Coordinated selection of collective action: Wealthy interest bias and inequality
2024 Corazzini, L; Cotton, C; Longo, E; Reggiani, T
Mind the framing when studying social preferences in the domain of losses
2024 Antinyan, A; Corazzini, L; Fisar, M; Reggiani, T
Narratives and opinion polarization: a survey experiment
2024 Antinyan, A; Bassetti, T; Corazzini, L; Pavesi, F
Bidding on Price and Quality: An Experiment on the Complexity of Scoring Rule Auctions
2023 Camboni, R; Corazzini, L; Galavotti, S; Valbonesi, P
Coordinating donations via an intermediary: The destructive effect of a sunk overhead cost
2023 Abraham, D; Corazzini, L; Fisar, M; Reggiani, T
Watch your words: An experimental study on communication and the opportunity cost of delegation
2023 Antinyan, A; Corazzini, L; D'Agostino, E; Pavesi, F
Whistleblowing and tax evasion: Experimental evidence
2023 Bernasconi, M; Corazzini, L; Medda, T
Cervical cancer screening invitations in low and middle income countries: Evidence from Armenia
2021 Antinyan, A; Bertoni, M; Corazzini, L
Does Whistleblowing on Tax Evaders Reduce Ingroup Cooperation?
2021 Chapkovski, P; Corazzini, L; Maggian, V
Impact of early childcare on immigrant children’s educational performance
2021 Corazzini, L; Meschi, E; Pavese, C
Political Narratives and the US Partisan Gender Gap
2021 Antinyan, A; Bassetti, T; Corazzini, L; Pavesi, F
The influence of personality traits on university performance: Evidence from Italian freshmen students
2021 Corazzini, L; D'Arrigo, S; Millemaci, E; Navarra, P
Trust and Trustworthiness in Corrupted Economic Environments
2021 Becchetti, L; Corazzini, L; Pelligra, V
Trust in the Health System and COVID-19 Treatment
2021 Antinyan, A; Bassetti, T; Corazzini, L; Pavesi, F
Communication in a threshold public goods game under ambiguity
2020 Marini, M; Garcia-Gallego, A; Corazzini, L
Delegation and coordination with multiple threshold public goods: experimental evidence
2020 Corazzini, L; Cotton, C; Reggiani, T
Does trust in the government matter for whistleblowing on tax evaders? Survey and experimental evidence
2020 Antinyan, A; Corazzini, L; Pavesi, F
The good outcome of bad news a field experiment on formatting breast cancer screening invitation letters
2020 Bertoni, M; Corazzini, L; Robone, S
An experimental study on sequential auctions with privately known capacities
2019 Corazzini, L; Galavotti, S; Valbonesi, P
Measuring the Behavioural Component of the S&P 500 and its Relationship to Financial Stress and Aggregated Earnings Surprises
2019 Caporin, M; Corazzini, L; Costola, M