FastMinTC+: A Fast and Effective Heuristic for Minimum Timeline Cover on Temporal Networks
2024 Lazzarinetti, G; Manzoni, S; Zoppis, I; Dondi, R
Dense Temporal Subgraphs in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks
2022 Dondi, R; Hosseinzadeh, M; Zoppis, I
Top-k overlapping densest subgraphs: approximation algorithms and computational complexity
2021 Dondi, R; Hosseinzadeh, M; Mauri, G; Zoppis, I
Complexity issues of string to graph approximate matching
2020 Dondi, R; Mauri, G; Zoppis, I
An Explainable Recommender System for WhoTeach Educational Platform
2019 Manzoni, S; Zoppis, I; Mauri, G; Dondi, R; Marconi, L
Corrigendum: Computational Methods for Resting-State EEG of Patients With Disorders of Consciousness (Frontiers in Neuroscience, (2019), 13, 10.3389/fnins.2019.00807)
2019 Corchs, S; Chioma, G; Dondi, R; Gasparini, F; Manzoni, S; Markowska-Kaczmar, U; Mauri, G; Zoppis, I; Morreale, A
Covering a graph with clubs
2019 Dondi, R; Mauri, G; Sikora, F; Zoppis, I
Graph Algorithms
2019 Dondi, R; Mauri, G; Zoppis, I
Graph Isomorphism
2019 Dondi, R; Mauri, G; Zoppis, I
Kernel Machines: Applications
2019 Zoppis, I; Mauri, G; Dondi, R
Kernel Machines: Introduction
2019 Zoppis, I; Mauri, G; Dondi, R
Kernel Methods: Support Vector Machines
2019 Zoppis, I; Mauri, G; Dondi, R
Patient Engagement: Theoretical and Heuristic Approaches for Supporting the Clinical Practice.
2019 Zoppis, I; Dondi, R; Manzoni, S; Mauri, G
Top-k Overlapping Densest Subgraphs: Approximation and Complexity
2019 Dondi, R; Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, M; Mauri, G; Zoppis, I
Restricted and Swap Common Superstring: A Multivariate Algorithmic Perspective
2015 Bonizzoni, P; Dondi, R; Mauri, G; Zoppis, I
The k-anonymity problem is hard
2009 Bonizzoni, P; Della Vedova, G; Dondi, R
Moving Assistive Technology on the Web: The Farfalla Experience
2008 Mangiatordi, A; Dondi, R; Fornasa, W
A PTAS for the Maximum Consensus Clustering
2006 Dondi, R; Mauri, G; DELLA VEDOVA, G; Bonizzoni, P