Experiences of parenting for autistic children in Australia and Italy: a qualitative cross-cultural comparison
2024 Frigerio, A; Knight, T; Rella, R; Sinigaglia, E; Camussi, E; Montali, L
COVID-19, people with disabilities, and the Italian government recovery: investigating the impact and promoting psychological resources to prevent future emergencies
2023 Camussi, E; Meneghetti, D; Sbarra, M; Rella, R; Barillà, F; Sassi, C; Montali, L; Annovazzi, C
Life design facing the fertility gap: promoting gender equity to give women and men the freedom of a mindful life planning.
2023 Camussi, E; Meneghetti, D; Rella, R; Sbarra, M; Calegari, E; Sassi, C; Annovazzi, C
The interplay between ovarian cancer and social relationships: an analysis of patients’ metaphors
2023 Montali, L; Brooker, J; Camussi, E; Davenport, P; Ronco, E; Shand, L; Zulato, E; Knight, T
What future are you talking about? Efficacy of Life Design Psy-Lab, as career guidance intervention, to support university students' needs during COVID-19 emergency
2023 Camussi, E; Meneghetti, D; Sbarra, M; Rella, R; Grigis, P; Annovazzi, C
Mirroring, monitoring, modelling, belonging, and distancing: Psychosocial processes in an online support group of breast cancer patients
2022 Montali, L; Zulato, E; Frigerio, A; Frangi, E; Camussi, E
Self-Efficacy Beliefs of University Students: Examining Factor Validity and Measurement Invariance of the New Academic Self-Efficacy Scale
2022 Greco, A; Annovazzi, C; Palena, N; Camussi, E; Rossi, G; Steca, P
Courage in childhood: Classifying the actions of courage performed by elementary school students
2021 Santilli, S; Ginevra, M; Camussi, E; Lodi, E; Nota, L; Patrizi, P
Promoting positive attitudes toward peers with disabilities: The role of information and imagined contact
2021 Ginevra, M; Vezzali, L; Camussi, E; Capozza, D; Nota, L
Tutors in times of Covid-19: their role in light of constraints and opportunities
2021 Zuccoli, F; Annovazzi, C; Meneghetti, D; Rella, R; Camussi, E
Women and Covid19: How the Italian Government Task Force Fostered Gender Equity
2021 Camussi, E; Rella, R; Grigis, P; Sassi, C; Annovazzi, C
Hacking women’s health: a new methodology
2020 Camussi, E; Sassi, C; Zulato, E; Annovazzi, C; Ginevra, M
The Italian adaptation of courage measure
2020 Ginevra, M; Santilli, S; Camussi, E; Magnano, P; Capozza, D; Nota, L
Orientamento e Innovazione Sociale: strumenti e metodi dal progetto H40
2019 Camussi, E; Annovazzi, C; Sassi, C; Rella, R
Service Ecosystem Design for improving the service sustainability: A case of Career Counselling Services in the Italian higher education institution
2019 Nie, Z; Zurlo, F; Camussi, E; Annovazzi, C
Breadth of Vocational Interests: The Role of Career Adaptability and Future Orientation
2018 Ginevra, M; Annovazzi, C; Camussi, E; Santilli, S; Di Maggio, I
Discriminazioni di genere e barriere professionali: ipotesi intervento di public engagement per favorire l’uguaglianza di genere
2018 Annovazzi, C; Ginevra, M; Elli, S; Meneghetti, D; Camussi, E
Gender and Decent Work: The Role of Occupational Stereotypes
2018 Annovazzi, C; Ginevra, M; Camussi, E
Orientamento e peer tutoring. Un processo pedagogico innovativo per facilitare e accompagnare l'avvio del percorso universitario.
2018 Annovazzi, C; Camussi, E; Meneghetti, D; Ulivieri Stiozzi, S; Zuccoli, F
The role of career adaptability and courage on life satisfaction in adolescence
2018 Ginevra, M; Magnano, P; Lodi, E; Annovazzi, C; Camussi, E; Patrizi, P; Nota, L