Diamond precipitation dynamics from hydrocarbons at icy planet interior conditions
2024 Frost, M; Mcwilliams, R; Bykova, E; Bykov, M; Husband, R; Andriambariarijaona, L; Khandarkhaeva, S; Massani, B; Appel, K; Baehtz, C; Ball, O; Cerantola, V; Chariton, S; Choi, J; Cynn, H; Duff, M; Dwivedi, A; Edmund, E; Fiquet, G; Graafsma, H; Hwang, H; Jaisle, N; Kim, J; Konôpková, Z; Laurus, T; Lee, Y; Liermann, H; Mchardy, J; Mcmahon, M; Morard, G; Nakatsutsumi, M; Nguyen, L; Ninet, S; Prakapenka, V; Prescher, C; Redmer, R; Stern, S; Strohm, C; Sztuk-Dambietz, J; Turcato, M; Wu, Z; Glenzer, S; Goncharov, A
ID20 – opportunities for inelastic X-ray scattering at extreme conditions
2024 Sahle, C; Petitgirard, S; Spiekermann, G; Sakrowski, R; Suomalainen, N; Gerbon, F; Jacobs, J; Watier, Y; Sternemann, C; Moretti Sala, M; Cerantola, V
Measurement bias in self-heating x-ray free electron laser experiments from diffraction studies of phase transformation in titanium
2024 Ball, O; Husband, R; Mchardy, J; Mcmahon, M; Strohm, C; Konôpková, Z; Appel, K; Cerantola, V; Coleman, A; Cynn, H; Dwivedi, A; Goncharov, A; Graafsma, H; Huston, L; Hwang, H; Kaa, J; Kim, J; Koemets, E; Laurus, T; Li, X; Marquardt, H; Méndez, A; Merkel, S; Mondal, A; Morard, G; Prakapenka, V; Prescher, C; Preston, T; Speziale, S; Stern, S; Sturtevant, B; Sztuk-Dambietz, J; Velisavljevic, N; Yoo, C; Zastrau, U; Jenei, Z; Liermann, H; Mcwilliams, R
Monoclinic distortion and magnetic transitions in FeO under pressure and temperature
2024 Li, X; Bykova, E; Vasiukov, D; Aprilis, G; Chariton, S; Cerantola, V; Bykov, M; Müller, S; Pakhomova, A; Akbar, F; Mukhina, E; Kantor, I; Glazyrin, K; Comboni, D; Chumakov, A; Mccammon, C; Dubrovinsky, L; Sanchez-Valle, C; Kupenko, I
Shock compression experiments using the DiPOLE 100-X laser on the high energy density instrument at the European x-ray free electron laser: Quantitative structural analysis of liquid Sn
2024 Gorman, M; Mcgonegle, D; Smith, R; Singh, S; Jenkins, T; Mcwilliams, R; Albertazzi, B; Ali, S; Antonelli, L; Armstrong, M; Baehtz, C; Ball, O; Banerjee, S; Belonoshko, A; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A; Bolme, C; Bouffetier, V; Briggs, R; Buakor, K; Butcher, T; Di Dio Cafiso, S; Cerantola, V; Chantel, J; Di Cicco, A; Clarke, S; Coleman, A; Collier, J; Collins, G; Comley, A; Coppari, F; Cowan, T; Cristoforetti, G; Cynn, H; Descamps, A; Dorchies, F; Duff, M; Dwivedi, A; Edwards, C; Eggert, J; Errandonea, D; Fiquet, G; Galtier, E; Laso Garcia, A; Ginestet, H; Gizzi, L; Gleason, A; Goede, S; Gonzalez, J; Harmand, M; Hartley, N; Heighway, P; Hernandez-Gomez, C; Higginbotham, A; Höppner, H; Husband, R; Hutchinson, T; Hwang, H; Lazicki, A; Keen, D; Kim, J; Koester, P; Konopkova, Z; Kraus, D; Krygier, A; Labate, L; Lee, Y; Liermann, H; Mason, P; Masruri, M; Massani, B; Mcbride, E; Mcguire, C; Mchardy, J; Merkel, S; Morard, G; Nagler, B; Nakatsutsumi, M; Nguyen-Cong, K; Norton, A; Oleynik, I; Otzen, C; Ozaki, N; Pandolfi, S; Peake, D; Pelka, A; Pereira, K; Phillips, J; Prescher, C; Preston, T; Randolph, L; Ranjan, D; Ravasio, A; Redmer, R; Rips, J; Santamaria-Perez, D; Savage, D; Schoelmerich, M; Schwinkendorf, J; Smith, J; Sollier, A; Spear, J; Spindloe, C; Stevenson, M; Strohm, C; Suer, T; Tang, M; Toncian, M; Toncian, T; Tracy, S; Trapananti, A; Tschentscher, T; Tyldesley, M; Vennari, C; Vinci, T; Vogel, S; Volz, T; Vorberger, J; Walsh, J; Wark, J; Willman, J; Wollenweber, L; Zastrau, U; Brambrink, E; Appel, K; Mcmahon, M
