DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA CLINICA E PREVENZIONE (attivo dal 10/07/2006 al 30/09/2012)
Whole-Exome Sequencing Data - Identifying Somatic Mutations
2014 Spinelli, R; Piazza, R; Pirola, A; Valletta, S; Roberta, R; Mogavero, A; Marega, M; KUNDANINGATTU RAMAN, H; GAMBACORTI PASSERINI, C
Epigenetic Silencing of the Proapoptotic Gene BIM in Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma through an MeCP2/SIN3a Deacetylating Complex
2013 Piazza, R; Magistroni, V; Mogavero, A; Andreoni, F; Ambrogio, C; Chiarle, R; Mologni, L; Bachmann, P; Lock, R; Collini, P; Pelosi, G; GAMBACORTI PASSERINI, C
A bioinformatics procedure to identify and annotate somatic mutations in whole-exome sequencing data
2012 Spinelli, R; Piazza, R; Pirola, A; Valletta, S; Rostagno, R; Mogavero, A; Marega, M; KUNDANINGATTU RAMAN, H; GAMBACORTI PASSERINI, C
A computational procedure to identify and annotate somatic mutations in next-generation sequencing data
2011 Spinelli, R; Piazza, R; Pirola, A; Valletta, S; Rostagno, R; Mogavero, A; Marega, M; KUNDANINGATTU RAMAN, H; GAMBACORTI PASSERINI, C
BCR and BCR-ABL regulation during myeloid differentiation in healthy donors and in chronic phase/blast crisis CML patients
2010 Marega, M; Piazza, R; Pirola, A; Redaelli, S; Mogavero, A; Iacobucci, I; Meneghetti, I; Parma, M; Pogliani, E; GAMBACORTI PASSERINI, C
Epigenetic silencing of BIM in glucocorticoid poor-responsive pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and its reversal by histone deacetylase inhibition
2010 Bachmann, P; Piazza, R; Janes, M; Wong, N; Davies, C; Mogavero, A; Bhadri, V; Szymanska, B; Geninson, G; Magistroni, V; Cazzaniga, G; Biondi, A; Miranda Saavedra, D; Göttgens, B; Saffery, R; Craig, J; Marshall, G; GAMBACORTI PASSERINI, C; Pimanda, J; Lock, R
Epigenetic silencing of the proapoptotic gene bim in anaplastic large cell lymphoma
2010 Mogavero, A
Epigenetic Silencing of the Pro-Apoptotic Bim Gene in Glucocorticoid Poor-Responsive Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, and Its Reversal by Histone Deacetylase Inhibition
2009 Lock, R; Bachmann, P; Piazza, R; Davies, C; James, M; Wong, N; Bhadri, V; Mogavero, A; Magistroni, V; GAMBACORTI PASSERINI, C; Saffery, R; Craig, J; Pimanda, J; Marshall, G
BCR and BCR/ABL Regulation during Myeloid Differentiation in Healthy Donors and in Chronic Phase/Blast Crisis CML Patients
2008 Marega, M; Piazza, R; Meneghetti, I; Redaelli, S; Mogavero, A; GAMBACORTI PASSERINI, C