sFlt-1 Levels as a Predicting Tool in Placental Dysfunction Complications in Multiple Pregnancies
2023 Giardini, V; Grilli, L; Terzaghi, A; Todyrenchuk, L; Zavettieri, C; Mazzoni, G; Cozzolino, S; Casati, M; Vergani, P; Locatelli, A
Comment on: "Effect of delayed interval delivery of remaining fetus(es) in multiple pregnancies on survival: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
2020 Lazzarin, S; Cozzolino, S; Vergani, P
Delivery and feto-neonatal outcomes of diamniotic twin pregnancies in women with no chronic disease or gestational complications: impact of mode of conception
2020 Algeri, P; Ornaghi, S; Vaglio Tessitore, I; Letizia, N; Brienza, N; Cozzolino, S; Incerti, M; Vergani, P
Erratum: Masquerading as pea plants: Behavioural and morphological evidence for mimicry of multiple models in an Australian orchid (Annals of Botany Annals of Botany (2019) 123 (743-746) DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcy166)
2019 Scaccabarozzi, D; Cozzolino, S; Guzzetti, L; Galimberti, A; Milne, L; Dixon, K; Phillips, R
Isolated spina bifida aperta: prenatal ventriculomegaly as an ultrasound prognostic marker
2019 Giardini, V; Verderio, M; Cozzolino, S; Vergani, P
Neonatal hypoxia of the second twin after vaginal delivery of the first twin: what matters?*
2019 Algeri, P; Callegari, C; Bernasconi, D; Incerti, M; Cozzolino, S; Paterlini, G; Mastrolia, S; Pellizzoni, F; Vergani, P
What is the effect of intertwin delivery interval on the outcome of the second twin delivered vaginally?
2019 Algeri, P; Callegari, C; Mastrolia, S; Brienza, L; Vaglio Tessitore, I; Paterlini, G; Incerti, M; Cozzolino, S; Vergani, P
2D versus 3D real time ultrasound with live xPlane imaging to visualize aortic and ductal arches: Comparison between methods
2018 Dell'Oro, S; Verderio, M; Incerti, M; Mastrolia, S; Cozzolino, S; Vergani, P
Delivery and Neonatal Outcomes in Uncomplicated Dichorionic Twin Pregnancies According to Mode of Conception
2018 Algeri, P; Ornaghi, S; VAGLIO TESSITORE, I; Brienza, L; Cozzolino, S; Incerti, M; Vergani, P
Expectant management in di-chorionic pregnancies complicated by discordant anomalous twin
2018 Algeri, P; Russo, F; Incerti, M; Cozzolino, S; Pelizzoni, F; Bernasconi, D; Montanelli, L; Locatelli, L; Vergani, P
Identification of fetal growth restriction in a population of stillbirths: a comparison of three different growth curves
2018 Carli, A; Rovelli, R; Dell'Oro, S; Moltrasio, F; Cozzolino, S; Ornaghi, S; Vergani, P
Influence of weight gain, according to Institute of Medicine 2009 recommendation, on spontaneous preterm delivery in twin pregnancies
2018 Algeri, P; Pelizzoni, F; Bernasconi, D; Russo, F; Incerti, M; Cozzolino, S; Mastrolia, S; Vergani, P
Selective IUGR in dichorionic twins: what can Doppler assessment and growth discordancy say about neonatal outcomes?
2018 Algeri, P; Frigerio, M; Lamanna, M; Petrova, P; Cozzolino, S; Incerti, M; Mastrolia, S; Roncaglia, N; Vergani, P
In vitro fertilization and perinatal outcomes in twin pregnancies: does it really matter?
2017 Algeri, P; Ornaghi, S; Vaglio Tessitore, I; Brienza, L; Cozzolino, S; Incerti, M; Vergani, P