Photocrosslinkable starch cinnamyl ethers as bioinspired bio-based polymers
2025 Petroni, S; Orsini, S; Bugnotti, D; Callone, E; Dirè, S; Zoia, L; Bongiovanni, R; Dalle Vacche, S; Vitale, A; Raimondo, L; Sassella, A; Mariani, P; D'Arienzo, M; Cipolla, L
Polysaccharides derived from biomasses for the development of innovative materials.
2025 Petroni, S
A novel alkoxysilane-bearing photoreversible cinnamic side group: synthesis, characterization and exploitation in the design of multifunctional silica nanoparticles
2023 Orsini, S; Cipolla, L; Petroni, S; Diré, S; Ceccato, R; Callone, E; Bongiovanni, R; Dalle Vacche, S; Di Credico, B; Mostoni, S; Nistico', R; Raimondo, L; D'Arienzo, M
Chitosan-Based Biomaterials: Insights into Chemistry, Properties, Devices, and Their Biomedical Applications
2023 Petroni, S; Tagliaro, I; Antonini, C; D’Arienzo, M; Orsini, S; Mano, J; Brancato, V; Borges, J; Cipolla, L
Cinnamic acid: a photoreactive cross-linking biomolecule for the design of innovative materials
2022 Orsini, S; Petroni, S; Cipolla, L; Dirè, S; Callone, E; D'Arienzo, M
Decoration of silica and sepiolite surfaces with photoreversible coupling agent: a new route for producing multifunctional hybrid nanoparticles
2022 Orsini, S; Bongiovanni, R; Callone, E; Cipolla, L; DI CREDICO, B; Dirè, S; Mostoni, S; Nistico, R; Petroni, S; Scotti, R; D'Arienzo, M
Modification of polysaccharides for a new generation of renewable plastics
2022 Petroni, S; Orsini, S; D'Arienzo, M; Cipolla, L
Starch: a natural polysaccharide for the design of innovative materials
2022 Petroni, S; Orsini, S; D'Arienzo, M; Cipolla, L
Synthesis and Characterization of Alkoxysilane-Bearing Photoreversible Cinnamic Side Groups: A Promising Building-Block for the Design of Multifunctional Silica Nanoparticles
2022 Orsini, S; Cipolla, L; Petroni, S; Dirè, S; Ceccato, R; Callone, E; Bongiovanni, R; Dalle Vacche, S; Di Credico, B; Mostoni, S; Nisticò, R; Raimondo, L; Scotti, R; D'Arienzo, M
Fabrication of AlN/Si SAW delay lines with very low RF signal noise
2007 Ingrosso, I; Petroni, S; Altamura, D; De Vittorio, M; Combi, C; Passaseo, A
GaN-based surface acoustic wave filters for wireless communications
2004 Petroni, S; Tripoli, G; Combi, C; Vigna, B; De Vittorio, M; Todaro, M; Epifani, G; Cingolani, R; Passaseo, A
Noise reduction in GaN-based radio frequency surface acoustic wave filters
2004 Petroni, S; Tripoli, G; Combi, C; Vigna, B; De Vittorio, M; Todaro, M; Epifani, G; Cingolani, R; Passaseo, A
Post metal etch polymer removal: A new CF4-based dry plasma process sequence
2003 Pozzoli, M; Petroni, S
Functional validation of novel Se and S alkyl precursors for the low temperature pyrolytic MOVPE growth of ZnSe, ZnS and ZnSSe
2000 Prete, P; Lovergine, N; Petroni, S; Mele, G; Mancini, A; Vasapollo, G