Emotion regulation, peer acceptance and rejection, and emotional–behavioral problems in school-aged children.
2025 Salerni, N; Messetti, M
Partecipazione Comunicativa, temperamento e competenza sociale in età prescolare: quali interrelazioni?
2024 Salerni, N; Caprin, C
L’osservazione nei contesti educativi. Tecniche e strumenti
2023 Cassibba, R; Salerni, N
2022 Piazzalunga, S; Granocchio, E; Gazzola, S; Schindler, A; Salerni, N
Prosocial Behavior in Preschoolers: Effects of Early Socialization Experiences With Peers
2022 Salerni, N; Caprin, C
Semantic Contingency of Maternal Verbal Input Directed at Very Preterm and Full-Term Children
2022 Salerni, N; Suttora, C
Can You Understand Your Child? Reliability and Validity of a Parent Questionnaire: The Intelligibility in Context Scale: Italian
2021 Piazzalunga, S; Salerni, N; Limarzi, S; Fassina, S; Schindler, A
Mind-mindedness and parenting stress in mothers of preterm and full-term infants: The moderating role of perceived social support
2021 Suttora, C; Salerni, N; Selvagno, E; Porro, M; Gangi, S; Squarza, C; Gardon, L; Picciolini, O
The communicative participation in pre-school children estimated by the FOCUS questionnaire: a functional communicative outcome measure
2021 Piazzalunga, S; Salerni, N; Ambrogi, F; Limarzi, S; Gianera, S; Schindler, A
Assessment of children's communicative participation: a preliminary study on the validity and reliability of the Italian Focus on the Outcomes of Communication Under Six (FOCUS-I) in preschool age
2020 Piazzalunga, S; Salerni, N; Limarzi, S; Ticozzell, B; Schindler, A
Improving Children’s Logical and Mathematical Performance via a Pragmatic Approach
2020 Bagassi, M; Salerni, N; Castoldi, V; Sala, V; Caravona, L; Poli, F; Macchi, L
Mind-mindedness and parenting stress: A cross-sectional study in a cohort of mothers of 3-month-old full-term and preterm infants
2020 Suttora, C; Spinelli, M; Aureli, T; Fasolo, M; Lionetti, F; Picciolini, O; Ravasi, M; Salerni, N
Normative data and construct validity of a cross-linguistic functional speech outcome, the Intelligibility in Context Scale: Italian (ICS–I)
2020 Piazzalunga, S; Salerni, N; Ambrogi, F; Limarzi, S; Visconti, G; Schindler, A
How temperamental traits and emotion regulation abilities affect social acceptance in school context.
2018 Messetti, M; Salerni, N
La contingenza semantica nel linguaggio materno: un confronto tra bambini nati pretermine e bambini nati a termine.
2018 Salerni, N; Messetti, M; Persuati, E
Vocal and gestural productions of 24-month-old children with sex chromosome trisomies
2018 Zampini, L; Draghi, L; Silibello, G; Dall'Ara, F; Rigamonti, C; Suttora, C; Zanchi, P; Salerni, N; Lalatta, F; Vizziello, P
Assessing sequential reasoning skills in typically developing children
2017 Zampini, L; Zanchi, P; Suttora, C; Spinelli, M; Fasolo, M; Salerni, N
Bimodal maternal input and language development in typical and at risk children.
2017 Messetti, M; Salerni, N
La capacità rappresentativo - simbolica dei bambini nati pretermine nel secondo anno di vita.
2017 Messetti, M; Salerni, N; Suttora, C
Relationships between structural and acoustic properties of maternal talk and children’s early word recognition
2017 Suttora, C; Salerni, N; Zanchi, P; Zampini, L; Spinelli, M; Fasolo, M