Event generators for high-energy physics experiments
2024 Campbell, J; Diefenthaler, M; Hobbs, T; Hoche, S; Isaacson, J; Kling, F; Mrenna, S; Reuter, J; Alioli, S; Andersen, J; Andreopoulos, C; Ankowski, A; Aschenauer, E; Ashkenazi, A; Baker, M; Barrow, J; van Beekveld, M; Bewick, G; Bhattacharya, S; Bierlich, C; Bothmann, E; Bredt, P; Broggio, A; Buckley, A; Butter, A; Butterworth, J; Byrne, E; Calame, C; Chakraborty, S; Chen, X; Chiesa, M; Childers, J; Cruz-Martinez, J; Currie, J; Darvishi, N; Dasgupta, M; Denner, A; Dreyer, F; Dytman, S; El-Menoufi, B; Engel, T; Ravasio, S; Figueroa, D; Flower, L; Forshaw, J; Frederix, R; Friedland, A; Frixione, S; Gallagher, H; Gallmeister, K; Gardiner, S; Gauld, R; Gaunt, J; Gavardi, A; Gehrmann, T; De Ridder, A; Gellersen, L; Giele, W; Gieseke, S; Giuli, F; Glover, E; Grazzini, M; Grohsjean, A; Gutschow, C; Hamilton, K; Han, T; Hatcher, R; Heinrich, G; Helenius, I; Hen, O; Hirschi, V; Hofer, M; Holguin, J; Huss, A; Ilten, P; Jadach, S; Jentsch, A; Jones, S; Ju, W; Kallweit, S; Karlberg, A; Katori, T; Kerner, M; Kilian, W; Kirchgaesser, M; Klein, S; Knobbe, M; Krause, C; Krauss, F; Lang, J; Lang, J; Lee, G; Li, S; Lim, M; Lindert, J; Lombardi, D; Lonnblad, L; Loschner, M; Lurkin, N; Ma, Y; Machado, P; Magerya, V; Maier, A; Majer, I; Maltoni, F; Marcoli, M; Marinelli, G; Masouminia, M; Mastrolia, P; Mattelaer, O; Mazzitelli, J; Mcfayden, J; Medves, R; Meinzinger, P; Mo, J; Monni, P; Montagna, G; Morgan, T; Mosel, U; Nachman, B; Nadolsky, P; Nagar, R; Nagy, Z; Napoletano, D; Nason, P; Neumann, T; Nevay, L; Nicrosini, O; Niehues, J; Niewczas, K; Ohl, T; Ossola, G; Pandey, V; Papadopoulou, A; Papaefstathiou, A; Paz, G; Pellen, M; Pelliccioli, G; Peraro, T; Piccinini, F; Pickering, L; Pires, J; Placzek, W; Platzer, S; Plehn, T; Pozzorini, S; Prestel, S; Preuss, C; Price, A; Quackenbush, S; Re, E; Reichelt, D; Reina, L; Reuschle, C; Richardson, P; Rocco, M; Rocco, N; Roda, M; Garcia, A; Roiser, S; Rojo, J; Rottoli, L; Salam, G; Schonherr, M; Schuchmann, S; Schumann, S; Schurmann, R; Scyboz, L; Seymour, M; Siegert, F; Signer, A; Chahal, G; Siodmok, A; Sjostrand, T; Skands, P; Smillie, J; Sobczyk, J; Soldin, D; Soper, D; Soto-Ontoso, A; Soyez, G; Stagnitto, G; Tena-Vidal, J; Tomalak, O; Tramontano, F; Trojanowski, S; Tu, Z; Uccirati, S; Ullrich, T; Ulrich, Y; Utheim, M; Valassi, A; Verbytskyi, A; Verheyen, R; Wagman, M; Walker, D; Webber, B; Weinstein, L; White, O; Whitehead, J; Wiesemann, M; Wilkinson, C; Williams, C; Winterhalder, R; Wret, C; Xie, K; Yang, T; Yazgan, E; Zanderighi, G; Zanoli, S; Zapp, K
N3LL resummation of one-jettiness for Z -boson plus jet production at hadron colliders
2024 Alioli, S; Bell, G; Billis, G; Broggio, A; Dehnadi, B; Lim, M; Marinelli, G; Nagar, R; Napoletano, D; Rahn, R
Dead-cone searches in heavy-ion collisions using the jet tree
2023 Cunqueiro, L; Napoletano, D; Soto-Ontoso, A
Double Higgs production at NNLO interfaced to parton showers in GENEVA
2023 Alioli, S; Billis, G; Broggio, A; Gavardi, A; Kallweit, S; Lim, M; Marinelli, G; Nagar, R; Napoletano, D
Refining the GENEVA method for Higgs boson production via gluon fusion
2023 Alioli, S; Billis, G; Broggio, A; Gavardi, A; Kallweit, S; Lim, M; Marinelli, G; Nagar, R; Napoletano, D
Higher-order EW corrections in ZZ and ZZj production at the LHC