A MHz X-ray diffraction set-up for dynamic compression experiments in the diamond anvil cell
2023 Husband, R; Strohm, C; Appel, K; Ball, O; Briggs, R; Buchen, J; Cerantola, V; Chariton, S; Coleman, A; Cynn, H; Dattelbaum, D; Dwivedi, A; Eggert, J; Ehm, L; Evans, W; Glazyrin, K; Goncharov, A; Graafsma, H; Howard, A; Huston, L; Hutchinson, T; Hwang, H; Jacob, S; Kaa, J; Kim, J; Kim, M; Koemets, E; Konôpková, Z; Langenhorst, F; Laurus, T; Li, X; Mainberger, J; Marquardt, H; Mcbride, E; Mcguire, C; Mchardy, J; Mcmahon, M; Mcwilliams, R; Méndez, A; Mondal, A; Morard, G; O'Bannon, E; Otzen, C; Pépin, C; Prakapenka, V; Prescher, C; Preston, T; Redmer, R; Roeper, M; Sanchez-Valle, C; Smith, D; Smith, R; Sneed, D; Speziale, S; Spitzbart, T; Stern, S; Sturtevant, B; Sztuk-Dambietz, J; Talkovski, P; Velisavljevic, N; Vennari, C; Wu, Z; Yoo, C; Zastrau, U; Jenei, Z; Liermann, H
A von Hámos spectrometer for diamond anvil cell experiments at the High Energy Density Instrument of the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser
2023 Kaa, J; Konôpková, Z; Preston, T; Cerantola, V; Sahle, C; Förster, M; Albers, C; Libon, L; Sakrowski, R; Wollenweber, L; Buakor, K; Dwivedi, A; Mishchenko, M; Nakatsutsumi, M; Plückthun, C; Schwinkendorf, J; Spiekermann, G; Thiering, N; Petitgirard, S; Tolan, M; Wilke, M; Zastrau, U; Appel, K; Sternemann, C
Direct LiF imaging diagnostics on refractive X-ray focusing at the EuXFEL High Energy Density instrument
2023 Makarov, S; Makita, M; Nakatsutsumi, M; Pikuz, T; Ozaki, N; Preston, T; Appel, K; Konopkova, Z; Cerantola, V; Brambrink, E; Schwinkendorf, J; Mohacsi, I; Burian, T; Chalupsky, J; Hajkova, V; Juha, L; Vozda, V; Nagler, B; Zastrau, U; Pikuz, S; Yabashi, M
Dynamic optical spectroscopy and pyrometry of static targets under optical and x-ray laser heating at the European XFEL
2023 Ball, O; Prescher, C; Appel, K; Baehtz, C; Baron, M; Briggs, R; Cerantola, V; Chantel, J; Chariton, S; Coleman, A; Cynn, H; Damker, H; Dattelbaum, D; Dresselhaus-Marais, L; Eggert, J; Ehm, L; Evans, W; Fiquet, G; Frost, M; Glazyrin, K; Goncharov, A; Husband, R; Hwang, H; Jaisle, N; Jenei, Z; Kim, J; Lee, Y; Liermann, H; Mainberger, J; Makita, M; Marquardt, H; Mcbride, E; Mchardy, J; Mcmahon, M; Merkel, S; Morard, G; O'Bannon, E; Otzen, C; Pace, E; Pelka, A; Pépin, C; Pigott, J; Plückthun, C; Prakapenka, V; Redmer, R; Speziale, S; Spiekermann, G; Strohm, C; Sturtevant, B; Talkovski, P; Wollenweber, L; Zastrau, U; Mcwilliams, R; Konôpková, Z
Epitactic magnetite growth in fluid inclusions as driving force for olivine oxidation coupled with hydrogen production at high pressure
2023 Malaspina, N; Campione, M; Tumiati, S; Murri, M; Fumagalli, P; Cerantola, V; La Fortezza, M; Scambelluri, M
Extensive oxidizing events recorded by peridotite mantle xenoliths from the Hyblean Plateau: Evidence from combined measurements of ferric iron in spinel with noble gases and fluid inclusions chemistry in olivine
2023 Marras, G; Stagno, V; Andreozzi, G; Caracausi, A; Cerantola, V; Frezzotti, M; Zacchigna, M; Perinelli, C
