Automate the process of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded blocks storage in the pathology laboratory: A proof of concept study
2025 Eccher, A; Marletta, S; Pagni, F; L'Imperio, V; Piacentini, F; Dominici, M; Cavazza, A; Pinto, C; Brunelli, M; Fiorentino, M; Malapelle, U; Baron, M; Martignoni, G; Dei Tos, A
Clinical presentation, outcomes and risk of relapses of lupus podocytopathy in a multicentre Italian cohort
2025 Bonelli, G; Sciascia, S; Calatroni, M; L'Imperio, V; Fenoglio, R; Argolini, L; Carrara, C; Lepori, N; Reggiani, F; Bortoluzzi, A; Catapano, F; Gatto, M; Tani, C; Longhitano, E; Garozzo, M; Trezzi, B; Conte, E; Santoro, D; Gerosa, M; Mosca, M; Roccatello, D; Sinico, R; Moroni, G
A Mass Spectrometry Imaging-based multiomics approach to map the tumour-immune landscape of clear cell Renal Cell Carcinoma and gain insights into resistance to immunotherapy
2024 Bindi, G; Monza, N; Santos de Oliveira, G; Denti, V; Palubeckaite, I; de Haan, N; de Miranda, N; L'Imperio, V; Wuhrer, M; Pagni, F; Magni, F; Smith, A
Annotation practices in computational pathology: a European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology (ESDIP) survey study
2024 Montezuma, D; Oliveira, S; Tolkach, Y; Boor, P; Haragan, A; Carvalho, R; Della Mea, V; Kiehl, T; Leh, S; Yousif, M; Ameisen, D; Șerbănescu, M; Zerbe, N; L'Imperio, V
Artificial intelligence–based algorithms for the diagnosis of prostate cancer: A systematic review
2024 Marletta, S; Eccher, A; Martelli, F; Santonicco, N; Girolami, I; Scarpa, A; Pagni, F; L’Imperio, V; Pantanowitz, L; Gobbo, S; Seminati, D; Dei Tos, A; Parwani, A
Benchmarking digital displays (monitors) for histological diagnoses: the nephropathology use case
2024 Cazzaniga, G; Mascadri, F; Marletta, S; Caputo, A; Guidi, G; Gambaro, G; Eccher, A; Dei Tos, A; Pagni, F; L'Imperio, V
Computer-assisted urine cytology: Faster, cheaper, better?
2024 Ciaparrone, C; Maffei, E; L'Imperio, V; Pisapia, P; Eloy, C; Fraggetta, F; Zeppa, P; Caputo, A
Converging deep learning and human-observed tumor-adipocyte interaction as a biomarker in colorectal cancer
2024 Reitsam, N; Grosser, B; Steiner, D; Grozdanov, V; Wulczyn, E; L'Imperio, V; Plass, M; Müller, H; Zatloukal, K; Muti, H; Kather, J; Märkl, B
Current role of cytopathology in the molecular and computational era: The perspective of young pathologists
2024 Caputo, A; Pisapia, P; L'Imperio, V
Delving deeper into the Tumour Microenvironment: a MS-driven spatial multiomics approach to provide new molecular insights into immune-tumour cell communication
2024 Bindi, G; Monza, N; Santos de Oliveira, G; Denti, V; Palubeckaitė, I; de Haan, N; de Miranda, N; L'Imperio, V; Wuhrer, M; Pagni, F; Magni, F; Smith, A
Digital counting of tissue cells for molecular analysis: the QuANTUM pipeline
2024 L’Imperio, V; Cazzaniga, G; Mannino, M; Seminati, D; Mascadri, F; Ceku, J; Casati, G; Bono, F; Eloy, C; Rocco, E; Frascarelli, C; Fassan, M; Malapelle, U; Pagni, F
Digital Pathology Applications for PD-L1 Scoring in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Challenging Series
2024 Canini, V; Eccher, A; D'Amati, G; Fusco, N; Maffini, F; Lepanto, D; Martini, M; Cazzaniga, G; Paliogiannis, P; Lobrano, R; L'Imperio, V; Pagni, F
Digital transition in pathology lab: a survey from the Lombardy region
2024 Belloni, E; Bonoldi, E; Bovo, G; Buoro, S; Cerati, M; Cribiú, F; Dainese, E; Del Gobbo, A; Facchetti, M; Gianatti, A; Gianelli, U; Giunta, P; L'Imperio, V; Milione, M; Nebuloni, M; Pagni, F; Paulli, M; Piga, A; Pasotti, F
Economic assessment of NGS testing workflow for NSCLC in a healthcare setting
2024 Seminati, D; L'Imperio, V; Casati, G; Ceku, J; Pilla, D; Scalia, C; Gragnano, G; Pepe, F; Pisapia, P; Sala, L; Cortinovis, D; Bono, F; Malapelle, U; Troncone, G; Novello, S; Pagni, F
Effect of Sustained Clinical Remission on the Risk of Lupus Flares and Impaired Kidney Function in Patients With Lupus Nephritis
2024 Gatto, M; Frontini, G; Calatroni, M; Reggiani, F; Depascale, R; Cruciani, C; Quaglini, S; Sacchi, L; Trezzi, B; Bonelli, G; L'Imperio, V; Vaglio, A; Furlan, C; Zen, M; Iaccarino, L; Sinico, R; Doria, A; Moroni, G
Feasibility of MALDI-MSI-Based Proteomics Using Bouin-Fixed Pathology Samples: Untapping the Goldmine of Nephropathology Archives
2024 Bindi, G; Pagani, L; Ceku, J; de Oliveira, G; Porto, N; Monza, N; Denti, V; Mescia, F; Chinello, C; Fraggetta, F; Magni, F; Pagni, F; Alberici, F; L'Imperio, V; Smith, A
Galileo-an Artificial Intelligence tool for evaluating pre-implantation kidney biopsies
2024 Eccher, A; L'Imperio, V; Pantanowitz, L; Cazzaniga, G; Del Carro, F; Marletta, S; Gambaro, G; Barreca, A; Becker, J; Gobbo, S; Della Mea, V; Alberici, F; Pagni, F; Dei Tos, A
Improvements in digital pathology equipment for renal biopsies: updating the standard model
2024 L'Imperio, V; Casati, G; Cazzaniga, G; Tarabini, A; Bolognesi, M; Gibilisco, F; Fraggetta, F; Pagni, F
Improving the Annotation Process in Computational Pathology: A Pilot Study with Manual and Semi-automated Approaches on Consumer and Medical Grade Devices
2024 Cazzaniga, G; Del Carro, F; Eccher, A; Becker, J; Gambaro, G; Rossi, M; Pieruzzi, F; Fraggetta, F; Pagni, F; L'Imperio, V
Machine learning streamlines the morphometric characterization and multi-class segmentation of nuclei in different follicular thyroid lesions: everything in a NUTSHELL
2024 L'Imperio, V; Coelho, V; Cazzaniga, G; Papetti, D; Del Carro, F; Capitoli, G; Marino, M; Ceku, J; Fusco, N; Ivanova, M; Gianatti, A; Nobile, M; Galimberti, S; Besozzi, D; Pagni, F