Conditioned Bites: Observational Evaluative Conditioning and Attitudes Toward Insect-Based Foods
2024 Fedeli, F; Zogmaister, C; Perugini, M; Steca, P
“There's a bug in my plate!” Vicarious Approach Avoidance and Attitudes Toward Insect-Based Foods
2024 Fedeli, F; Zogmaister, C; Perugini, M; Steca, P
Agency influences vicarious approach/avoidance effects
2023 Zogmaister, C; Vezzoli, M; Bading, K; Perugini, M
An Introductory Guide for Conducting Psychological Research with Big Data
2023 Vezzoli, M; Zogmaister, C
Love, Desire, And Problematic Behaviors: Exploring Young Adults’ Smartphone Use From A Uses And Gratifications Perspective
2023 Vezzoli, M; Zogmaister, C; Coen, S
Meta-research for evaluating replicability in psychological science: a roadmap to a crowdsourcing project
2023 Conte, F; Facchin, A; Giaquinto, F; Rizzi, E; Vezzoli, M; Zogmaister, C
On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions
2023 Schaerer, M; Plessis, C; Nguyen, M; Aert, R; Tiokhin, L; Lakens, D; Clemente, E; Pfeiffer, T; Dreber, A; Johannesson, M; Clark, C; Uhlmann, E; Abraham, A; Adamus, M; Akinci, C; Alberti, F; Alsharawy, A; Alzahawi, S; Anseel, F; Arndt, F; Balkan, B; Baskin, E; Bearden, C; Benotsch, E; Bernritter, S; Black, S; Bleidorn, W; Boysen, A; Brienza, J; Brown, M; Brown, S; Brown, J; Buckley, J; Buttliere, B; Byrd, N; Cigler, H; Capitan, T; Cherubini, P; Chong, S; Ciftci, E; Conrad, C; Conway, P; Costa, E; Cox, J; Cox, D; Cruz, F; Dawson, I; Demiral, E; Derrick, J; Doshi, S; Dunleavy, D; Durham, J; Elbaek, C; Ellis, D; Ert, E; Espinoza, M; Fullbrunn, S; Fath, S; Furrer, R; Fiala, L; Fillon, A; Forsgren, M; Fytraki, A; Galarza, F; Gandhi, L; Garrison, S; Geraldes, D; Ghasemi, O; Gjoneska, B; Gothilander, J; Gruhn, D; Grieder, M; Hafenbradl, S; Halkias, G; Hancock, R; Hantula, D; Harton, H; Hoffmann, C; Holzmeister, F; Horak, F; Hosch, A; Imada, H; Ioannidis, K; Jaeger, B; Janas, M; Janik, B; Kc, R; Keel, P; Keeley, J; Keller, L; Kenrick, D; Kiely, K; Knutsson, M; Kovacheva, A; Kovera, M; Krivoshchekov, V; Krumrei-Mancuso, E; Kulibert, D; Lacko, D; Lemay, E; Leung, D; Li, F; Lin, H; Lorenzo, K; Lorenzo-Luaces, L; Lou, N; Lovakov, A; Luzardo, A; Macaulay, S; Madan, C; Mahmoud, O; Makel, M; Mari, S; Fages, D; Marsh, A; Mccarthy, R; Mercier, B; Milfont, T; Mittlaender, S; Montoya, A; Moyer, A; Myrseth, K; Navarro-Martinez, D; Nelson, A; Neyse, L; Minghui, N; Niszczota, P; Obrecht, N; Otterbring, T; Panlilio, Z; Park, L; Pauer, S; Pavlov, Y; Pentek, I; Pereyra, J; Perkowski, P; Pew, E; Peynircioglu, Z; Pezzo, M; Pirrone, A; Plonsky, O; Porfirio, J; Pownall, M; Prochnicki, M; Protzko, J; Roer, J; Rahnev, D; Reis, H; Rios, K; Rodrigues, D; Rodriguez, P; Roth, Y; Ruffle, B; Samahita, M; Schmidt, A; Schoemann, M; Schoenegger, P; Schwebel, D; Segovia, A; Sherman, J; Siegenthaler, S; Siem, B; Sirota, M; Smith, E; Stamatogiannakis, A; Stewart-Williams, S; Storage, D; Su, Y; Talbert, E; Todd, A; Tonin, M; Trautmann, S; Travaglino, G; Tsang, J; Veldhuizen, R; Varnum, M; Walf, A; Wallrich, L; Wang, K; Ward, D; Waugh, C; Wingen, T; Woike, J; Wollbrant, C; Wu, S; Wylie, K; Xiao, Q; Xue, S; Yakobi, O; Zayas, V; Zheng, J; Zhong, Y; Zogmaister, C; Zolopa, C; Lisa, N; Chin Wen, O; Dmitry, G
