DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA "GIUSEPPE OCCHIALINI" (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 30/09/2012)
A front-end electronic system for large arrays of bolometers
2018 Arnaboldi, C; Carniti, P; Cassina, L; Gotti, C; Liu, X; Maino, M; Pessina, G; Rosenfeld, C; Zhu, B
First results from CUORE: A search for lepton number violation via 0νββ decay of 130Te
2018 Alduino, C; Alessandria, F; Alfonso, K; Andreotti, E; Arnaboldi, C; Avignone, F; Azzolini, O; Balata, M; Bandac, I; Banks, T; Bari, G; Barucci, M; Beeman, J; Bellini, F; Benato, G; Bersani, A; Biare, D; Biassoni, M; Bragazzi, F; Branca, A; Brofferio, C; Bryant, A; Buccheri, A; Bucci, C; Bulfon, C; Camacho, A; Caminata, A; Canonica, L; Cao, X; Capelli, S; Capodiferro, M; Cappelli, L; Cardani, L; Cariello, M; Carniti, P; Carrettoni, M; Casali, N; Cassina, L; Cereseto, R; Ceruti, G; Chiarini, A; Chiesa, D; Chott, N; Clemenza, M; Conventi, D; Copello, S; Cosmelli, C; Cremonesi, O; Crescentini, C; Creswick, R; Cushman, J; D’Addabbo, A; D’Aguanno, D; Dafinei, I; Datskov, V; Davis, C; Del Corso, F; Dell’Oro, S; Deninno, M; Di Domizio, S; Di Vacri, M; Di Paolo, L; Drobizhev, A; Ejzak, L; Faccini, R; Fang, D; Faverzani, M; Ferri, E; Ferroni, F; Fiorini, E; Franceschi, M; Freedman, S; Fujikawa, B; Gaigher, R; Giachero, A; Gironi, L; Giuliani, A; Gladstone, L; Goett, J; Gorla, P; Gotti, C; Guandalini, C; Guerzoni, M; Gutierrez, T; Haller, E; Han, K; Hansen, E; Heeger, K; Hennings-Yeomans, R; Hickerson, K; Huang, H; Iannone, M; Ioannucci, L; Kadel, R; Keppel, G; Kogler, L; Kolomensky, Y; Leder, A; Ligi, C; Lim, K; Liu, X; Ma, Y; Maiano, C; Maino, M; Marini, L; Martinez, M; Martinez Amaya, C; Maruyama, R; Mei, Y; Moggi, N; Morganti, S; Mosteiro, P; Nagorny, S; Napolitano, T; Nastasi, M; Nisi, S; Nones, C; Norman, E; Novati, V; Nucciotti, A; Nutini, I; O’Donnell, T; Olcese, M; Olivieri, E; Orio, F; Orlandi, D; Ouellet, J; Pagliarone, C; Pallavicini, M; Palmieri, V; Pattavina, L; Pavan, M; Pedretti, M; Pedrotta, R; Pelosi, A; Pessina, G; Pettinacci, V; Piperno, G; Pira, C; Pirro, S; Pozzi, S; Previtali, E; Reindl, F; Rimondi, F; Risegari, L; Rosenfeld, C; Rossi, C; Rusconi, C; Sakai, M; Sala, E; Salvioni, C; Sangiorgio, S; Santone, D; Schaeffer, D; Schmidt, B; Schmidt, J; Scielzo, N; Singh, V; Sisti, M; Smith, A; Stivanello, F; Taffarello, L; Tatananni, L; Tenconi, M; Terranova, F; Tessaro, M; Tomei, C; Ventura, G; Vignati, M; Wagaarachchi, S; Wallig, J; Wang, B; Wang, H; Welliver, B; Wilson, J; Wilson, K; Winslow, L; Wise, T; Zanotti, L; Zarra, C; Zhang, G; Zhu, B; Zimmermann, S; Zucchelli, S
The supply voltage apparatus of the CUORE experiment
2016 Arnaboldi, C; Bau', A; Carniti, P; Cassina, L; Giachero, A; Gotti, C; Maino, M; Passerini, A; Pessina, G
Very low noise AC/DC power supply systems for large detector arrays
2015 Arnaboldi, C; Bau', A; Carniti, P; Cassina, L; Giachero, A; Gotti, C; Maino, M; Passerini, A; Pessina, G
A very low noise AC/DC Power Supply System for large arrays of cryogenic detectors
2012 Arnaboldi, C; Bau', A; Giachero, A; Gotti, C; Maino, M; Passerini, A; Pessina, G
MARE-1 in Milan: Status and Perspectives
