Are expectations of labour and birth fulfilled? A qualitative investigation of first‐time parents
2025 Colciago, E; Robinson, A; Ornaghi, S; Fumagalli, S; Antolini, L; Nespoli, A; Brown, A
Effect of Maternity Units' Organizational Levels on Maternal Birth Satisfaction: A Multicentric Cohort Study
2025 Fumagalli, S; Nespoli, A; Panzeri, M; Antolini, L; Colciago, E; Adami, A; Canepa, M; Del Bo, E; Ferrara, R; Mauri, P; Cagnacci, A; Ceccaroni, M; Dattolo, C; Esposito, G; Franchi, M; Gorlero, F; Grisolia, G; Grosso, F; Lecis, A; Mazzeo Melchionda, M; Michelerio, V; Mogavino, L; Ogliari, C; Ramunno, M; Spinillo, A; Valletta, S; Vergani, P; Locatelli, A
Adverse events in single-arm clinical trials with non-fatal time-to-event efficacy endpoint: from clinical questions to methods for statistical analysis
2024 Tassistro, E; Bernasconi, D; Valsecchi, M; Antolini, L
Anti-spike antibody level is associated with the risk of clinical progression among subjects hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia: results from a retrospective cohort study
2024 Lapadula, G; Mezzadri, L; Lo Cascio, G; Antolini, L; Malandrin, S; Ranzani, A; Limonta, S; Cavallero, A; Bonfanti, P
Assessment of the psychometric properties of the italian version of the midwifery student evaluation of practice (MIDSTEP-IT): A validity and reliability study
2024 Nespoli, A; Sacco, G; Bouhachem, F; Motta, F; Paredi, S; Antolini, L; Panzeri, M; Pellegrini, E; Fumagalli, S
Combining the physical-chemical approach with standard base excess to understand the compensation of respiratory acid-base derangements: an individual participant meta-analysis approach to data from multiple canine and human experiments
2024 Zadek, F; Danieli, A; Brusatori, S; Giosa, L; Krbec, M; Antolini, L; Fumagalli, R; Langer, T
Communicating the diagnosis of a hematological neoplastic disease to patients’ minor children: a multicenter prospective study
2024 Manghisi, B; Borin, L; Monaco, M; Sacco, G; Antolini, L; Mantegazza, R; Barichello, M; Mazza, U; Zappasodi, P; Onida, F; Arcaini, L; Cairoli, R; Gambacorti Passerini, C
Impairment of Renal and Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cell Compartments in Frailty Syndrome: Link with Oxidative Stress, Plasma Cytokine Profiles and Nuclear DNA Damage
2024 Bombelli, S; Grasselli, C; Mazzola, P; Veronesi, V; Morabito, I; Zucchini, N; Scollo, C; Blanco, S; De Marco, S; Torsello, B; Vitarelli, F; Antolini, L; Bianchi, C; Leoni, V; Bellelli, G; Perego, R
Is lipoprotein(a) measurement important for cardiovascular risk stratification in children and adolescents?
2024 Giussani, M; Orlando, A; Tassistro, E; Torresani, E; Lieti, G; Patti, I; Colombrita, C; Bulgarelli, I; Antolini, L; Parati, G; Genovesi, S
Midwives' stress and burnout during the Omicron wave in Italy: An observational survey
2024 Fumagalli, S; Panzeri, M; Borrelli, S; Ornaghi, S; Antolini, L; Sacco, G; Formenti, M; Sala, S; Nespoli, A
Phenotypic profiling of CD34+ cells by advanced flow cytometry improves diagnosis of Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia
2024 Bugarin, C; Antolini, L; Buracchi, C; Matarraz, S; Coliva, T; Van der Velden, V; Szczepanski, T; Da Costa, E; Van der Sluijs, A; Novakova, M; Mejstrikova, E; Nierkens, S; De Mello, F; Fernandez, P; Aanei, C; Sędek, Ł; Strocchio, L; Masetti, R; Sainati, L; Philippé, J; Valsecchi, M; Locatelli, F; Van Dongen, J; Biondi, A; Orfao, A; Gaipa, G
Rebozo and advanced maternal postures: A promising set of intrapartum interventions to reduce persistent occiput posterior position of the fetal head
2024 Fumagalli, S; Antolini, L; Nespoli, A; Panzeri, M; Terenghi, T; Ferrini, S; Spandrio, R; Maini, I; Locatelli, A; Ornaghi, S
Spontaneous and iatrogenic ARIA: Mechanistic insights from CAA‐related inflammation
2024 Piazza, F; Lucia, D; Guzzi, F; Pascarella, R; De Bernardi, E; Antolini, L; Basso, G; Zedde, M
Stress and burnout amongst italian midwives during the Omicron wave: a national Observational Survey
2024 Panzeri, M; Fumagalli, S; Borrelli, S; Antolini, L; Sacco, G; Ornaghi, S; Nespoli, A
The "Continu-A-mente" project: an interdisciplinary program to promote the continuity of care between hospital and community for people with dementia and their caregivers. Study Protocol
2024 Pozzi, C; Staglianò, A; Ballabio, C; Ponti, C; Bartoli, F; Antolini, L; Ferrara, M; Morandi, A; Cavalli, S; Gitlin, L; Bellelli, G
The impact of COVID-19 infection on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis
2024 Cavasin, D; Zanini, U; Montelisciani, L; Valsecchi, M; Fabbri, L; Antolini, L; Luppi, F
Towards a student-centered education: Validation of the Italian version of the Conceptions of Learning and Teaching questionnaire
2024 Rampoldi, G; Montelisciani, L; Jacobs, J; Russo, S; Ardenghi, S; Bani, M; Antolini, L; Consorti, F; Strepparava, M
Vacuolar Proton-Translocating ATPase May Take Part in the Drug Resistance Phenotype of Glioma Stem Cells
2024 Giambra, M; Di Cristofori, A; Raimondo, F; Rigolio, R; Conconi, D; Chiarello, G; Tabano, S; Antolini, L; Nicolini, G; Bua, M; Ferlito, D; Carrabba, G; Giussani, C; Lavitrano, M; Bentivegna, A
3D-Informed Targeting of the Trop-2 Signal-Activation Site Drives Selective Cancer Vulnerability
2023 Guerra, E; Trerotola, M; Relli, V; Lattanzio, R; Tripaldi, R; Ceci, M; Boujnah, K; Pantalone, L; Sacchetti, A; Havas, K; Simeone, P; Travali, N; Querzoli, P; Pedriali, M; Roversi, P; Iezzi, M; Tinari, N; Antolini, L; Alberti, S
A quantitative MRCP-derived score for medium-term outcome prediction in primary sclerosing cholangitis
2023 Cristoferi, L; Porta, M; Bernasconi, D; Leonardi, F; Gerussi, A; Mulinacci, G; Palermo, A; Gallo, C; Scaravaglio, M; Stucchi, E; Maino, C; Ippolito, D; D'Amato, D; Ferreira, C; Nardi, A; Banerjee, R; Valsecchi, M; Antolini, L; Corso, R; Sironi, S; Fagiuoli, S; Invernizzi, P; Carbone, M