DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA SALUTE (attivo dal 01/10/2012 al 30/09/2015)
Cerebral hypoxia is the conclusion of syncope in harness (suspension trauma)?
2013 Lanfranconi, F; Pollastri, L; Bartesaghi, M; Scotti, V; Novarina, M; Molteni, C; Vergani, H; Miserocchi, G
Differences in alveolar diffusive properties during work and in hypoxia
2013 Bartesaghi M, B; Pollastri, L; Scotti, V; Mandolesi, G; Cogo, A; Lanfranconi, F; Miserocchi, G
Exercises to prevent the Suspension Trauma and Reducing the Perception of Fatigue in Workers using an Harness
2013 Pollastri, L; Lanfranconi, F; Bartesaghi, M; Vergani, H; Molteni, C; Scotti, V; Novarina, M; Miserocchi, G
Inter-individual differences in control of alveolar capillary blood volume in exercise and hypoxia
2013 Bartesaghi, M; Beretta, E; Pollastri, L; Scotti, V; Mandolesi, G; Lanfranconi, F; Miserocchi, G
Alterations in Cardiac Structure in Nondiabetic Offsprings of Diabetic Patients
2007 Capra, A; Scotti, V; Amigoni, M; Paleari, F; Gamba, G; Whisstock, C; Montemerlo, E; Grosso, G; Giannattasio, C; Mancia, G
Echographic Evaluation of Cardiac Toxicity and Tissue Characterization After Anthracycline Chemotherapy in Childhood: The Importance of Fractional Shortening (FS)
2007 Capra, A; Amigoni, M; Scotti, V; Galbiati, M; Scanziani, E; Alloni, M; Montemerlo, C; Giannattasio, C; Jankovich, M; Mancia, G
Studio della distensibilita arteriosa nell'uomo. Quali i meccanismi di modulazione, come varia in condizioni patologiche ed effetto della terapia [Study of arterial distensibility in man. Modulating mechanisms, pathological conditions and effects of treatment]
2003 Giannattasio, C; Failla, M; Corsi, D; Capra, A; Meles, E; Gentile, G; Fantini, E; Boffi, L; Maestroni, S; Scotti, V; Mancia, G