Out-of-vocabulary but not meaningless: Evidence for semantic-priming effects in pseudoword processing
2023 Gatti, D; Marelli, M; Rinaldi, L
The spatial representation of serial order in infancy
2022 Bettoni, R; Rinaldi, L; Arioli, M; Tursi, B; Bulf, H; Macchi Cassia, V
Musical training in children enhances serial order and rule learning.
2021 Bettoni, R; Rinaldi, L; &, ; Macchi Cassia, V
Non-symbolic numerosity encoding escapes spatial frequency equalization
2021 Adriano, A; Girelli, L; Rinaldi, L
The spatial representation of serial order in pre-literate children: an online study
2021 Bettoni, R; Rinaldi, L; Savoldi, M; Bulf, H; Macchi, C
Visual illusions as a tool to hijack numerical perception: Disentangling nonsymbolic number from its continuous visual properties
2021 Adriano, A; Rinaldi, L; Girelli, L
How difficult is it for adolescents to maintain attention? The differential effects of video games and sports
2020 Petilli, M; Rinaldi, L; Trisolini, D; Girelli, L; Vecchio, L; Daini, R
Instrumental expertise and musical timbre modulate the spatial representation of pitch
2020 Lega, C; Cattaneo, Z; Ancona, N; Vecchi, T; Rinaldi, L
The effect of blindness on spatial asymmetries
2020 Rinaldi, L; Ciricugno, A; Merabet, L; Vecchi, T; Cattaneo, Z
The effects of hemispheric dominance, literacy acquisition, and handedness on the development of visuospatial attention: A study in preschoolers and second graders
2020 Rinaldi, L; di Luca, S; Toneatto, C; Girelli, L
The Role of Binocular Vision in Driving Pseudoneglect in Visual and Haptic Bisection: Evidence from Strabismic and Monocular Blind Individuals
2020 Ciricugno, A; Rinaldi, L; Vecchi, T; Merabet, L; Cattaneo, Z
The use of number words in natural language obeys Weber’s law
2020 Rinaldi, L; Marelli, M
More far is more right: Manual and ocular line bisections, but not the Judd illusion, depend on radial space
2018 Rinaldi, L; Bertolini, G; Bockisch, C; Maravita, A; Girelli, L; Brugger, P
Smelling the Space Around Us: Odor Pleasantness Shifts Visuospatial Attention in Humans
2018 Rinaldi, L; Maggioni, E; Olivero, N; Maravita, A; Girelli, L
Spatial biases in deaf, blind, and deafblind individuals as revealed by a haptic line bisection task
2018 Cattaneo, Z; Rinaldi, L; Geraci, C; Cecchetto, C; Papagno, C
The Ego-Moving Metaphor of Time Relies on Visual Experience: No Representation of Time Along the Sagittal Space in the Blind
2018 Rinaldi, L; Vecchi, T; Fantino, M; Merabet, L; Cattaneo, Z
The representation of episodic and autobiographical events in working memory: evidence for different Mental Time Lines
2018 Rizzi, E; Rinaldi, L; Girelli, L
The Spatial Musical Association of Response Codes does not depend on a normal visual experience: A study with early blind individuals
2018 Cattaneo, Z; Lega, C; Rinaldi, L; Fantino, M; Ferrari, C; Merabet, L; Vecchi, T
The spatial representation of number, time, and serial order following sensory deprivation: A systematic review
2018 Rinaldi, L; Merabet, L; Vecchi, T; Cattaneo, Z
The spatial representation of numbers and time follow distinct developmental trajectories: A study in 6- and 10-year-old children
2018 Nava, E; Rinaldi, L; Bulf, H; Macchi Cassia, V