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Titolo Tipologia Data di pubblicazione Autori File
Pyranoid Spirosugars as Enzyme Inhibitors 01 - Articolo su rivista 2021 La Ferla, BarbaraD'Orazio, Giuseppe
PVP-co-DMAEMA as Novel Polymeric Coating Material for Probiotic Supplements Delivery 01 - Articolo su rivista 2019 D'Orazio, GiuseppeDe Giani, AlessandraZampolli, JessicaZeaiter, ZahraaDi Gennaro, PatriziaLa Ferla, Barbara
Design, Synthesis, and Preliminary Biological Evaluation of GlcNAc-6P Analogues for the Modulation of Phosphoacetylglucosamine Mutase 1 (AGM1/PGM3) 01 - Articolo su rivista 2018 PAIOTTA, ALICED'Orazio, GPalorini, RRicciardiello, FZoia, LVotta, GDe Gioia, LChiaradonna, FLa Ferla, B
Electrochemical Characterization of CdSe Monolayers Modified with Glycosilated Molecules 01 - Articolo su rivista 2018 La ferla, BD'Orazio, GVercelli, B +
Flavonoids in the treatment of alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases 01 - Articolo su rivista 2018 Airoldi, CLa Ferla, BD'Orazio, GCiaramelli, CPalmioli, A
Inhibition of the Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway by targeting PGM3 causes breast cancer growth arrest and apoptosis 01 - Articolo su rivista 2018 RICCIARDIELLO, FRANCESCAVotta, GPalorini, RRaccagni, IBRUNELLI, LUCAPaiotta, ATINELLI, FRANCESCAD’Orazio, GValtorta, SDe Gioia, LPASTORELLI, ROBERTAMoresco, RMLa Ferla, BChiaradonna, F
Cellulose nanocrystals are effective in inhibiting host cell bacterial adhesion 01 - Articolo su rivista 2017 D'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPEZAMPOLLI, JESSICAFORCELLA, MATILDE EMMAZOIA, LUCAFUSI, PAOLA ALESSANDRADI GENNARO, PATRIZIALA FERLA, BARBARA +
N-Spirofused Bicyclic Derivatives of 1-Deoxynojirimycin: Synthesis and Preliminary Biological Evaluation 01 - Articolo su rivista 2016 D’Orazio, GDe Gioia, LLa Ferla, B +
Structural modifications of cis-glycofused benzopyran compounds and their influence on the binding to amyloid-β peptide 01 - Articolo su rivista 2016 AIROLDI, CRISTINAD'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPEGUZZI, CINZIANICOTRA, FRANCESCOLA FERLA, BARBARA +
Synthesis and Preliminary Biological Evaluation of Fluorescent Glycofused Tricyclic Derivatives of Amyloid β-Peptide Ligands 01 - Articolo su rivista 2016 D'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPELA FERLA, BARBARA +
Arsenical C-Glucoside Derivatives with Promising Antitumor Activity 01 - Articolo su rivista 2015 D'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPENICOTRA, FRANCESCOLA FERLA, BARBARA +
Evaluation of the probiotic properties of new Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains and their in vitro effect 01 - Articolo su rivista 2015 PRESTI, ILARIAD'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPELABRA, MASSIMOLA FERLA, BARBARAMEZZASALMA, VALERIODI GENNARO, PATRIZIA +
Microencapsulation of new probiotic formulations for gastrointestinal delivery: in vitro study to assess viability and biological properties 01 - Articolo su rivista 2015 D'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPEDI GENNARO, PATRIZIAPRESTI, ILARIALABRA, MASSIMOLA FERLA, BARBARA +
Curcumin derivatives: Aβ-ligands as potential diagnostic and therapeutic tools for alzheimer's disease 03 - Contributo in libro 2014 LA FERLA, BARBARAAIROLDI, CRISTINAD'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPE
Nanoliposomes presenting on surface a cis-glycofused benzopyran compound display binding affinity and aggregation inhibition ability towards Amyloid b1-42 peptide 01 - Articolo su rivista 2014 AIROLDI, CRISTINARIBEIRO CARDONA, FRANCISCO MIGUELZONA, CRISTIANOSIRONI, ERIKAD'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPENICOTRA, FRANCESCOLA FERLA, BARBARA +
Sodium glucose cotransporter 1 ligand BLF501 as novel tool for management of gastrointestinal mucositis 01 - Articolo su rivista 2014 LA FERLA, BARBARAD'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPENICOTRA, FRANCESCO +
Synthesis and glycosidase inhibition properties of triazole-linked calixarene iminosugar clusters 01 - Articolo su rivista 2014 D'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPELA FERLA, BARBARA +
Synthesis of glyco-Fused Bicyclic Compounds: Conformationally Constrained Scaffolds and Useful Polyfunctional Building Blocks 01 - Articolo su rivista 2014 D'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPENICOTRA, FRANCESCOLA FERLA, BARBARA +
Controlled-length efficient synthesis of heterobifunctionalized oligo ethylene glycols 01 - Articolo su rivista 2013 LA FERLA, BARBARAZONA, CRISTIANOD'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPE
Exomethylene-3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (emEDOT): A new versatile building block for functionalized electropolymerized poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophenes) (PEDOTs) 01 - Articolo su rivista 2013 SASSI, MAURORUFFO, RICCARDOSALAMONE, MATTEO MARCOMARI, CLAUDIO MARIAD'ORAZIO, GIUSEPPELA FERLA, BARBARABEVERINA, LUCA +