A preliminary study on the role of personal history of infectious and parasitic diseases on self-reported health across countries
2025 Pfuhl, G; Prazeres, F; Kowal, M; Aavik, T; Abad-Villaverde, B; Afhami, R; Aguilar, L; Akello, G; Al-Shawaf, L; Antfolk, J; Atama, C; Duyar, D; Baiocco, R; Balım, S; Batres, C; Belkacem, Y; Besson, T; Bode, A; Boğa, M; Boudesseul, J; Boussena, M; Brahim, H; Burduli, N; Can, A; Cetinkaya, H; Chirumbolo, A; Chubinidze, D; Cornec, C; Dinić, B; Dural, S; Duyar, I; Ebimgbo, S; Etchezahar, E; Fedor, P; Frackowiak, T; Frederick, D; Galasinska, K; García, F; Yepes, T; Grigoryev, D; Guemaz, F; Hromatko, I; Ikizer, G; Janssen, S; Kamburidis, J; Kavčič, T; Kervyn, N; Khan, F; Kobylarek, A; Koyuncu, M; Kunisato, Y; Lacko, D; Landa-Blanco, M; Lidborg, L; Lins, S; Mandzyk, T; Mari, S; Marot, T; Martinez-Banfi, M; Mattiassi, A; Mayorga-Lascano, M; Mebarak, M; Meskó, N; Miccoli, M; Mikuličiūtė, V; Milfont, T; Mišetić, K; Morelli, M; Natividade, J; Ndukaihe, I; Novaes, F; Omar, S; Fauzee, M; Otterbring, T; Özener, B; Ozer, S; Park, J; Banai, I; Pazhoohi, F; Perun, M; Pírko, M; Pirtskhalava, E; Pisanski, K; Plohl, N; Ponnet, K; Prokop, P; Ribeiro, M; Rosário, F; Şahin, A; Sahli, F; Šakan, D; Senyk, O; Siepelmeyer, H; Ribeiro da Silva, D; Singh, S; Solak, Ç; Söylemez, S; Studzinska, A; Tan, C; Topanova, G; Bulut, M; Toplu-Demirtaş, E; Trémolière, B; Tulyakul, S; Ungaretti, J; Valentova, J; Varella, M; Vintila, M; Volkodav, T; Wlodarczyk, A; Yeh, Y; Yoo, G; Zerhouni, O; Zumárraga-Espinosa, M; Zupančič, M; Sorokowski, P
Lo spreco alimentare attraverso la percezione di responsabilità e di ingiustizia sociale
2025 Di Napoli, F; Mari, S; Valtorta, R
Conspiracy mentality differently shapes interpersonal trust when money or digital privacy is at stake
2024 Schepisi, M; Gjoneska, B; Mari, S; Panasiti, M; Porciello, G; Imhoff, R
Examining the influence of information-related factors on vaccination intentions via confidence: Insights from adult samples in Italy and Serbia during the COVID-19 pandemic
2024 Di Napoli, F; Mari, S; Đorđević, J; Kljajić, D
Fridge storage for food safety: the role of psychosocial factors to improve food safety risk communication
2024 Tiozzo Pezzoli, B; Demasi, V; Ruzza, M; Giaretta, M; Ricci, A; Mari, S
Measuring Collective Action Intention Toward Gender Equality Across Cultures
2024 Besta, T; Jurek, P; Olech, M; Włodarczyk, A; Kosakowska-Berezecka, N; Bosson, J; Bender, M; Vandello, J; Abuhamdeh, S; Agyemang, C; Akbasß, G; Albayrak-Aydemir, N; Ammirati, S; Anderson, J; Anjum, G; Ariyanto, A; Aruta, J; Ashraf, M; Bakaitytė, A; Becker, M; Bertolli, C; Bërxulli, D; Best, D; Bi, C; Block, K; Boehnke, M; Bongiorno, R; Bosak, J; Casini, A; Chen, Q; Chi, P; Cubela Adoric, V; Daalmans, S; Dandy, J; de Lemus, S; Dhakal, S; Dvorianchikov, N; Egami, S; Etchezahar, E; Esteves, C; Froehlich, L; Garcia–sanchez, E; Gavreliuc, A; Gavreliuc, D; Gomez, Á; Guizzo, F; Graf, S; Greijdanus, H; Grigoryan, A; Grzymała-Moszczyńska, J; Guerch, K; Gustafsson Sendén, M; Hale, M; Hämer, H; Hirai, M; Hoang