Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 15.040
EU - Europa 10.263
AS - Asia 4.236
OC - Oceania 314
SA - Sud America 108
AF - Africa 95
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
Totale 30.071
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 14.689
IT - Italia 3.471
DE - Germania 1.330
CN - Cina 1.215
SG - Singapore 1.047
GB - Regno Unito 794
SE - Svezia 776
IE - Irlanda 756
RU - Federazione Russa 646
DK - Danimarca 617
UA - Ucraina 595
HK - Hong Kong 535
CA - Canada 329
AU - Australia 286
NL - Olanda 272
FR - Francia 254
VN - Vietnam 222
TR - Turchia 205
KR - Corea 201
FI - Finlandia 195
MY - Malesia 139
AT - Austria 125
TW - Taiwan 109
ID - Indonesia 102
IN - India 96
JP - Giappone 92
CH - Svizzera 76
BE - Belgio 68
BR - Brasile 63
PH - Filippine 60
IR - Iran 53
NO - Norvegia 48
RO - Romania 38
ES - Italia 37
ZA - Sudafrica 33
PT - Portogallo 30
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 28
TH - Thailandia 28
SA - Arabia Saudita 25
IL - Israele 24
PK - Pakistan 22
PL - Polonia 21
CO - Colombia 20
GR - Grecia 18
RS - Serbia 17
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 16
MX - Messico 16
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 13
PE - Perù 13
EU - Europa 11
JE - Jersey 11
LT - Lituania 11
MA - Marocco 11
CY - Cipro 9
EC - Ecuador 9
EG - Egitto 9
BD - Bangladesh 8
HU - Ungheria 8
KE - Kenya 8
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 7
JO - Giordania 6
NG - Nigeria 5
NP - Nepal 5
TN - Tunisia 5
UG - Uganda 5
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 4
BG - Bulgaria 4
ET - Etiopia 4
GH - Ghana 4
SI - Slovenia 4
EE - Estonia 3
IQ - Iraq 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
LV - Lettonia 3
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 3
AM - Armenia 2
AR - Argentina 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
LB - Libano 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MK - Macedonia 2
MT - Malta 2
MW - Malawi 2
RW - Ruanda 2
SC - Seychelles 2
SO - Somalia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
BZ - Belize 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CL - Cile 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DZ - Algeria 1
GT - Guatemala 1
HR - Croazia 1
IS - Islanda 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KH - Cambogia 1
KW - Kuwait 1
KY - Cayman, isole 1
Totale 30.066
Città #
Ann Arbor 3.529
Woodbridge 1.286
Fairfield 1.125
Houston 962
Singapore 865
Milan 830
Frankfurt am Main 770
Wilmington 747
Dublin 727
Chandler 722
Ashburn 669
Jacksonville 640
Hong Kong 460
Seattle 416
Cambridge 365
Santa Clara 348
Princeton 334
Dearborn 318
New York 290
Rome 176
Nanjing 162
Dong Ket 155
Beijing 153
Shanghai 133
Lawrence 126
Altamura 117
Vienna 112
Lachine 103
Guangzhou 101
Boardman 97
London 97
Chicago 91
San Diego 89
Los Angeles 83
Naples 72
Hangzhou 70
Newcastle 68
Helsinki 67
Melbourne 66
Sydney 61
Amsterdam 59
Cagliari 58
Toronto 58
Andover 56
Nanchang 56
Shenyang 54
San Jose 52
Ottawa 43
Hebei 42
Kuala Lumpur 42
Jiaxing 41
Florence 40
Padova 36
Yongin-si 36
Jakarta 35
Taipei 35
Torino 35
Turin 35
Ankara 34
Sacramento 34
Tianjin 33
Bologna 31
Central 29
Berlin 28
Brussels 28
Kunming 27
Tokyo 27
Gangnam-gu 26
Durham 25
George Town 25
Manchester 25
Coventry 24
Las Vegas 24
Mountain View 24
Washington 23
Jinan 22
Napoli 21
Norwalk 21
Changsha 20
Gallarate 20
Glasgow 20
Kocaeli 20
Aprilia 19
Monza 19
Chengdu 18
Dallas 18
Montréal 18
Taichung 18
University Park 18
Verona 18
Zurich 18
Dalmine 17
Edmonton 17
Falls Church 17
Ho Chi Minh City 17
Munich 17
Phoenix 17
Redmond 17
Bristol 16
Genova 16
Totale 19.341
Nome #
A practical primer to power analysis for simple experimental designs 3.095
The Self-Referencing task: Theoretical overview and empirical evidence 594
Stability and variability of personality networks. A tutorial on recent developments in network psychometrics 589
The network of conscientiousness 532
State of the aRt personality research: A tutorial on network analysis of personality data in R 479
Assessing Positive Orientation With the Implicit Association Test 472
Generalization of clustering coefficients to signed correlation networks 413
La formazione di atteggiamenti col paradigma di approccio/evitamento: una spiegazione in termini di intersezione tra regolarità 386
