High-definition imaging of a filamentary connection between a close quasar pair at z = 3
2025 Tornotti, D; Fumagalli, M; Fossati, M; Benitez-Llambay, A; Izquierdo-Villalba, D; Travascio, A; Arrigoni Battaia, F; Cantalupo, S; Beckett, A; Bonoli, S; Dayal, P; D'Odorico, V; Dutta, R; Lusso, E; Peroux, C; Rafelski, M; Revalski, M; Spinoso, D; Swinbank, M
ALMA survey of a massive node of the Cosmic Web at z ∼ 3: I. Discovery of a large overdensity of CO emitters
2024 Pensabene, A; Cantalupo, S; Cicone, C; Decarli, R; Galbiati, M; Ginolfi, M; de Beer, S; Fossati, M; Fumagalli, M; Lazeyras, T; Pezzulli, G; Travascio, A; Wang, W; Matthee, J; Maseda, M
An Ensemble Study of Turbulence in Extended QSO Nebulae at z ≈ 0.5-1
2024 Chen, M; Chen, H; Rauch, M; Qu, Z; Johnson, S; Schaye, J; Rudie, G; Li, J; Liu, Z; Zahedy, F; Cantalupo, S; Boettcher, E
Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) science: The hidden circumgalactic medium
2024 Lee, M; Schimek, A; Cicone, C; Andreani, P; Popping, G; Sommovigo, L; Appleton, P; Bischetti, M; Cantalupo, S; Chen, C; Dannerbauer, H; De Breuck, C; Di Mascolo, L; Emonts, B; Hatziminaoglou, E; Pensabene, A; Rizzo, F; Rybak, M; Shen, S; Lundgren, A; Booth, M; Klaassen, P; Mroczkowski, T; Cordiner, M; Johnstone, D; van Kampen, E; Liu, D; Maccarone, T; Saintonge, A; Smith, M; Thelen, A; Wedemeyer, S
Discovery of Optically Emitting Circumgalactic Nebulae around the Majority of UV-luminous Quasars at Intermediate Redshift
2024 Johnson, S; Liu, Z; Li, J; Schaye, J; Greene, J; Cantalupo, S; Rudie, G; Qu, Z; Chen, H; Rafelski, M; Muzahid, S; Chen, M; Contini, T; Kollatschny, W; Mishra, N; Petitjean, P; Rauch, M; Zahedy, F
MAMMOTH-Subaru. II. Diverse Populations of Circumgalactic Lyα Nebulae at Cosmic Noon
2024 Li, M; Zhang, H; Cai, Z; Liang, Y; Kashikawa, N; Ma, K; Fan, X; Prochaska, J; Emonts, B; Wang, X; Wu, Y; Zhang, S; Li, Q; Johnson, S; Yue, M; Arrigoni Battaia, F; Cantalupo, S; Hennawi, J; Kikuta, S; Ning, Y; Ouchi, M; Shimakawa, R; Wang, B; Wang, W; Zheng, Z; Zheng, Z
MUSE Analysis of Gas around Galaxies (MAGG) - VI. The cool and enriched gas environment of z≳3 Lyα emitters
2024 Galbiati, M; Dutta, R; Fumagalli, M; Fossati, M; Cantalupo, S
MUSE view of PDS 456: Kiloparsec-scale wind, extended ionized gas, and close environment
2024 Travascio, A; Piconcelli, E; Bischetti, M; Cresci, G; Feruglio, C; Perna, M; Vietri, G; Carniani, S; Cantalupo, S; Cicone, C; Ginolfi, M; Venturi, G; Zubovas, K; Bongiorno, A; Brusa, M; Luminari, A; Mainieri, V; Marconi, A; Menci, N; Nardini, E; Pensabene, A; Ramos Almeida, C; Tombesi, F; Vignali, C; Zappacosta, L; Fiore, F
MUSEQuBES: Mapping the distribution of neutral hydrogen around low-redshift galaxies
2024 Dutta, S; Muzahid, S; Schaye, J; Mishra, S; Chen, H; Johnson, S; Wisotzki, L; Cantalupo, S
