A multi-lab approach to infant studies: examples from the Bicocca Child&BabyLab.
In corso di stampa Bettoni, R; Conte, S; Macchi Cassia, V
Inclusion, career coaching and disability
In corso di stampa Di Maggio, I; Santilli, S; Ginevra, M; Martella, G; Nota, L
Career guidance for persons with disabilities
In corso di stampa Ginevra, M; Soresi, S; Nota, L; Ferrari, L; Solberg, S
“Se togliessero lo smart-working valuterei il prepensionamento”: Lavoro da remoto e carichi di cura di lavoratori e lavoratrici pre-senior nel terziario avanzato milanese
In corso di stampa Russo, C; Dordoni, A
The Dynamics of Narcissus: Exploring the Covariation of Narcissistic States in Daily Life
In corso di stampa Dowgwillo, E; Fanti, E; Lee Pincus, A
Comparing awareness of antibiotic resistance in Sri Lanka and the European Union
In corso di stampa Morimoto, R; Bauer, M; Zulato, E; Süerdem, A; Jayasinghe, P; Munasinghe, M
The right to decent work of individuals with vulnerability: The role of soft skills.
In corso di stampa Santilli, S; Ginevra, M; Nota, L; Soresi, S
Voice acoustics as a biomarker for autism
In corso di stampa Briend, F; David, C; Silleresi, S; Malvy, J; Ferré, S; Latinus, M
Mapping antibiotics awareness across European regions.
In corso di stampa Zulato, E; Bauer, M
Second language phonolexical representations in Italian first-grade children enrolled in an English immersion program: effects of receptive vocabulary and environmental factors.
In corso di stampa Persici, V; Nelhams, R; Majorano, M
Left-and right-side unilateral spatial neglect. Hemispheric differences
2025 Veronelli, L; Vallar, G
MiEmo: A multi-modal platform on emotion recognition for children with autism spectrum condition
2025 Chitti, E; Actis-Grosso, R; Ricciardelli, P; Olivari, B; Carenzi, C; Tedoldi, M; Borghese, N
Using Trust and Reputation for Detecting Groups of Colluded Agents in Social Networks
2025 Cotronei, M; Giuffre, S; Marciano, A; Rosaci, D; Sarne, G
Developmental Eye Movement (DEM) Test in Adults: Age-Related Changes and Italian Normative Data
2025 Facchin, A; Maffioletti, S; Daini, R
Gamma oscillations and auditory perception: A cluster-based statistic investigation in infants at higher likelihood of autism and developmental language disorder
2025 Polver, S; Cantiani, C; Bulf, H; Piazza, C; Turati, C; Molteni, M; Riva, V
Does STN-DBS in Parkinson's Disease affect cognition? A case-control neuropsychological study and clinical considerations
2025 Longo, C; Zigiotto, L; Romano, D; Sarubbo, S; Corsini, F; Bacchin, R; Ottaviani, D; Di Giacopo, R; Rozzanigo, U; Bertoldi, B; Malaguti, M; Papagno, C
The role of pain expectancy and its confidence in placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia
2025 Camerone, E; Tosi, G; Romano, D
A common marker of affect recognition dysfunction in the FTD spectrum of disorders
2025 Canu, E; Castelnovo, V; Aiello, E; De Luca, G; Sibilla, E; Freri, F; Tripodi, C; Spinelli, E; Cecchetti, G; Magnani, G; Caso, F; Caroppo, P; Prioni, S; Villa, C; Tremolizzo, L; Appollonio, I; Verde, F; Ticozzi, N; Silani, V; Sturm, V; Rankin, K; Gorno-Tempini, M; Poletti, B; Filippi, M; Agosta, F
A unified mechanism for interpreting the emotional content of voice, speech and music: Comment on “The major-minor mode dichotomy in music perception” by Carraturo et al
2025 Proverbio, A
Enhancing multisensory rehabilitation of visual field defects with transcranial direct current stimulation: A randomized clinical trial
2025 Diana, L; Casati, C; Melzi, L; Marzoli, S; Bolognini, N
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