Personality traits in social interactions: A tutorial on network analysis of personality dynamics 377
Psychometric properties of the embodiment scale for the rubber hand illusion and its relation with individual differences 377
Motivation modulates the effect of approach on implicit preferences 376
The Big Five Marker Scales (BFMS) and the Italian AB5C taxonomy: Analyses from an emic-etic perspective 372
Expanding the boundaries of evaluative learning research: How intersecting regularities shape our likes and dislikes 341
Indirect measures as a signal for evaluative change 337
Music Education at School: Too Little and Too Late? Evidence From a Longitudinal Study on Music Training in Preadolescents 332
Safeguard Power as a Protection Against Imprecise Power Estimates 327
Sequential hypothesis testing with Bayes factors: Efficiently testing mean differences 317
La crisi internazionale di credibilità della psicologia come un'opportunità di crescita: Problemi e possibili soluzioni 306
How Can Implicit and Explicit Attitudes Both Be Changed? Testing Two Interventions to Promote Consumption of Green Vegetables 293
On the assumptions that we make about the world around us: A conceptual framework for feature transformation effects 277
An Open, Large-Scale, Collaborative Effort to Estimate the Reproducibility of Psychological Science 275
Changing attitudes towards healthy food via self-association or nutritional information: What works best? 265
Not all positive categories are alike: Exploring the superiority of the self as a positive source for associative attitude change via intersecting regularities 263
Not doing is not the opposite of doing: Implications for attitudinal models of behavioral prediction. 258
Not Doing is not the opposite of Doing: Implications for attitudinal models of behavioral prediction 257
Assessment of Personality Functioning in Adolescence: Development of the Adolescent Personality Structure Questionnaire 252
The HEXACO model of personality structure and indigenous lexical personality dimensions in Italian, Dutch, and English 244
Il modello circonflesso delle qualita’ affettive dei luoghi: Sviluppo di uno strumento valutativo Italiano 242
Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science 239
Big Five Assessment 238
Redefine statistical significance 231
Validation of Italian rebus puzzles and compound remote associate problems 228
An experimental test of a game-theoretical model of reciprocity 221
A Framework for Testing Causality in Personality Research 216
Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the SCL-90-R: A study on a large community sample 213
Network analysis for psychological situations 202
Diverting the mind from the Self-Referencing effect. Which interference leads to implicit-explicit attitude dissociation? 189
Comparing leading theoretical models of behavioral predictions and post-behavior evaluations 186
The reproducibility project: A model of large-scale collaboration for empirical research on reproducibility 183
Liking as far as you like yourself: Exploring the Self-Referencing effect across multiple intersecting regularities and its relationship with self-esteem 180
A comparative study of toughness and neutrality in Italian and English political interviews 180
The moderator role of Intuitive versus Deliberative decision making for the predictive validity of implicit and explicit measures 177
Should we stop looking for a better scoring algorithm for handling implicit association test data? Test of the role of errors, extreme latencies treatment, scoring formula, and practice trials on reliability and validity 177
Increasing implicit and explicit attitudes toward an organic food brand by referencing to oneself 177
The IAT as a predictor of food choice: The case of fruits versus snacks 176
Using the self to change implicit attitudes 170
A Six-Factor Structure of Personality-Descriptive Adjectives: Solutions from Psycholexical Studies in Seven Languages. 165
Information seeking and reciprocity: A transformational analysis 165
Changing implicit attitudes by contrasting the self with others 161
Second-order indeterminacy 158
Integrating Personality Structure, Personality Process, and Personality Development 158
Uncovering the Motivational Core of Traits: The Case of Conscientiousness 158
An alternative view of pre-volitional processes in decision making: Conceptual issues and empirical evidence 157
