic Dementia: Outstanding Performance in Numerical Sudoku and Quantitative Number Knowledge 145
Pitch and grasp the sound! Action planning dances on pitch dimension. 144
Musical expertise modulates the spatial organization of pitch representation 142
The representation of episodic and autobiographical events in working memory: evidence for different Mental Time Lines 142
Quanto contano le dita? Effetti direzionali nella rappresentazione numerica 141
The number-space interaction across development 141
Numbers and space: A cognitive illusion? 140
Increasing magnitude counts more: Asymmetrical processing of ordinality in 4-month-old infants 139
Are numerical impairments syndrome specific? Evidence from Williams Sindrome and Down's Sindrome 138
Finding the SNARC in signed numbers: Notational effects in accessing number representation 138
Are 4-month-olds able to discriminate non-numerical ordinal sequences? 136
Seven-month-old infants’ ability to detect ordinal numerical relationships within temporal and spatiotemporal sequences 130
The role of number-space associations in preschoolers' numerical competence. 127
Progressive decline of numerical skills in dementia of Alzheimer's type 125
Stimulus length differently affects the visual bisection of lines and ortographic material 125
Numbers reorient visuo-spatial attention during cancellation tasks 124
Numbers impact on motion speed 123
Inductive reasoning and implicit memory: Evidence from intact and impaired memory systems 121
Are 4-month-olds able to discriminate ordinal sequences of non-numerical quantities? 120
Pitch and grasp the sound! 120
Rehabilitation of number processing and calculation skills 119
Left-to-right oriented number line: Infants' use of space to represent number magnitude 118
Effetti morfo-sintattici nella bisezione di stimoli visuo-verbali 117
I disturbi acquisiti nell’elaborazione dei numeri e del calcolo 117
The ratio effect in visual numerosity comparisons is preserved despite spatial frequency equalisation 114
Exploiting illusory effects to disclose similarities in numerical and luminance processing 112
Commentary: From 'sense of number' to 'sense of magnitude' - The role of continuous magnitudes in numerical cognition 112
Language dependent constraints underlying order-fingers mapping 111
Cognitive Reserve Potential: Capturing cognitive resilience capability in adolescence 110
Mind the Space in Time: The Role of Sensorimotor Experience in Temporal Order Processing 109
An Interactive Account of visuo-spatial asymmetries: developmental and cross-cultural impact of reading and writing systems 109
Noi e i numeri. Talvolta li amiamo, più spesso li detestiamo. Perché? 105
Strategic learning in the rehabilitation of semantic knowledge 104
Placing order in space: The SNARC effect in serial learning 103
What makes a word so attractive? Disclosing the urge to read while bisecting 103
Four-month-old infants' detection of order: An advantage for increasing non-numerical sequences 102
Keeping an eye on temporal order: ocular movements bind space and time 101
Nature or Nurture in finger counting: a review on the determinants of number-finger mapping 101
An Interactive Account of visuo-spatial asymmetries: visuo-motor exploration is situated between biological and cultural determinants 100
Il ruolo dell'associazione numeri spazio nella competenza numerica prescolare 98
Numeri e calcolo: semplici compiti prescolari precursori di abilità simboliche al primo anno di scolarizzazione 97
Pitch and grasp the sound! Action planning dances on pitch dimension 97
Developmental Coordination Disorder and Developmental Dyspraxia. Towards a shared knowledge and clinical practice? [Disturbo di sviluppo della coordinazione motoria e disprassia evolutiva È possibile una condivisione di conoscenze e pratiche cliniche?] 97
Asymmetries in near and far space: commonalities and differences between manual and ocular bisection. 96
Number is not just an illusion: Discrete numerosity is encoded independently from perceived size 95
Rappresentarsi il nulla: indagine sul concetto di zero in bambini di 5 e 6 anni. 94
Influenza contestuale dei sistemi di letto-scrittura nei processi di attenzione visuo-spaziale 94
A helping hand putting in order? Language dependent constraints underlying order-fingers mapping 94
Prendi il suono! Influenza dell’altezza del suono nel controllo motorio 93
Increasing magnitude counts more: evidence from 4-month-old infants' detection of non-numerical ordinal sequences 92
Grasping the sound: Action planning dances on pitch dimension 89
Reading direction shifts visuo-spatial attention: when attentional biases are cultural based 87
Treatment efficacy of language and calculation disorders and speech apraxia: a review of the literature 86
Nonsymbolic numerosity in sets with illusory-contours exploits a context-sensitive, but contrast-insensitive, visual boundary formation process 86
Visual illusions as a tool to hijack numerical perception: Disentangling nonsymbolic number from its continuous visual properties 85
Are 4-month-olds able to discriminate ordinal sequences of non-numerical quantities? 82
Aritmetica esatta e approssimativa in età prescolare 81
L’associazione numeri-spaizo nello sviluppo della competenza numerica. 81
La neuroplasticità e l'apprendimento 79
Totale 15.452
Categoria #
all - tutte 49.002
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 49.002

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.347 0 0 0 0 0 276 313 173 239 119 190 37
2020/20212.306 109 132 225 238 174 185 187 179 197 229 170 281
2021/20221.402 115 190 195 114 81 109 58 64 58 108 96 214
2022/20232.478 247 694 277 243 163 348 18 135 178 27 80 68
2023/20241.750 56 77 81 75 223 357 304 91 173 63 73 177
2024/20251.538 215 467 171 216 317 152 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.049