DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA CLINICA E PREVENZIONE (attivo dal 10/07/2006 al 30/09/2012)
Arterial structure and function in AIDS patients: the impact of renal damage.
2010 Capra, A; Giannattasio, C; Failla, M; Citterio, F; Dozio, D; Nava, S; Cairo, M; Corciulo, M; Maloberti, A; Gori, A; Sabbatini, F; Squillace, N; Castoldi, G; Mariani, A; Stella, A; Mancia, G
Impact of HAART with protease inhibitors treatment on carotid wall structure in HIV patients.
2009 Failla, M; Citterio, F; Dozio, D; Rigoldi, M; Pozzi, M; Betelli, M; Maloberti, A; Dolara, A; Gori, A; Facchetti, R; Giannattasio, C; Mancia, G
Simultaneous Measurement of Beat-to-Beat Carotid Diameter and Pressure Changes to Assess Arterial Mechanical Properties
2008 Giannattasio, C; Salvi, P; Valbusa, F; Kearney Schwartz, A; Capra, A; Amigoni, M; Failla, M; Boffi, L; Madotto, F; Benetos, A; Mancia, G
Relationship between arterial distensibility and coronary atherosclerosis in angina patients
2007 Giannattasio, C; Capra, A; Facchetti, R; Viscardi, L; Bianchi, F; Failla, M; Colombo, V; Grieco, A; Mancia, G
Acute effect of high-fat meal on endothelial function in moderately dyslipidemic subjects
2005 Giannattasio, C; Zoppo, A; Gentile, G; Failla, M; Capra, A; Maggi, F; Catapano, A; Mancia, G
Studio della distensibilita arteriosa nell'uomo. Quali i meccanismi di modulazione, come varia in condizioni patologiche ed effetto della terapia [Study of arterial distensibility in man. Modulating mechanisms, pathological conditions and effects of treatment]
2003 Giannattasio, C; Failla, M; Corsi, D; Capra, A; Meles, E; Gentile, G; Fantini, E; Boffi, L; Maestroni, S; Scotti, V; Mancia, G
Progression of large artery structural and functional alterations in Type I diabetes
2001 Giannattasio, C; Failla, M; Grappiolo, A; Gamba, P; Paleari, F; Mancia, G
Radial artery flow-mediated dilatation in heart failure patients: Effects of pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment
2001 Giannattasio, C; Achilli, F; Grappiolo, A; Failla, M; Meles, E; Gentile, G; Calchera, I; Capra, A; Baglivo, J; Vincenzi, A; Sala, L; Mancia, G
Radial artery wall alterations in genetic hemochromatosis before and after iron depletion therapy
2000 Failla, M; Giannattasio, C; Piperno, A; Vergani, A; Grappiolo, A; Gentile, G; Meles, E; Mancia, G
Arterial distensibility in hypercholesterolemia and diabetes
1999 Giannattasio, C; Failla, M; Grappiolo, A; Calchera, I; Grieco, N; Gorgoglione, M; Mancia, G
Early impairment of large artery structure and function in Type I diabetes mellitus
1999 Giannattasio, C; Failla, M; Piperno, A; Grappiolo, A; Gamba, P; Paleari, F; Mancia, G
Fluctuations of radial artery distensibility throughout the menstrual cycle
1999 Giannattasio, C; Failla, M; Grappiolo, A; Stella, M; Del Bo, A; Colombo, M; Mancia, G
Pharmacological improvement of large arteries properties
1999 Giannattasio, C; Failla, M; Calchera, I; Grieco, N; Scandola, L; Grappiolo, A; Mancia, G
Sympathetic tone restrains arterial distensibility of healthy and atherosclerotic subjects
1999 Failla, M; Grappiolo, A; Emanuelli, G; Vitale, G; Fraschini, N; Bigoni, M; Grieco, N; Denti, M; Giannattasio, C; Mancia, G
Effects of isolated systolic hypertension and essential hypertension on large and middle-sized artery compliance
1998 Stella, M; Failla, M; Mangoni, A; Carugo, S; Giannattasio, C; Mancia, G
Effects of prolonged immobilization of the limb on radial artery mechanical properties
1998 Giannattasio, C; Failla, M; Grappiolo, A; Bigoni, M; Carugo, S; Denti, M; Mancia, G
Present and future role of combination treatment in hypertension
1998 Mancia, G; Failla, M; Grappiolo, A; Giannattasio, C
Effects of cigarette smoking on carotid and radial artery distensibility
1997 Failla, M; Grappiolo, A; Carugo, S; Calchera, I; Giannattasio, C; Mancia, G
Evidence of functional and structural cardiac abnormalities in cirrhotic patients with and without ascites
1997 Pozzi, M; Carugo, S; Boari, G; Pecci, V; de Ceglia, S; Maggiolini, S; Bolla, G; Roffi, L; Failla, M; Grassi, G; Giannattasio, C; Mancia, G
Large and medium sized artery abnormalities in untreated and treated hypothyroidism
1997 Giannattasio, C; Rivolta, M; Failla, M; Mangoni, A; Stella, M; Mancia, G