Imaging x-ray spectrometer at the high energy density instrument of the European x-ray free electron laser
2023 Pan, X; Smid, M; Stefanikova, R; Donat, F; Baehtz, C; Burian, T; Cerantola, V; Gaus, L; Humphries, O; Hajkova, V; Juha, L; Krupka, M; Kozlova, M; Konopkova, Z; Preston, T; Wollenweber, L; Zastrau, U; Falk, K
MHz free electron laser x-ray diffraction and modeling of pulsed laser heated diamond anvil cell
2023 Jaisle, N; Cebron, D; Konopkova, Z; Husband, R; Prescher, C; Cerantola, V; Dwivedi, A; Kaa, J; Appel, K; Buakor, K; Ball, O; Mcwilliams, R; Strohm, C; Nakatsutsumi, M; Zastrau, U; Baehtz, C; Baron, M; Edmund, E; Biswas, J; Mchardy, J; Sturtevant, B; Ehm, L; Goncharov, A; Mcmahon, M; Buchen, J; Cynn, H; Pace, E; Liermann, H; Sneed, D; Cooper, S; Anae, M; Kim, J; Wu, Z; Lee, Y; Hwang, H; Kim, T; Choi, J; Lee, J; Merkel, S; Chantel, J; Koemets, E; Marquardt, H; Prakapenka, V; Chariton, S; Shevchenko, E; Fiquet, G; Rosa, A; Mezouar, M; Garbarino, G; Morard, G
Tetracarbonates in silicate melts may be at the origin of a deep carbon reservoir in the deep Earth
2023 Cerantola, V; Sahle, C; Petitgirard, S; Wu, M; Checchia, S; Weis, C; Di Michiel, M; Vaughan, G; Collings, I; Arató, R; Wilke, M; Jones, A; Hanfland, M; Tse, J
Toward using collective x-ray Thomson scattering to study C-H demixing and hydrogen metallization in warm dense matter conditions
2023 Ranjan, D; Ramakrishna, K; Voigt, K; Humphries, O; Heuser, B; Stevenson, M; Lütgert, J; He, Z; Qu, C; Schumacher, S; May, P; Amouretti, A; Appel, K; Brambrink, E; Cerantola, V; Chekrygina, D; Fletcher, L; Göde, S; Harmand, M; Hartley, N; Hau-Riege, S; Makita, M; Pelka, A; Schuster, A; Šmíd, M; Toncian, T; Zhang, M; Preston, T; Zastrau, U; Vorberger, J; Kraus, D
Fe3+ -hosting carbon phases in the deep Earth
2022 Albers, C; Sakrowski, R; Libon, L; Spiekermann, G; Winkler, B; Schmidt, C; Bayarjargal, L; Cerantola, V; Chariton, S; Giordano, N; Gretarsson, H; Kaa, J; Liermann, H; Sundermann, M; Thiering, N; Tolan, M; Wilke, M; Christian Sternemann, A
Magnetic Ordering of Magnetite Inclusions in Olivine at Mantle Depths in Subduction Zones
2022 Campione, M; Murri, M; Cerantola, V; Bessas, D; Rosenthal, A; Chumakov, A; Scambelluri, M; Malaspina, N
Relatively oxidized conditions for diamond formation at Udachnaya (Siberia)
2022 Faccincani, L; Cerantola, V; Nestola, F; Nimis, P; Ziberna, L; Pasqualetto, L; Chumakov, A; Harris, J; Coltorti, M
Structural and electron spin state changes in an x-ray heated iron carbonate system at the Earth's lower mantle pressures
2022 Kaa, J; Sternemann, C; Appel, K; Cerantola, V; Preston, T; Albers, C; Elbers, M; Libon, L; Makita, M; Pelka, A; Petitgirard, S; Pluckthun, C; Roddatis, V; Sahle, C; Spiekermann, G; Schmidt, C; Schreiber, A; Sakrowski, R; Tolan, M; Wilke, M; Zastrau, U; Konopkova, Z
Demonstration of an x-ray Raman spectroscopy setup to study warm dense carbon at the high energy density instrument of European XFEL
2021 Voigt, K; Zhang, M; Ramakrishna, K; Amouretti, A; Appel, K; Brambrink, E; Cerantola, V; Chekrygina, D; Döppner, T; Falcone, R; Falk, K; Fletcher, L; Gericke, D; G??de, S; Harmand, M; Hartley, N; Hau-Riege, S; Huang, L; Humphries, O; Lokamani, M; Makita, M; Pelka, A; Prescher, C; Schuster, A; Šmíd, M; Toncian, T; Vorberger, J; Zastrau, U; Preston, T; Kraus, D