At what sample size do correlations stabilize? 156
The Five Factor Personality Inventory: Cross cultural generalizability across 13 countries 156
Prediction of behavior 155
Self-Relevance is More Central than Valence in Evaluative Learning 155
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king 154
Exploring consumer biased evaluations: Halos effects of local food and of related attributes 154
The personal norm of reciprocity 153
The use of Implicit and Explicit Measures of Attitudes in Electoral Forecasts 152
Development of Indirect Measures of Conscientiousness: Combining a Facets Approach and Network Analysis 152
Looking for an explanation for the low sign span. Is order involved? 152
A functional perspective on personality 152
The distinction between desires and intentions 149
Construct validation of the Use, Abuse and Dependence on the Internet inventory 149
Network Analysis 149
Individual differences in sensitivity to health communications: Considerations of future consequences 148
What is an altruistic action? 148
Implicit self-concept and moral action 147
Primacy of warmth versus competence: A motivated bias? 145
Towards an explanatory personality psychology: Integrating personality structure, personality process, and personality development 144
Would You Rather Be Safe or Free? Motivational and Behavioral Aspects in COVID-19 Mitigation 144
Implicit Association Tests, Then and Now 143
The HEXACO–100 Across 16 Languages: A Large-Scale Test of Measurement Invariance 143
Self-body recognition depends on implicit self-esteem 142
Conserving Water While Washing Hands: The Immediate and Durable Impacts of Descriptive Norms 142
Why are you (un)conscientious? The dynamic interplay of goals, states, and traits in everyday life 141
A micro-level simulation for the prediction of intention and behavior 140
Network analysis and the structure of personality: A map of Conscientiousness 139
The World at 7:00: Comparing the Experience of Situations Across 20 Countries 139
Network Analysis: A New Way to Think about Personality 138
Applying Agent-Based Models to the Prediction of Intention and Behavior 134
Motivational relevance modulates the predictive validity of the implicit association test 134
Time matters 133
A hierarchical faceted model of the Big Five 133
The use of Implicit and Explicit Measures of Attitudes in Electoral Forecasts Kanisza Lecture 2009 132
The definition of components and the use of formal indexes are key steps for a successful application of network analysis in personality psychology 132
The formation of implicit and explicit attitudes for neutral and valenced stimuli using the self 132
Comparisons of Daily Behavior Across 21 Countries 131
Studying, practicing, and mastering: A test of the model of goal-directed behavior (MGB) in the software learning domain 130
L’influenza dell’atteggiamento implicito ed esplicito verso leader e partito sul voto delle elezioni politiche del 2004 in Italia e delle elezioni politiche del 2005 in Inghilterra 130
Relations between Implicit and Explicit Measures of Attitudes and Measures of Behavior: Evidence of Moderation by Individual Difference Variables 128
L’approccio psicolessicale nella lingua italiana: Due studi tassonomici a confronto 128
An ontological test of the IAT: Self-activation can increase predictive validity 127
Evaluative Conditioning in Humans: A Meta-Analysis 127
The marker index: A new method of selection of marker variables in factor analysis 126
Attitude formation through approach/avoidance: a case of intersecting regularities? 126
To reduce and not to reduce resource consumption? That is two questions 123
When temporal contiguity matters: A moderator of the predictive validity of implicit measures 122
Totale 23.962
Categoria #
all - tutte 93.484
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 93.484

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.544 0 0 0 0 0 421 586 372 403 293 348 121
2020/20214.265 239 112 392 460 282 358 405 444 399 440 278 456
2021/20222.759 245 272 350 314 195 198 141 163 132 117 227 405
2022/20233.739 468 990 348 272 301 527 73 126 283 112 125 114
2023/20245.427 191 224 296 340 669 901 854 330 475 362 294 491
2024/20253.725 604 979 692 552 836 62 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 31.100