Simultaneous overexpression of functional human HO-1, E5NT and ENTPD1 protects murine fibroblasts against TNF-α-induced injury in vitro
2015 Cinti, A; De Giorgi, M; Chisci, E; Arena, C; Galimberti, G; Farina, L; Bugarin, C; Rivolta, I; Gaipa, G; Smolenski, R; Cerrito, M; Lavitrano, M; Giovannoni, R
Simultaneous expression of novel combinations of graft protective human genes in porcine endothelial cells
2013 De Giorgi, M; Cinti, A; Cerrito, M; Arena, C; Chisci, E; Galimberti, G; Bugarin, C; Gaipa, G; Giovannoni, R; Lavitrano, M; Smolenski, A
Simultaneous over-expression of graft protective hHO-1, hCD73 and hCD39: effects against cell cytotoxicity and cell death induced by the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α in an in vitro model
2013 Cinti, A; Giorgi, M; Arena, C; Chisci, E; Galimberti, G; Bugarin, C; Cerrito, M; Gaipa, G; Smolenski, R; Giovannoni, R; Lavitrano, M
Immune response against beta-amyloid is modulated by acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitors
2012 Tironi, M; Conti, E; Santarone, M; Galimberti, G; Zoia, C; Tremolizzo, L; Ferrarese, C
Increased tissue factor pathway inhibitor and homocysteine in Alzheimer's disease
2012 Piazza, F; Galimberti, G; Conti, E; Isella, V; Perlangeli, M; Speranza, T; Borroni, B; Pogliani, E; Padovani, A; Ferrarese, C
Lipid-based nanoparticles as a potential tool to deplete abeta. Toward new therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s disease?
2012 DA RE, F; Conti, E; Galimberti, G; Gregori, M; Salvati, E; Tironi, M; Stefanoni, G; Rosa, M; Riva, C; Masserini, M; Ferrarese, C
Mutual Information Optimization for Mass Spectra Data Alignment
2012 Zoppis, I; Gianazza, E; Borsani, M; Chinello, C; Mainini, V; Galbusera, C; Ferrarese, C; Galimberti, G; Sorbi, S; Borroni, B; Magni, F; Antoniotti, M; Mauri, G
Valproate induces epigenetic modifications in lymphomonocytes from epileptic patients
2012 Tremolizzo, L; DI FRANCESCO, J; Rodriguez Menendez, V; Riva, C; Conti, E; Galimberti, G; Ruffmann, C; Ferrarese, C
Anti-Aβ autoantibodies in the CSF of a patient with CAA-related inflammation: a case report
2011 DI FRANCESCO, J; Brioschi, M; Brighina, L; Ruffmann, C; Saracchi, E; Costantino, G; Galimberti, G; Conti, E; Curtò, N; Marzorati, L; Remida, P; Tagliavini, F; Savoiardo, M; Ferrarese, C
Binding of lipid-based nanoparticles to plasma abeta: relevance for new therapeutic strategies in Alzheimer’s disease
2011 Galimberti, G; Conti, E; Gregori, M; DA RE, F; Tironi, M; Masserini, M; Ferrarese, C
Cholinesterase inhibitor use is associated with increased plasma levels of anti-Aβ 1-42 antibodies in Alzheimer's disease patients
2010 Conti, E; Galimberti, G; Tremolizzo, L; Masetto, A; Cereda, D; Zanchi, C; Piazza, F; Casati, M; Isella, V; Appollonio, I; Ferrarese, C
Increased Soluble APPalpha, Abeta 1-42, and Anti-Abeta 1-42 Antibodies in Plasma From Down Syndrome Patients
2010 Conti, E; Galimberti, G; Piazza, F; Raggi, M; Ferrarese, C
The interaction of complement system with abeta-binding liposomes: towards engineering of safer vesicles for the management of alzheimer's disease
2010 Andersen, A; Hashemi, S; Galimberti, G; Re, F; Masserini, M; Moghimi, S
Post-methionine load test: A more sensitive tool to reveal hyperhomocysteinemia in Alzheimer patients?
2008 Galimberti, G; Conti, E; Zini, M; Piazza, F; Fenaroli, F; Isella, V; Facheris, M; Perlangeli, V; Antolini, L; De Filippi, F; Ferrarese, C
Vascular endothelial growth factor gene variability is associated with increased risk for AD
2005 Del Bo, R; Scarlato, M; Ghezzi, S; Martinelli Boneschi, F; Fenoglio, C; Galbiati, S; Virgilio, R; Galimberti, D; Galimberti, G; Crimi, M; Ferrarese, C; Scarpini, E; Bresolin, N; Comi, G
Glutamate transporters in platelets: EAAT1 decrease in aging and in Alzheimer's disease
2004 Zoia, C; Cogliati, T; Tagliabue, E; Cavaletti, G; Sala, G; Galimberti, G; Rivolta, I; Rossi, V; Frattola, L; Ferrarese, C
Increased susceptibility to plasma lipid peroxidation in Alzheimer disease patients
2004 Galbusera, C; Facheris, M; Magni, F; Galimberti, G; Sala, G; Tremolada, L; Isella, V; Guerini, F; Appollonio, I; Kienle, M; Ferrarese, C
Peripheral cytokine release in Alzheimer patients: Correlation with disease severity
2003 Sala, G; Galimberti, G; Canevari, C; Raggi, M; Isella, V; Facheris, M; Appollonio, I; Ferrarese, C
Oxidative Stress and Immune Activation as Pre-Clinical Markers in Alzheimer Disease: Correlation with Disease Severity
2002 Facheris, M; Galimberti, G; Galbusera, C; Magni, F; Raggi, M; Kienle, M; Ferrarese, C
Decreased platelet glutamate uptake in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
2001 Ferrarese, C; Sala, G; Riva, R; Begni, B; Zoia, C; Tremolizzo, L; Galimberti, G; Millul, A; Bastone, A; Mennini, T; Balzarini, C; Frattola, L; Beghi, E