Neurodevelopment in Young Children With Sex Chromosome Trisomies Diagnosed Before Birth: A Cluster Analysis Study
2025 Zampini, L; Lorini, A; Zanchi, P; Scionti, N; Silibello, G; Dall'Ara, F; Ajmone, P; Monti, F; Costantino, M; Vizziello, P
Prosody in narratives: An exploratory study with children with sex chromosomes trisomies
2024 Zanchi, P; Provera, A; Silibello, G; Ajmone, P; Altamore, E; Lalatta, F; Costantino, M; Vizziello, P; Zampini, L
Reaction to Diagnosis and Parental Concerns in Parents of Children and Young Adults With XYY Syndrome
2024 Zampini, L; Zanchi, P; Silibello, G; Mastromattei, D; Ajmone, P; Dall'Ara, F; Monti, F; Costantino, M; Vizziello, P
Speech Sound Development in 18-Month-Old Children With Sex Chromosome Trisomies
2023 Capelli, E; Silibello, G; Provera, A; Dall’Ara, F; Ajmone, P; Monti, F; Scionti, N; Zanchi, P; Costantino, M; Vizziello, P; Zampini, L
Children's Behavior and Maternal Parenting Stress in Young Children With Sex Chromosome Trisomies
2022 Lorini, A; Zampini, L; Silibello, G; Dall'Ara, F; Rigamonti, C; Ajmone, P; Monti, F; Lalatta, F; Costantino, M; Vizziello, P
Prosodic features of maternal input to children with sex chromosome trisomies
2022 Provera, A; Zanchi, P; Silibello, G; Dall'Ara, F; Rigamonti, C; Monti, F; Ajmone, P; Lalatta, F; Costantino, M; Vizziello, P; Zampini, L
Short report. Narrative competence in Italian preschool children with sex chromosome trisomies
2022 Zampini, L; Silibello, G; Mastromattei, D; Pagliaccia, E; Monti, F; Zanchi, P; Ajmone, P; Costantino, M; Vizziello, P
Irony Comprehension in Children With Cochlear Implants: The Role of Language Competence, Theory of Mind, and Prosody Recognition
2021 Panzeri, F; Cavicchiolo, S; Giustolisi, B; Di Berardino, F; Ajmone, P; Vizziello, P; Donnini, V; Zanetti, D
Preverbal skills in 8-month-old children with sex chromosome trisomies
2021 Zampini, L; Burla, T; Silibello, G; Capelli, E; Dall'Ara, F; Rigamonti, C; Ajmone, P; Monti, F; Zanchi, P; Lalatta, F; Costantino, M; Vizziello, P
“Your son has Klinefelter syndrome.” How parents react to a prenatal diagnosis
2021 Zampini, L; Dall'Ara, F; Silibello, G; Ajmone, P; Monti, F; Rigamonti, C; Lalatta, F; Costantino, M; Vizziello, P
Maternal input to children with sex chromosome trisomies
2020 Zampini, L; Ferrante, C; Silibello, G; Dall'Ara, F; Rigamonti, C; Zanchi, P; Vizziello, P; Lalatta, F; Costantino, M
Daily life changes and adaptations investigated in 154 families with a child suffering from a rare disability at a public centre for rare diseases in Northern Italy
2016 Silibello, G; Vizziello, P; Gallucci, M; Selicorni, A; Milani, D; Ajmone, P; Rigamonti, C; De Stefano, S; Bedeschi, M; Lalatta, F