Test for Mobile phone dependence: psychometric properties and confirmatory factor analysis
2023 Vezzoli, M; Colombo, A; Marano, A; Zoccatelli, G; Zogmaister, C
The Role of Preference for Online Interactions in the Relationship Between Self-Concept Variables and Problematic Use of Social Networks
2023 Maricuţoiu, L; Zogmaister, C
Utilizzo della Tecnica dell'Observational Evaluative Conditioning per modificare gli atteggiamenti verso il cibo che contiene insetti
2023 Zogmaister, C; Fedeli, F
Vicarious effects of approach/avoidance behaviours on observers
2023 Zogmaister, C; Vezzoli, M; Bading, K; Perugini, M
We like it ‘cause you take it: Vicarious effects of approach/avoidance behaviours on observers
2023 Zogmaister, C; Brignoli, S; Martellone, A; Tuta, D; Perugini, M
We like it ‘cause you take it: Vicarious effects of approach/avoidance behaviours on observers.
2023 Zogmaister, C; Perugini, M; Vezzoli, M
Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data
2022 Delios, A; Giulia Clemente, E; Wu, T; Tan, H; Wang, Y; Gordon, M; Viganola, D; Chen, Z; Dreber, A; Johannesson, M; Pfeiffer, T; Luis Uhlmann, E; Zogmaister, C
Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me that I have succeeded at it all: Self-esteem and the defensive mechanisms against failure
2022 Zogmaister, C; Maricutoiu, L
Theoretical and methodological approaches to activism during the COVID-19 pandemic— between continuity and change
2022 Coen, S; Vezzoli, M; Zogmaister, C
A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures
2021 Tierney, W; Hardy, J; Ebersole, C; Viganola, D; Clemente, E; Gordon, M; Hoogeveen, S; Haaf, J; Dreber, A; Johannesson, M; Pfeiffer, T; Huang, J; Vaughn, L; Demarree, K; Igou, E; Chapman, H; Gantman, A; Vanaman, M; Wylie, J; Storbeck, J; Andreychik, M; Mcphetres, J; Uhlmann, E; Zogmaister, C
A multi-site collaborative study of the hostile priming effect
2021 Mccarthy, R; Gervais, W; Aczel, B; Al-Kire, R; Aveyard, M; Baraldo, S; Baruh, L; Basch, C; Baumert, A; Behler, A; Bettencourt, A; Bitar, A; Bouxom, H; Buck, A; Cemalcilar, Z; Chekroun, P; Chen, J; del Fresno-Diaz, A; Ducham, A; Edlund, J; Elbassiouny, A; Evans, T; Ewell, P; Forscher, P; Fuglestad, P; Hauck, L; Hawk, C; Hermann, A; Hines, B; Irumva, M; Jordan, L; Joy-Gaba, J; Haley, C; Kacmar, P; Kezer, M; Korner, R; Kosaka, M; Kovacs, M; Lair, E; Legal, J; Leighton, D; Magee, M; Markman, K; Martoncik, M; Muller, M; Norman, J; Olsen, J; Oyler, D; Phills, C; Ribeiro, G; Rohain, A; Sakaluk, J; Schutz, A; Toribio-Florez, D; Tsang, J; Vezzoli, M; Williams, C; Willis, G; Young, J; Zogmaister, C
I training cognitivi per sostenere lo sviluppo delle funzioni esecutive alla scuola dell'infanzia: una meta-analisi sulla loro efficacia
2021 Scionti, N; Cavallero, M; Zogmaister, C; Marzocchi, G
Sharing is caring: Data sharing practices in psychological research
2021 Vezzoli, M; Zogmaister, C