Duc, L; Hřebíčková, M; Hutchings, P; Høj Jensen, D; Hoorens, V; Jasinskaja-Lahti, I; Karabati, S; Kelmendi, K; Kengyel, G; Khachatryan, N; Ghazzawi, R; Kinahan, M; Kirby, T; Kovács, M; Kozlowski, D; Krivoshchekov, V; Kulich, C; Kurosawa, T; Lac An, N; Labarthe, J; Latu, I; Lauri, M; Mankowski, E; Musbau Lawal, A; Li, J; Lindner, J; Lindqvist, A; Makarova, E; Makashvili, A; Malayeri, S; Malik, S; Mancini, T; Manzi, C; Mari, S; Martiny, S; Mayer, C; Mihić, V; Milošević Đorđević, J; Moreno-Bella, E; Moscatelli, S; Moynihan, A; Muller, D; Narhetali, E; Neto, F; Noels, K
Measuring Subjective Inequality: Development and Validation of the Perceived Economic Inequality Scale (PEIS)
2024 Valtorta, R; Vezzoli, M; Mari, S; Durante, F; Volpato, C
Sexism and Feminist Conspiracy Beliefs: Hostile Sexism Moderates the Link Between Feminist Conspiracy Beliefs and Rape Myth Acceptance
2024 Jolley, D; Mari, S; Schrader, T; Cookson, D
The link between anger and admiration toward governmental actions and self‐reported preventive behaviour in the context of the COVID‐19 pandemic
2024 Rupar, M; Bobowik, M; Sekerdej, M; Pastor, E; Kołeczek, M; Jamróz‐dolińska, K; Ghorbani, F; Mari, S
The Theory of Dyadic Morality and Moral Identity Explain the Public's Response to Harm Done by Government and Organisations
2024 Bagozzi, R; Xie, C; Mari, S; Oklevik, O
Applicazione dei behavioural nudge in interventi di promozione della sicurezza alimentare in ambito domestico: uno studio sperimentale sul corretto posizionamento degli alimenti in frigorifero
2023 Tiozzo Pezzoli, B; Mari, S; Ruzza, M; Giaretta, M; Demasi, V; Ricci, A
Content analysis of living historical memory around the world: Terrorization of the Anglosphere, and national foundations of hope in developing societies
2023 Choi, S; Liu, J; Mari, S; Garber, I
Effects of objective and subjective indicators of economic inequality on subjective well-being: Underlying mechanisms
2023 Vezzoli, M; Valtorta, R; Mari, S; Durante, F; Volpato, C
How exposure to real conspiracy theories motivates collective action and political engagement? Τhe moderating role of primed victimhood and underlying emotional mechanisms in the case of 2018 bushfire in Attica
2023 Gkinopoulos, T; Mari, S
Mediation analysis of conspiratorial thinking and anti-expert sentiments on vaccine willingness
2023 Blackburn, A; Han, H; Gelpí, R; Stöckli, S; Jeftić, A; Ch'Ng, B; Koszałkowska, K; Lacko, D; Milfont, T; Lee, Y; Vestergren, S; Mari, S
On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions
2023 Schaerer, M; Plessis, C; Nguyen, M; Aert, R; Tiokhin, L; Lakens, D; Clemente, E; Pfeiffer, T; Dreber, A; Johannesson, M; Clark, C; Uhlmann, E; Abraham, A; Adamus, M; Akinci, C; Alberti, F; Alsharawy, A; Alzahawi, S; Anseel, F; Arndt, F; Balkan, B; Baskin, E; Bearden, C; Benotsch, E; Bernritter, S; Black, S; Bleidorn, W; Boysen, A; Brienza, J; Brown, M; Brown, S; Brown, J; Buckley, J; Buttliere, B; Byrd, N; Cigler, H; Capitan, T; Cherubini, P; Chong, S; Ciftci, E; Conrad, C; Conway, P