AI and Narrative Scripts to Educate Adolescents About Social Media Algorithms: Insights About AI Overdependence, Trust and Awareness
2023 Theophilou, E; Lomonaco, F; Donabauer, G; Ognibene, D; Sanchez-Reina, R; Hernandez-Leo, D
Challenging social media threats using collective well-being-aware recommendation algorithms and an educational virtual companion
2023 Ognibene, D; Wilkens, R; Taibi, D; Hernández-Leo, D; Kruschwitz, U; Donabauer, G; Theophilou, E; Lomonaco, F; Bursic, S; Alejandro Lobo, R; Roberto Sánchez-Reina, J; Scifo, L; Schwarze, V; Börsting, J; Hoppe, U; Aprin, F; Malzahn, N; Sabrina Eimler, A
Developing Effective Educational Chatbots with ChatGPT prompts: Insights from Preliminary Tests in a Case Study on Social Media Literacy (with appendix)
2023 Koyuturk, C; Yavari, M; Theophilou, E; Bursic, S; Donabauer, G; Telari, A; Testa, A; Boiano, R; Gabbiadini, A; Hernandez-Leo, D; Ruskov, M; Ognibene, D
Developing Effective Educational Chatbots with ChatGPT prompts: Insights from Preliminary Tests in a Case Study on Social Media Literacy
2023 Koyuturk, C; Yavari, M; Theophilou, E; Bursic, S; Donabauer, G; Telari, A; Testa, A; Boiano, R; Gabbiadini, A; Hernandez-Leo, D; Ruskov, M; Ognibene, D
Moving Beyond Benchmarks and Competitions: Towards Addressing Social Media Challenges in an Educational Context
2023 Ognibene, D; Donabauer, G; Theophilou, E; Bursic, S; Lomonaco, F; Wilkens, R; Hernandez-Leo, D; Kruschwitz, U