2022 Bothmann, E; Napoletano, D; Schönherr, M; Schumann, S; Villani, S
Matching NNLO predictions to parton showers using N3LL color-singlet transverse momentum resummation in geneva
2021 Alioli, S; Broggio, A; Gavardi, A; Kallweit, S; Lim, M; Nagar, R; Napoletano, D; Bauer, C; Rottoli, L
Next-to-next-to-leading order event generation for Z-boson pair production matched to parton shower
2021 Alioli, S; Broggio, A; Gavardi, A; Kallweit, S; Lim, M; Nagar, R; Napoletano, D
Noncancellation of infrared singularities in collisions of massive quarks
2021 Caola, F; Melnikov, K; Napoletano, D; Tancredi, L
Precise predictions for photon pair production matched to parton showers in GENEVA
2021 Alioli, S; Broggio, A; Gavardi, A; Kallweit, S; Lim, M; Nagar, R; Napoletano, D; Rottoli, L
Resummed predictions for hadronic Higgs boson decays
2021 Alioli, S; Broggio, A; Gavardi, A; Kallweit, S; Lim, M; Nagar, R; Napoletano, D; Rottoli, L
Automated evaluation of electroweak Sudakov logarithms in SHERPA
2020 Bothmann, E; Napoletano, D
Event generation with Sherpa 2.2
2019 Bothmann, E; Singh Chahal, G; Höche, S; Krause, J; Krauss, F; Kuttimalai, S; Liebschner, S; Napoletano, D; Schönherr, M; Schulz, H; Schumann, S; Siegert, F
Fitting the b-quark PDF as a massive-b scheme: Higgs production in bottom fusion
2019 Forte, S; Giani, T; Napoletano, D
Single-jet inclusive cross section and its definition
2019 Cacciari, M; Forte, S; Napoletano, D; Soyez, G; Stagnitto, G
Computing N -subjettiness for boosted jets
2018 Napoletano, D; Soyez, G
Heavy quark mass effects in associated production
2018 Napoletano, D
Les Houches 2017: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model Working Group Report
2018 Bendavid, J; Caola, F; Ciulli, V; Harlander, R; Heinrich, G; Huston, J; Kallweit, S; Prestel, S; Re, E; Tackmann, K; Thaler, J; Theofilatos, K; Andersen, J; Bellm, J; Berger, N; Bhatia, D; Biedermann, B; Bräuer, S; Britzger, D; Buckley, A; Camacho, R; Chachamis, G; Chatterjee, S; Chen, X; Chiesa, M; Currie, J; Denner, A; Dreyer, F; Driencourt-Mangin, F; Forte, S; Garzelli, M; Gehrmann, T; Gieseke, S; Glover, E; Gras, P; Greiner, N; Gütschow, C; Gwenlan, C; Heil, M; Herndon, M; Hirschi, V; Hoang, A; Höche, S; Huss, A; Jones, S; Kar, D; Karlberg, A; Kassabov, Z; Kerner, M; Klappert, J; Kuttimalai, S; Lang, J; Larkoski, A; Lindert, J; Loch, P; Long, K; Lönnblad, L; Luisoni, G; Maier, A; Maierhöfer, P; Maître, D; Marzani, S; Mcfayden, J; Moult, I; Mozer, M; Mrenna, S; Nachman, B; Napoletano, D; Pandini, C; Papaefstathiou, A; Pellen, M; Perrozzi, L; Pires, J; Plätzer, S; Pozzorini, S; Quackenbush, S; Rabbertz, K; Rauch, M; Reuschle, C; Richardson, P; Gehrmann-De Ridder, A; Rodrigo, G; Rojo, J; Röntsch, R; Rottoli, L; Samitz, D; Samui, T; Sborlini, G; Schönherr, M; Schumann, S; Scyboz, L; Seth, S; Shao, H; Siódmok, A; Skands, P; Smillie, J; Soyez, G; Sun, P; Sutton, M; Tackmann, F; Uccirati, S; Weinzierl, S; Yazgan, E; Yuan, C; Yuan, F
The HiggsTools handbook: A beginners guide to decoding the Higgs sector
2018 Boggia, M; Cruz-Martinez, J; Frellesvig, H; Glover, N; Gomez Ambrosio, R; Gonella, G; Haddad, Y; Ilnicka, A; Jones, S; Kassabov, Z; Krauss, F; Megy, T; Melini, D; Napoletano, D; Passarino, G; Patel, S; Rodriguez-Vazquez, M; Wolf, T
Towards a fully massive five-flavor scheme
2018 Krauss, F; Napoletano, D