2012 Ferri, E; Arnaboldi, C; Ceruti, G; Faverzani, M; Gatti, F; Giachero, A; Gotti, C; Kilbourne, C; Kraft Bermuth, S; Nucciotti, A; Pessina, G; Schaeffer, D; Sisti, M
Search for double-β decay of 130Te to the first 0 + excited state of 130Xe with the CUORICINO experiment bolometer array
2012 Andreotti, E; Arnaboldi, C; Avignone, F; Balata, M; Bandac, I; Barucci, M; Beeman, J; Bellini, F; Brofferio, C; Bryant, A; Bucci, C; Canonica, L; Capelli, S; Carbone, L; Carrettoni, M; Clemenza, M; Cremonesi, O; Creswick, R; Di Domizio, S; Dolinski, M; Ejzak, L; Faccini, R; Farach, H; Ferri, E; Fiorini, E; Foggetta, L; Giachero, A; Gironi, L; Giuliani, A; Gorla, P; Guardincerri, E; Gutierrez, T; Haller, E; Kazkaz, K; Kogler, L; Kraft, S; Maiano, C; Martinez, C; Martinez, M; Maruyama, R; Newman, S; Nisi, S; Nones, C; Norman, E; Nucciotti, A; Orio, F; Pallavicini, M; Palmieri, V; Pattavina, L; Pavan, M; Pedretti, M; Pessina, G; Pirro, S; Previtali, E; Risegari, L; Rosenfeld, C; Rusconi, C; Salvioni, C; Sangiorgio, S; Schaeffer, D; Scielzo, N; Sisti, M; Smith, A; Tomei, C; Ventura, G; Vignati, M
The Readout and Biasing System for the MARE Experiment in Milan
2012 Arnaboldi, C; Giachero, A; Gotti, C; Maino, M; Pessina, G
A very high performance stabilization system for large mass bolometerexperiments
2011 Arnaboldi, C; Giachero, A; Gotti, C; Pessina, G
An Amplifier for Bolometric Detectors
2011 Arnaboldi, C; Giachero, A; Gotti, C; Maino, M; Pessina, G
An ultra fast, low power readout chain for single photon sensitivity with multi-anode photomultiplier tubes for the RICH upgrade at LHCb
2011 Arnaboldi, C; Giachero, A; Gotti, C; Maino, M; Pessina, G
A programmable multichannel antialiasing filter for the CUORE experiment
2010 Arnaboldi, C; Cariello, M; Di Domizio, S; Giachero, A; Pessina, G
CdWO4 scintillating bolometer for Double Beta Decay: Light and heat anticorrelation, light yield and quenching factors
2010 Arnaboldi, C; Beeman, J; Cremonesi, O; Gironi, L; Pavan, M; Pessina, G; Pirro, S; Previtali, E
Characterization of a Hamamatsu R7600 multi-anode photomultiplier tube with single photon signals
2010 Arnaboldi, C; Calvi, M; Fanchini, E; Giachero, A; Gotti, C; Maino, M; Matteuzzi, C; Perego, D; Pessina, G
Cherenkov light detection for the LHCb RICH upgrade
2010 Arnaboldi, C; Fanchini, E; Gotti, C; Maino, M; Pessina, G
Crosstalk study of the single-photon response of a flat-panel PMT for the RICH upgrade at LHCb
2010 Arnaboldi, C; Artuso, M; Calvi, M; Fanchini, E; Gotti, C; Maino, M; Matteuzzi, C; Perego, D; Pessina, G; Wang, J
The Bias Generator System for the CUORE Large Mass Bolometer Detectors
2010 Arnaboldi, C; Giachero, A; Gotti, C; Liu, X; Pessina, G
Cross talk study to the single photon response of a flat panel PMT for the RICH upgrade at LHCb
2009 Arnaboldi, C; Artuso, M; Calvi, M; Fanchini, E; Gotti, C; Maino, M; Matteuzzi, C; Perego, D; Pessina, G; Wang, J
The high-voltage system for the LHCb RICH hybrid photon detectors
2009 Arnaboldi, C; Bellunato, T; DE LUCIA, A; Fanchini, E; Perego, D; Pessina, G
Cryogenic Design of the Setup for MARE-1 in Milan
2008 Schaeffer, D; Arnaboldi, C; Ceruti, G; Ferri, E; Kilbourne, C; Kraft Bermuth, S; Margesin, B; Mccammon, D; Monfardini, A; Nucciotti, A; Pessina, G; Previtali, E; Sisti, M