Diritti mediati. Antropologia digitale e domanda di asilo politico in Italia
2024 Santanera, G
Entangling data while entangling disciplines. Discussing the future of anthropological collaborations with data scientists
2023 Raffaetà, R; Santanera, G; Esposito, F
Special Issue Editorial Introduction: Entangling Data while Entangling Disciplines. Discussing the future of anthropological collaborations with data scientists
2023 Raffaeta, R; Santanera, G; Esposito, F
Images affectives et identité urbaine : les séries camerounaises chez les téléspectateurs de Douala
2022 Santanera, G
The use of smartphones and the quest for a future among West African men in reception centers in Italy
2022 Santanera, G
Design for urban regeneration: future scenarios and common challenges in a multispecies world for synergistic action-research between design and anthropology
2021 Di Prete, B; Rebaglio, A; Crippa, D; Bargna, I; Santanera, G; Michelini, L
Designing unpredictable futures. An anthropological perspective on the algorithmical prediction of human behaviour
2021 Santanera, G; Raffaetà, R
L'attivismo mediatico dei giovani afrodiscendenti a Milano
2021 Santanera, G
Anthropology and Design: Exchanges, Entanglements, and Frictions
2020 Bargna, I; Santanera, G
Camerun digitale. Produzione video e diseguaglianza sociale a Douala
2020 Santanera, G
« Ce n'est pas l'art pour l'art» Stratégies économiques et sociales dans la production vidéo camerounaise
2019 Santanera, G
‘Films That Don't Seem Cameroonian’: Professional Video Making And Self-Styling Among Douala Youth
2019 Santanera, G
Afro-modernità in polvere: Esperienze video da Lagos a Douala
2018 Santanera, G
Fotografie migranti
2018 Santanera, G
Percorsi di etnografia dell'arte
2018 Santanera, G
Looking for a better city: videos from the neighborhoods of Douala
2017 Santanera, G
Video-making the city: Popular culture and urban life in Cameroon
2016 Santanera, G
Douala si mette in scena. Nuove esperienze video in Camerun
2015 Santanera, G
Lagos calling. Nollywood e la reinvenzione del cinema in Africa
2015 Jedlowski, A; Santanera, G
Report on the international workshop 'Featuring Africa: Exploring the plurality of African digital film cultures'
2015 Santanera, G; Jedlowski, A