Aftereffects to Prism Exposure without Adaptation: A Single Case Study
2022 Albini, F; Pisoni, A; Salvatore, A; Calzolari, E; Casati, C; Marzoli, S; Falini, A; Crespi, S; Godi, C; Castellano, A; Bolognini, N; Vallar, G
A home-based prism adaptation training for neglect patients
2020 Fortis, P; Ronchi, R; Velardo, V; Calzolari, E; Banco, E; Algeri, L; Spada, M; Vallar, G
Exploring prism exposure after hemispheric damage: Reduced aftereffects following left-sided lesions
2019 Ronchi, R; Rossi, I; Calzolari, E; Bolognini, N; Vallar, G
Unilateral spatial neglect after posterior parietal damage
2018 Vallar, G; Calzolari, E
Adaptation aftereffects reveal that tactile distance is a basic somatosensory feature
2017 Calzolari, E; Azañón, E; Danvers, M; Vallar, G; Longo, M
Multisensory and Modality-Specific Influences on Adaptation to Optical Prisms
2017 Calzolari, E; Albini, F; Bolognini, N; Vallar, G
Effect of prism adaptation on thermoregulatory control in humans
2016 Calzolari, E; Gallace, A; Moseley, G; Vallar, G
Exploring bodily representations: spatial maps around, in, and on the body.
2016 Calzolari, E
Restoring abnormal aftereffects of prismatic adaptation through neuromodulation
2015 Calzolari, E; Bolognini, N; Casati, C; Bianchi Marzoli, S; Vallar, G
The effect of optokinetic stimulation on skin temperature regulation
2014 Calzolari, E; Gallace, A; Vallar, G
Vision of the limb affects in a different way adaptation to optical prisms by repeated pointings vs. ecological tasks
2014 Calzolari, E; Fortis, P; Ronchi, R; Vallar, G
Exploring the effects of ecological activities during exposure to optical prisms in healthy individuals
2013 Fortis, P; Ronchi, R; Calzolari, E; Gallucci, M; Vallar, G
Influenza dell’adattamento prismatico sulla termoregolazione
2013 Calzolari, E; Gallace, A; Moseley, G; Vallar, G
Prism adaptation affects thermoregulatory control of hands temperature in healthy participants
2013 Calzolari, E; Gallace, A; Moseley, G; Vallar, G
Ecological visuomotor tasks during prism adaptation cause larger aftereffects than repeated pointings in healthy participants.
2012 Calzolari, E; Fortis, P; Ronchi, R; Vallar, G
L'adattamento a lenti prismatiche in soggetti neurologicamente sani influisce sulla termoregolazione degli arti
2012 Calzolari, E; Gallace, A; Moseley, G; Vallar, G