Cognition, language, emotions: Research in developmental psychology and education interventions. The contribution of Marcello Cesa-Bianchi and his school
2021 Albanese, O; Farina, E; Fiorilli, C
At-risk teachers: The association between burnout levels and emotional appraisal processes
2017 Fiorilli, C; Pepe, A; Buonomo, I; Albanese, O
Children with high functioning autism: A pilot study of a training intervention to enhance pragmatic skills
2017 Businaro, N; Molteni, S; Gitti, F; Polo, F; Lupi, C; Farina, E; Biondi, S; Mancuso, M; Albanese, O
Teachers’ Emotional Competence and Social Support: Assessing the Mediating Role of Teacher Burnout
2017 Fiorilli, C; Albanese, O; Gabola, P; Pepe, A
Disabilità, diversità e promozione del benessere
2016 Albanese, O; Delle Fave, A
Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI): A validation study in an Italian teacher group
2015 Fiorilli, C; De Stasio, S; Benevene, P; Iezzi, D; Pepe, A; Albanese, O
The effect of teachers' emotional intensity and social support on burnout syndrome. A comparison between Italy and Switzerland
2015 Fiorilli, C; Gabola, P; Pepe, A; Meylan, N; Curchod Ruedi, D; Albanese, O; Doudin, P
Emozioni, supporto sociale ed esaurimento emotivo negli insegnanti: una relazione complessa
2014 Albanese, O; Pepe, A; Fiorilli, C; Gabola, P
L'utilizzazione dello school burnout inventory (SBI) con studenti italiani di scuola superiore di primo e secondo grado [School Burnout Inventory with Italian students of high school]
2014 Fiorilli, C; Galimberti, V; De Stasio, S; Di Chiacchio, C; Albanese, O
Le diverse culture dell'inclusione. Prospettive di dialogo con la disabilità e l'età senile
2014 Albanese, O; Farina, E
Rischio burnout per gli insegnanti di scuola primaria in Italia e in Scozia
2014 Gabola, P; Albanese, O
Rischio di burnout per gli insegnanti di scuola primaria in Italia e in Scozia: fattori di protezione e analisi delle differenze
2014 Gabola, P; Albanese, O
Technologies, apprentissage et situation de handicap dans une approche inclusive
2014 Pieri, M; Businaro, N; Albanese, O
Entre épuisement et soutien social : les compétences émotionnelles des enseignants
2013 Fiorilli, C; Albanese, O; Gabola, P
Inclusive education: From a sociopolitical agenda to the implementation of effective educational practices? [Inclusion scolaire : de l'injonction sociopolitique à la mise en œuvre de pratiques pédagogiques efficaces]
2013 Bonvin, P; Ramel, S; Curchod Ruedi, D; Albanese, O; Doudin, P
Integration and inclusive education: Teachers' involvement and importance of social support [De l'intégration à l'inclusion scolaire : Implication des enseignants et importance du soutien social]
2013 Curchod Ruedi, D; Ramel, S; Bonvin, P; Albanese, O; Doudin, P
Les enseignant-e-s de soutien en Italie: leur formation aux méthodes et philosophies inclusives
2013 Albanese, O; Pieri, M
épuisement professionnel chez les enseignants et types de soutien social: une recherche en Italie
2013 Fiorilli, C; Albanese, O; Gabola, P
Apprentissage mobile et handicap
2012 Pieri, M; Albanese, O
Conceptions de l'intelligence et pratiques éducatives
2012 Fiorilli, C; Doudin, P; Lafortune, L; Albanese, O