High-rate measurements of the novel BAND-GEM technology for thermal neutron detection at spallation sources
2020 Albani, G; Perelli Cippo, E; Croci, G; Muraro, A; Hall-Wilton, R; Hoglund, C; Menelle, A; Grosso, G; Murtas, F; Rebai, M; Robinson, L; Schmidt, S; Svensson, P; Tardocchi, M; Gorini, G
Measurement of the thickness of B4C layers deposited over metallic grids via multi-angle neutron radiography
2019 Vitucci, G; Minniti, T; Angella, G; Croci, G; Muraro, A; Höglund, C; Lai, C; Perelli Cippo, E; Albani, G; Hall-Wilton, R; Robinson, L; Grosso, G; Tardocchi, M; Gorini, G
A high-efficiency thermal neutron detector based on thin 3D 10B4C converters for high-rate applications
2018 Croci, G; Muraro, A; PERELLI CIPPO, E; Tardocchi, M; Grosso, G; Albani, G; Angella, G; Defendi, I; Hall-Wilton, R; Hšglund, C; Raspino, D; Rhodes, N; Robinson, L; Schmidt, S; Schooneveld, E; Zeitelhack and Giuseppe Gorini, K
Detector rates for the Small Angle Neutron Scattering instruments at the European Spallation Source
2018 Kanaki, K; Klausz, M; Kittelmann, T; Albani, G; Perelli Cippo, E; Jackson, A; Jaksch, S; Nielsen, T; Hall-Wilton, P
Performance of the high-efficiency thermal neutron BAND-GEM detector
2018 Muraro, A; Croci, G; PERELLI CIPPO, E; Grosso, G; Höglund, C; Albani, G; Hall-Wilton, R; Kanaki, K; Murtas, F; Raspino, D; Robinson, L; Rodhes, N; Rebai, M; Schmidt, S; Schooneveld, E; Tardocchi, M; Gorini, G
High-rate thermal neutron gaseous detector for use at neutron spallation sources
2017 Albani, G
Evolution in boron-based GEM detectors for diffraction measurements: From planar to 3D converters
2016 Albani, G; PERELLI CIPPO, E; Croci, G; Muraro, A; Schooneveld, E; Scherillo, A; Hall Wilton, R; Kanaki, K; Höglund, C; Hultman, L; Birch, J; Claps, G; Murtas, F; Rebai, M; Tardocchi, M; Gorini, G
Neutron radiography as a non-destructive method for diagnosing neutron converters for advanced thermal neutron detectors
2016 Muraro, A; Albani, G; Cippo, E; Croci, G; Angella, G; Birch, J; Cazzaniga, C; Caniello, R; Dell'Era, F; Ghezzi, F; Grosso, G; Hall Wilton, R; Höglund, C; Hultman, L; Schimdt, S; Robinson, L; Rebai, M; Salvato, G; Tresoldi, D; Vasi, C; Tardocchi, M
Performance of the full size nGEM detector for the SPIDER experiment
2016 Muraro, A; Croci, G; Albani, G; Claps, G; Cavenago, M; Cazzaniga, C; Dalla Palma, M; Grosso, G; Murtas, F; Pasqualotto, R; PERELLI CIPPO, E; Rebai, M; Tardocchi, M; Tollin, M; Gorini, G
A GEM-based thermal neutron detector for high counting rate applications
2015 Cippo, E; Croci, G; Muraro, A; Menelle, A; Albani, G; Cavenago, M; Cazzaniga, C; Claps, G; Grosso, G; Murtas, F; Rebai, M; Tardocchi, M; Gorini, G
Neutron beam imaging with GEM detectors
2015 Albani, G; Croci, G; Cazzaniga, C; Cavenago, M; Claps, G; Muraro, A; Murtas, F; Pasqualotto, R; PERELLI CIPPO, E; Rebai, M; Tardocchi, M; Gorini, G
Performance of a medium-size area nGEM detector for neutron beam diagnostics
2015 Croci, G; Cazzaniga, C; Albani, G; Muraro, A; Claps, G; Cavenago, M; Grosso, G; Murtas, F; Pasqualotto, R; PERELLI CIPPO, E; Rebai, M; Tardocchi, M; Gorini, G
Status of the CNESM diagnostic for SPIDER
2015 Muraro, A; Croci, G; Albani, G; Cazzaniga, C; Claps, G; Cavenago, M; Grosso, G; Palma, M; Fincato, M; Murtas, F; Pasqualotto, R; Cippo, E; Rebai, M; Tollin, M; Tardocchi, M; Gorini, G
Diffraction measurements with a boron-based GEM neutron detector
2014 Croci, G; Albani, G; Cazzaniga, C; PERELLI CIPPO, E; Schooneveld, E; Claps, G; Cremona, A; Grosso, G; Muraro, A; Murtas, F; Rebai, M; Scherillo, A; Tardocchi, M; Gorini, G