The Cosmic Ultraviolet Baryon Survey (CUBS). IX. The Enriched Circumgalactic and Intergalactic Medium Around Star-forming Field Dwarf Galaxies Traced by O vi Absorption
2024 Mishra, N; Johnson, S; Rudie, G; Chen, H; Schaye, J; Qu, Z; Zahedy, F; Boettcher, E; Cantalupo, S; Chen, M; Faucher-Giguére, C; Greene, J; Li, J; Liu, Z; Lopez, S; Petitjean, P
The Cosmic Ultraviolet Baryon Survey (CUBS). VII. On the Warm-hot Circumgalactic Medium Probed by O vi and Ne viii at 0.4 ≲ z ≲ 0.7
2024 Qu, Z; Chen, H; Johnson, S; Rudie, G; Zahedy, F; Depalma, D; Schaye, J; Boettcher, E; Cantalupo, S; Chen, M; Faucher-Giguère, C; Li, J; Mulchaey, J; Petitjean, P; Rafelski, M
The Cosmic Ultraviolet Baryon Survey (CUBS). VIII. Group Environment of the Most Luminous Quasars at z ≈ 1
2024 Li, J; Johnson, S; Boettcher, E; Cantalupo, S; Chen, H; Chen, M; Depalma, D; Liu, Z; Mishra, N; Petitjean, P; Qu, Z; Rudie, G; Schaye, J; Zahedy, F
The first comprehensive study of a giant nebula around a radio-quiet quasar in the z < 1 Universe
2024 Liu, Z; Johnson, S; Li, J; Rudie, G; Schaye, J; Chen, H; Brinchmann, J; Cantalupo, S; Chen, M; Kollatschny, W; Maseda, M; Mishra, N; Muzahid, S
The MUSE Ultra Deep Field (MUDF). VI. The Relationship between Galaxy Properties and Metals in the Circumgalactic Medium
2024 Beckett, A; Rafelski, M; Revalski, M; Fumagalli, M; Fossati, M; Nedkova, K; Dutta, R; Bielby, R; Cantalupo, S; Dayal, P; D'Odorico, V; Galbiati, M; Péroux, C
Bipolar outflows out to 10 kpc for massive galaxies at redshift z ≈ 1
2023 Guo, Y; Bacon, R; Bouché, N; Wisotzki, L; Schaye, J; Blaizot, J; Verhamme, A; Cantalupo, S; Boogaard, L; Brinchmann, J; Cherrey, M; Kusakabe, H; Langan, I; Leclercq, F; Matthee, J; Michel-Dansac, L; Schroetter, I; Wendt, M
Characterizing the Circumgalactic Medium of Quasars at z∼2.2 through Hα and Lyα Emission
2023 Langen, V; Cantalupo, S; C Steidel, C; Chen, Y; Pezzulli, G; G Gallego, S
Empirical constraints on the turbulence in QSO host nebulae from velocity structure function measurements
2023 Chen, M; Chen, H; Rauch, M; Qu, Z; Johnson, S; Li, J; Schaye, J; Rudie, G; Zahedy, F; Boettcher, E; Cooksey, K; Cantalupo, S
Metal line emission from galaxy haloes at z ≈ 1
2023 Dutta, R; Fossati, M; Fumagalli, M; Revalski, M; K Lofthouse, E; Nelson, D; Papini, G; Rafelski, M; Cantalupo, S; Arrigoni Battaia, F; Dayal, P; Longobardi, A; P??roux, C; J Prichard, L; Xavier Prochaska, J
Modelling gas around galaxy pairs and groups using the Q0107 quasar triplet
2023 Beckett, A; Morris, S; Fumagalli, M; Tejos, N; Jannuzi, B; Cantalupo, S
MUSE Analysis of Gas around Galaxies (MAGG) - IV: The gaseous environment of z~3-4 Lya emitting galaxies
2023 K Lofthouse, E; Fumagalli, M; Fossati, M; Dutta, R; Galbiati, M; Arrigoni Battaia, F; Cantalupo, S; Christensen, L; J Cooke, R; Longobardi, A; T Murphy, M; Xavier Prochaska, J