From past to present (for a better future): The moderating role of cognitive mindset on spillover effects in environmental behaviors
2023 Spaccatini, F; Riva, P; Richetin, J; Porcelli, E; Pancani, L; Capellini, R; Sacchi, S
Heroes or traitors? Perception of whistleblowers depends on the self-relevance of the group being reported
2023 Pacilli, M; Giovannelli, I; Spaccatini, F; Pagliaro, S; Brambilla, M; Barreto, M; Sacchi, S
New dyads? The effect of social robots’ anthropomorphization on empathy towards human beings
2023 Spaccatini, F; Corlito, G; Sacchi, S
Trust in science and solution aversion: Attitudes toward adaptation measures predict flood risk perception
2022 Spaccatini, F; Richetin, J; Riva, P; Pancani, L; Ariccio, S; Sacchi, S
Essere persone childfree è una scelta che fa rumore: tra motivazioni personali e percezione sociale
2021 Tarpani, R; Cadeddu, E; Spaccatini, F; &, ; Giovannelli, I
If I am straight you are askew”: Labelling heterosexuals as straight worsens gay men's perception
2021 Sacchi, S; Brambilla, M; Spaccatini, F; Giovannelli, I; Pacilli, M; Pagliaro, S
Individual cognitive style affects flood-risk perception and mitigation intentions.
2021 Spaccatini, F; Pancani, L; Richetin, J; Riva, P; Sacchi, S
Legitimizing Intimate Partner Violence: Moral Evaluations, Attribution of Responsibility, and (Reduced) Helping Intentions
2021 Pagliaro, S; Pacilli, M; Giannella, V; Giovannelli, I; Spaccatini, F; Baldry, A
Oggettivazione Sessuale. Che Cos’e’ e Perche’ Fa Male (Non Solo) Alle Donne.
2021 Pacilli, M; Cadeddu, E; Spaccatini, F
The Palliative Function of Sexism: Individual Sexism Buffers the Relationship Between Exposure to Workplace Sexism and Psychological Distress
2021 Spaccatini, F; Roccato, M
Reporting wrongdoings in the organizational settings: A review of the whistleblowing phenomenon [La denuncia delle condotte illecite in ambito organizzativo: Una rassegna sul fenomeno del whistleblowing]
2020 Pacilli, M; Sant, G; Giovannelli, I; Pagliaro, S; Sacchi, S; Brambilla, M; Spaccatini, F
Attribution of blame to gender violence victims: A literature review of antecedents, consequences and measures of victim blame
2019 Penone, G; Spaccatini, F
Children's sexualization and appearance focus: A literature review
2019 Spaccatini, F
Conservatorismo politico e victim blaming in caso di violenza di genere: quale relazione?
2019 Spaccatini, F; Pacilli, M; Giovannelli, I
Exploring generalized trust: the impact of media representation of immigrants
2019 Spaccatini, F; Mosso, C; Conzo, P
L'indignazione morale e la deumanizzazione nei confronti delle donne (e dei loro partner) che scelgono di interrompere volontariamente la loro gravidanza
2019 Giovannelli, I; Pacilli, M; Spaccatini, F; Vaes, J; Barbaranelli, C
Less human and help-worthy: Sexualization affects children’s perceptions of and intentions toward bullied peers
2019 Pacilli, M; Spaccatini, F; Barresi, C; Tomasetto, C
Moral outrage and dehumanization towards women (and their male partner) who decide to abort.
2019 Pacilli, M; Giovannelli, I; Spaccatini, F; Vaes, J; Barbaranelli, C
Sexualized Victims of Stranger Harassment and Victim Blaming: The Moderating Role of Right-Wing Authoritarianism
2019 Spaccatini, F; Pacilli, M; Giovannelli, I; Roccato, M; Penone, G
System justification moderates the relation between hostile (but not benevolent) sexism in the workplace and state anxiety: An experimental study
2019 Pacilli, M; Spaccatini, F; Giovannelli, I; Centrone, D; Roccato, M