Impact of Data Augmentation on Hate Speech Detection in Roman Urdu
2024 Maqbool, F; Spahiu, B; Maurino, A
Toward a Human-in-the-Loop Approach to Create Training Datasets for RDF Lexicalisation
2024 Amianto Barbato, J; Cremaschi, M; Rula, A; Maurino, A
Profiling Linguistic Knowledge Graphs
2023 Spahiu, B; ALVA PRINCIPE, R; Maurino, A
ABSTAT-HD: a scalable tool for profiling very large knowledge graphs
2022 Arturo Alva Principe, R; Maurino, A; Palmonari, M; Ciavotta, M; Spahiu, B
How to preserve healthy aging through nutritional strategies: The new approach of the Food Social Network (Food NET) project
2022 Giuseppe, R; Colleoni, M; Cremaschi, M; Daconto, L; Napoli, I; Gallace, A; Guzzetti, L; Labra, M; Maurino, A; Tomasinelli, C; Vincenti, A; Zizzari, S; Cena, H
Listening to the City, Attentively: A Spatio-Temporal Attention-Boosted Autoencoder for the Short-Term Flow Prediction Problem
2022 Fiorini, S; Ciavotta, M; Maurino, A
A multi-criteria algorithm for automatic detection of city communities
2021 Fiorini, S; Ciavotta, M; Maurino, A
Towards an Access Control Model for KnowledgeGraphs
2021 Valzelli, M; Maurino, A; Palmonari, M; Spahiu, B
3D-CLoST: A CNN-LSTM Approach for Mobility Dynamics Prediction in Smart Cities
2020 Fiorini, S; Pilotti, G; Ciavotta, M; Maurino, A
A fine-grained access control model for knowledge graphs
2020 Valzelli, M; Maurino, A; Palmonari, M
La Scienza Dei Dati
2020 Batini, C; Cabitza, F; Cherubini, P; Ferrari, A; Masiero, R; Maurino, A; Palmonari, M; Stella, F
STILTool: A Semantic Table Interpretation evaLuation Tool
2020 Cremaschi, M; Siano, A; Avogadro, R; Jimenez-Ruiz, E; Maurino, A
Towards Automatic Classification of Sheet Music
2020 De Pasquale, G; Spahiu, B; Ducange, P; Maurino, A
Modelling and linking company data in the EubusinessGraph platform
2019 Maurino, A; Gomez, M; Rula, A; Elvesaeter, B; Von Zernichow, B; Roman, D
On the composition and recommendation of multi-feature paths: a comprehensive approach
2019 Cutrona, V; Bianchi, F; Ciavotta, M; Maurino, A
Supporting journalism by combining neural language generation and knowledge graphs
2019 Cremaschi, M; Bianchi, F; Maurino, A; Pierotti, A
TISCO: Temporal scoping of facts
2019 Rula, A; Palmonari, M; Rubinacci, S; Ngomo, A; Lehmann, J; Maurino, A; Esteves, D
Topic Profiling Benchmarks in the Linked Open Data Cloud: Issues and Lessons Learned
2019 Spahiu, B; Maurino, A; Meusel, R
ABSTAT 1.0: Compute, manage and share semantic profiles of RDF knowledge graphs
2018 Principe, R; Spahiu, B; Palmonari, M; Rula, A; De Paoli, F; Maurino, A
Towards improving the quality of knowledge graphs with data-driven ontology patterns and SHACL
2018 Spahiu, B; Maurino, A; Palmonari, M