; Costa, E; Cox, J; Cox, D; Cruz, F; Dawson, I; Demiral, E; Derrick, J; Doshi, S; Dunleavy, D; Durham, J; Elbaek, C; Ellis, D; Ert, E; Espinoza, M; Fullbrunn, S; Fath, S; Furrer, R; Fiala, L; Fillon, A; Forsgren, M; Fytraki, A; Galarza, F; Gandhi, L; Garrison, S; Geraldes, D; Ghasemi, O; Gjoneska, B; Gothilander, J; Gruhn, D; Grieder, M; Hafenbradl, S; Halkias, G; Hancock, R; Hantula, D; Harton, H; Hoffmann, C; Holzmeister, F; Horak, F; Hosch, A; Imada, H; Ioannidis, K; Jaeger, B; Janas, M; Janik, B; Kc, R; Keel, P; Keeley, J; Keller, L; Kenrick, D; Kiely, K; Knutsson, M; Kovacheva, A; Kovera, M; Krivoshchekov, V; Krumrei-Mancuso, E; Kulibert, D; Lacko, D; Lemay, E; Leung, D; Li, F; Lin, H; Lorenzo, K; Lorenzo-Luaces, L; Lou, N; Lovakov, A; Luzardo, A; Macaulay, S; Madan, C; Mahmoud, O; Makel, M; Mari, S; Fages, D; Marsh, A; Mccarthy, R; Mercier, B; Milfont, T; Mittlaender, S; Montoya, A; Moyer, A; Myrseth, K; Navarro-Martinez, D; Nelson, A; Neyse, L; Minghui, N; Niszczota, P; Obrecht, N; Otterbring, T; Panlilio, Z; Park, L; Pauer, S; Pavlov, Y; Pentek, I; Pereyra, J; Perkowski, P; Pew, E; Peynircioglu, Z; Pezzo, M; Pirrone, A; Plonsky, O; Porfirio, J; Pownall, M; Prochnicki, M; Protzko, J; Roer, J; Rahnev, D; Reis, H; Rios, K; Rodrigues, D; Rodriguez, P; Roth, Y; Ruffle, B; Samahita, M; Schmidt, A; Schoemann, M; Schoenegger, P; Schwebel, D; Segovia, A; Sherman, J; Siegenthaler, S; Siem, B; Sirota, M; Smith, E; Stamatogiannakis, A; Stewart-Williams, S; Storage, D; Su, Y; Talbert, E; Todd, A; Tonin, M; Trautmann, S; Travaglino, G; Tsang, J; Veldhuizen, R; Varnum, M; Walf, A; Wallrich, L; Wang, K; Ward, D; Waugh, C; Wingen, T; Woike, J; Wollbrant, C; Wu, S; Wylie, K; Xiao, Q; Xue, S; Yakobi, O; Zayas, V; Zheng, J; Zhong, Y; Zogmaister, C; Zolopa, C; Lisa, N; Chin Wen, O; Dmitry, G
Responses of the public towards the government in times of crisis
2023 Bagozzi, R; Mari, S; Oklevik, O; Xie, C
Social representations of European history by the European youth: A cross-country comparison
2023 Bouchat, P; Cabecinhas, R; Licata, L; Charton, M; Chryssochoou, X; Delouvée, S; Erb, H; Facca, L; Flassbeck, C; Haas, V; Kalampalikis, N; Franc, R; Mari, S; Pavlovic, T; Petrović, N; Raudsepp, M; Sá, A; Sakki, I; Sekerdej, M; Taranczewski, J; Telle, N; Valentim, J; Wenzel, A; Wnuk, A; Hilton, D
The distinct associations of ingroup attachment and glorification with responses to the coronavirus pandemic: Evidence from a multilevel investigation in 21 countries
2023 Mclamore, Q; Syropoulos, S; Leidner, B; Hirschberger, G; van Bezouw, M; Rovenpor, D; Paladino, M; Baumert, A; Bilewicz, M; Bilgen, A; Chatard, A; Chekroun, P; Chinchilla, J; Choi, H; Euh, H; Gomez, A; Kardos, P; Khoo, Y; Li, M; Legal, J; Loughnan, S; Mari, S; Tan-Mansukhani, R; Muldoon, O; Noor, M; Petrovic, N; Selvanathan, H; Ulug, O; Wohl, M; Yeung, W; Young, K; Zein, R
The impacts of COVID-19 on the relationship between perceived economic inequality and political action among socioeconomic classes
2023 Vezzoli, M; Mari, S; Valtorta, R; Volpato, C