Continuity and change
2025 Epstude, K; Peters, K; Brambilla, M
Acknowledging that men are moral and harmed by gender stereotypes increases men’s willingness to engage in collective action on behalf of women
2024 Vazquez, A; Lopez-Rodriguez, L; Brambilla, M
Al cuore della formazione di impressioni: Asimmetrie nelle relazioni tratto-comportamento
2024 Rusconi, P; Sacchi, S; Brambilla, M
Face–context integration and trustworthiness evaluation
2024 Brambilla, M; Mattavelli, S; Masi, M
Multimodal Cues to Change Your Mind: The Intertwining of Faces, Voices, and Behaviors in Impression Updating
2024 Masi, M; Mattavelli, S; Fasoli, F; Brambilla, M
Pancultural nostalgia in action: Prevalence, triggers, and psychological functions of nostalgia across cultures
2024 Hepper, E; Sedikides, C; Wildschut, T; Cheung, W; Abakoumkin, G; Arikan, G; Aveyard, M; Baldursson, E; Bialobrzeska, O; Bouamama, S; Bouzaouech, I; Brambilla, M; Burger, A; Chen, S; Cisek, S; Demassosso, D; Estevan-Reina, L; González, R; Gu, L; Guerra, R; Hansen, N; Kamble, S; Kusumi, T; Mangelinckx, C; Nourkova, V; Pinna, R; Rantasila, A; Ritchie, T; Salikhova, A; Stephan, E; Sterian, M; Tong, Y; Van Even, S; Queiroz Viana, N; Vingerhoets, A; von Hippel, C; Zatsepin, A; Zengel, B
True and moral by repetition: Unveiling the impact of exposure on positive stereotypes perception
2024 Mattavelli, S; Bianchi, C; Brambilla, M; Motterlini, M
True and moral by repetition: Unveiling the impact of exposure on positive stereotypes perception
2024 Mattavelli, S; Bianchi, C; Brambilla, M; Motterlini, M
Active and passive facilitation tendencies at work towards sexy and professional women: The role of stereotypes and emotions
2023 Cuadrado, I; Lopez-Rodriguez, L; Brambilla, M; Ordóñez Carrasco, J
All that meets the eye: The contribution of reward processing and pupil mimicry on pupillary reactions to facial trustworthiness
2023 Frisanco, A; Biella, M; Brambilla, M; Kret, M
Cross-modal impression updating: Impression updating from faces to voices and the other way around
2023 Masi, M; Mattavelli, S; Fasoli, F; Brambilla, M
Fragile Heterosexuality: A Cross-cultural Study Between Germany and Italy
2023 Borras Guevara, M; West, K; Brambilla, M; Bruckmüller, S
Heroes or traitors? Perception of whistleblowers depends on the self-relevance of the group being reported
2023 Pacilli, M; Giovannelli, I; Spaccatini, F; Pagliaro, S; Brambilla, M; Barreto, M; Sacchi, S
Humanity at first sight: Exploring the relationship between others' pupil size and ascriptions of humanity
2023 Delgado, N; Mattavelli, S; Brambilla, M; Rodríguez-Gómez, L; Harris, L
Not Just About Faces in Context: Face–Context Relation Moderates the Impact of Contextual Threat on Facial Trustworthiness
2023 Mattavelli, S; Masi, M; Brambilla, M
On the influence of implicit race attitudes on explicit trustworthiness judgments: An investigation of the perceivers and targets' race and gender intersection
2023 Valmori, A; Meral, E; Hale, M; Rusconi, P; Brambilla, M
Relational encoding moderates the impact of contextual threat on facial trustworthiness
2023 Mattavelli, S; Masi, M; Fiamberti, G; Brambilla, M
The intragroup level: Moral character in group perception
2023 Brambilla, M; Sacchi, S
The “Happy Face Killer” in the eyes of the beholder: Relational encoding of facial emotions in context influences trustworthiness attributions
2023 Mattavelli, S; Fiamberti, G; Masi, M; Brambilla, M
When faces and voices come together: Face width-to-height ratio and voice pitch contribute independently to social perception
2023 Masi, M; Mattavelli, S; Fasoli, F; Brambilla, M