Self-Efficacy Beliefs of University Students: Examining Factor Validity and Measurement Invariance of the New Academic Self-Efficacy Scale
2022 Greco, A; Annovazzi, C; Palena, N; Camussi, E; Rossi, G; Steca, P
In-session interactive dynamics of the psychotherapy process between therapeutic alliance, therapist expertise, therapist technical intervention, patient metacognition and functioning
2020 Locati, F; Rossi, G; Lang, M; Parolin, L
Interactive sequences between fathers and preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit
2020 Stefana, A; Lavelli, M; Rossi, G; Beebe, B
Introduzione alla statistica per psicologia (7 ed.)
2020 Benassi, M; Bolzani, R; Rossi, G
Culture-specific development of early mother-infant emotional co-regulation: Italian, Cameroonian, and West African immigrant dyads
2019 Lavelli, M; Carra, C; Rossi, G; Keller, H
Interactive dynamics among therapist interventions, therapeutic alliance and metacognition in the early stages of the psychotherapeutic process
2019 Locati, F; Rossi, G; Parolin, L
Well-being and religious coping in three Italian groups: Catholics gays, Charismatics and other Catholics
2017 Rossi, G; Rossi, G
Scrittura e motivazione: una ricerca-intervento nelle classi quinte di scuola primaria
2016 Gelati, C; Stevenazzi, M; Rossi, G
Religiosity and Body Image: a comparison between Catholics, Muslims and Atheists in Italy
2015 Rossi, G; Castelli, C
Atteggiamenti verso la morte e la cura per i malati terminali
2014 Blaes, L; Rossi, G
Contributo alla validazione italiana della scala "Death Attitude Profile-Revised"
2014 Rossi, G; Blaes, L; Tagini, A
Introduzione alla statistica per psicologia
2014 Bolzani, R; Benassi, M; Rossi, G
Dimensione intersoggettiva e aspetti tecnici nella fase di costruzione dell’alleanza terapeutica
2013 Parolin, L; Locati, F; Rossi, G
La costruzione della relazione terapeutica: interazione tra aspetti intersoggettivi e tecnici
2013 Parolin, L; Locati, F; Rossi, G
A cross-cultural comparison of mothers’ beliefs about their parenting very young children
2012 Senese, V; Bornstein, M; Haynes, O; Rossi, G; Venuti, P
Costruire l’alleanza terapeutica tra aspetti relazionali e tecnici
2012 Parolin, L; Locati, F; Rossi, G
Combined Rasch Hierarchical Models: A Preliminary Application to Autobiographical Memory
2011 Crippa, F; Tagini, A; Rossi, G
Cross-Cultural Comparison of Italian and U.S. Mothers' Beliefs About Parenting Young Children
2011 Senese, V; Bornstein, M; Haynes, O; Rossi, G; Venuti, P
The Attachment to God Inventory (AGI; Beck & MacDonald, 2004): An Italian adaptation
2011 Rossi, G; Tagini, A
The Fundamentalism Index based on ACL scales
2011 Brusadelli, E; Giromini, L; Rossi, G