The ENUBET ERC project for an instrumented decay tunnel for future neutrino beams
2020 Parozzi, E; Acerbi, F; Ballerini, G; Bonesini, M; Branca, A; Brizzolari, C; Brunetti, G; Calviani, M; Carturan, S; Catanesi, M; Cecchini, S; Cindolo, F; Collazuol, G; Conti, E; Corso, F; Rosa, G; Delogu, C; Falcone, A; Goddard, B; Gola, A; Intonti, R; Jollet, C; Kain, V; Klicek, B; Kudenko, Y; Laveder, M; Longhin, A; Ludovici, L; Magaletti, L; Mandrioli, G; Margotti, A; Mascagna, V; Mauri, N; Meregaglia, A; Mezzetto, M; Nessi, M; Paoloni, A; Pari, M; Pasqualini, L; Paternoster, G; Patrizii, L; Piemonte, C; Pozzato, M; Pupilli, F; Prest, M; Radicioni, E; Riccio, C; Ruggeri, A; Sirri, G; Soldani, M; Stipcevic, M; Tenti, M; Terranova, F; Torti, M; Vallazza, E; Velotti, F; Vesco, M; Votano, L
In vitro lung toxicity of indoor PM10 from a stove fueled with different biomasses
2019 Marchetti, S; Longhin, E; Bengalli, R; Avino, P; Stabile, L; Buonanno, G; Colombo, A; Camatini, M; Mantecca, P
In vitro pulmonary and vascular effects induced by different diesel exhaust particles
2019 Bengalli, R; Zerboni, A; Marchetti, S; Longhin, E; Priola, M; Camatini, M; Mantecca, P
Bronchial and vascular effects induced by different diesel particles emission sources
2018 Bengalli, R; Marchetti, S; Zerboni, A; Longhin, E; Mantecca, P; Camatini, M
Combustion-Derived Particles from Different Fuels Induce Different Cytotoxic Effects on A549 cells
2018 Marchetti, S; Bengalli, R; Longhin, E; Buonanno, G; Colombo, A; Mantecca, P; Camatini, M
Comparative toxicity of airborne fine and ultrafine particles from different regions and emission sources
2018 Mantecca, P; Hassan, S; El-Abssawy, A; Shetaya, W; El-Mekawy, A; Mohamed, E; Mohammed, A; Bengalli, R; Marchetti, S; Zerboni, A; Longhin, E; Camatini, M
Effetti biologici di particelle ultrafini derivate da diverse sorgenti
2018 Bengalli, R; Marchetti, S; Longhin, E; Zerboni, A; Casadei, S; Gualtieri, M; Camatini, M; Mantecca, P
Milan winter fine particulate matter (wPM2.5) induces IL-6 and IL-8 synthesis in human bronchial BEAS-2B cells, but specifically impairs IL-8 release
2018 Longhin, E; Holme, J; Gualtieri, M; Camatini, M; Ovrevik, J
Particulate emissions from the combustion of pellet, charcoal and wood induce different cytotoxic responses in A549 cells
2018 Marchetti, S; Longhin, E; Bengalli, R; Buonanno, G; Colombo, A; Mantecca, P; Camatini, M
The role of SerpinB2 in human bronchial epithelial cells responses to particulate matter exposure
2018 Longhin, E; Camatini, M; Bersaas, A; Mantecca, P; Mollerup, S
Transcriptional profiling of human bronchial epithelial cell BEAS-2B exposed to diesel and biomass ultrafine particles
2018 Grilli, A; Bengalli, R; Longhin, E; Capasso, L; Proverbio, M; Forcato, M; Bicciato, S; Gualtieri, M; Battaglia, C; Camatini, M
Comparative biological effects induced in A549 cells by combustion-derived particles from different biomass sources
2017 Marchetti, S; Longhin, E; Bengalli, R; Buonanno, G; Colombo, A; Mantecca, P; Camatini, M
Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects of Combustion-Derived Particles from Different Emission Sources
2017 Mantecca, P; Bengalli, R; Marchetti, S; Zerboni, A; Longhin, E; Camatini, M
In vitro vascular effects induced by different diesel exhaust ultrafine particles (DEP)
2017 Bengalli, R; Longhin, E; Marchetti, S; Zerboni, A; Mantecca, P; Camatini, M
The role of IL-6 released from pulmonary epithelial cells in diesel UFP-induced endothelial activation
2017 Bengalli, R; Longhin, E; Marchetti, S; Proverbio, M; Battaglia, C; Camatini, M
Integrative transcriptomic and protein analysis of human bronchial BEAS-2B exposed to seasonal urban particulate matter
2016 Longhin, E; Capasso, L; Battaglia, C; Proverbio, M; Cosentino, C; Cifola, I; Mangano, E; Camatini, M; Gualtieri, M
Physico-chemical properties and biological effects of diesel and biomass particles
2016 Longhin, E; Gualtieri, M; Capasso, L; Bengalli, R; Mollerup, S; Holme, J; Øvrevik, J; Casadei, S; Di Benedetto, C; Parenti, P; Camatini, M
Sphingoid esters from the molecular distillation of squid oil: A preliminary bioactivity determination
2016 Saliu, F; Longhin, E; Salanti, A; Degano, I; DELLA PERGOLA, R
A new method and tool for detection and quantification of PM oxidative potential
2015 Ciriello, F; Gualtieri, M; Longhin, E; Ruffo, R; Camatini, M; Parenti, P
Biological effects of ultrafine particles from relevant emission sources: Diesel and biomass combustion
2015 Capasso, L; Gualtieri, M; Longhin, E; Capasso, L; Bengalli, R; Maggioni, A; Casadei, S; Proverbio, M; Battaglia, C; Camatini, M