High-definition imaging of a filamentary connection between a close quasar pair at z = 3
2025 Tornotti, D; Fumagalli, M; Fossati, M; Benitez-Llambay, A; Izquierdo-Villalba, D; Travascio, A; Arrigoni Battaia, F; Cantalupo, S; Beckett, A; Bonoli, S; Dayal, P; D'Odorico, V; Dutta, R; Lusso, E; Peroux, C; Rafelski, M; Revalski, M; Spinoso, D; Swinbank, M
The MUSE Ultra Deep Field: A 5 Mpc Stretch of the z ≈ 4 Cosmic Web Revealed in Emission
2025 Tornotti, D; Fumagalli, M; Fossati, M; Arrigoni Battaia, F; Benitez-Llambay, A; Dayal, P; Dutta, R; Peroux, C; Rafelski, M; Revalski, M
A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE): XVI. The ubiquity of truncated star-forming discs across the Virgo cluster environment
2024 Morgan, C; Balogh, M; Boselli, A; Fossati, M; Lawlor-Forsyth, C; Sazonova, E; Amram, P; Boquien, M; Braine, J; Cortese, L; Cote, P; Cuillandre, J; Ferrarese, L; Gwyn, S; Hensler, G; Junais, ; Roediger, J
ALMA survey of a massive node of the Cosmic Web at z ∼ 3: I. Discovery of a large overdensity of CO emitters
2024 Pensabene, A; Cantalupo, S; Cicone, C; Decarli, R; Galbiati, M; Ginolfi, M; de Beer, S; Fossati, M; Fumagalli, M; Lazeyras, T; Pezzulli, G; Travascio, A; Wang, W; Matthee, J; Maseda, M
ESO 137-001: A jellyfish galaxy model
2024 Vollmer, B; Sun, M; Jachym, P; Fossati, M; Boselli, A
Metal line emission around z < 1 galaxies
2024 Dutta, R; Fumagalli, M; Fossati, M; Rafelski, M; Revalski, M; Arrigoni Battaia, F; D'Odorico, V; Péroux, C; Prichard, L; Swinbank, A
MUSE Analysis of Gas around Galaxies (MAGG) - VI. The cool and enriched gas environment of z≳3 Lyα emitters
2024 Galbiati, M; Dutta, R; Fumagalli, M; Fossati, M; Cantalupo, S
Nearby galaxies in the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: III. Influence of cosmic-ray transport on the radio-SFR relation
2024 Heesen, V; Schulz, S; Brüggen, M; Edler, H; Stein, M; Paladino, R; Boselli, A; Ignesti, A; Fossati, M; Dettmar, R
Probing coherence in metal absorption towards multiple images of strong gravitationally lensed quasars
2024 Dutta, R; Acebron, A; Fumagalli, M; Grillo, C; Caminha, G; Fossati, M
Retrieval of the physical parameters of galaxies from WEAVE-StePS-like data using machine learning
2024 Angthopo, J; Granett, B; La Barbera, F; Longhetti, M; Iovino, A; Fossati, M; Ditrani, F; Costantin, L; Zibetti, S; Gallazzi, A; Sanchez-Blazquez, P; Tortora, C; Spiniello, C; Poggianti, B; Vazdekis, A; Balcells, M; Bardelli, S; Benn, C; Bianconi, M; Bolzonella, M; Busarello, G; Cassara, L; Corsini, E; Cucciati, O; Dalton, G; Ferre-Mateu, A; Garcia-Benito, R; Gonzalez Delgado, R; Gafton, E; Gullieuszik, M; Haines, C; Iodice, E; Ikhsanova, A; Jin, S; Knapen, J; Mcgee, S; Mercurio, A; Merluzzi, P; Morelli, L; Moretti, A; Murphy, D; Pizzella, A; Pozzetti, L; Ragusa, R; Trager, S; Vergani, D; Vulcani, B; Talia, M; Zucca, E
The MUSE Ultra Deep Field (MUDF). V. Characterizing the Mass-Metallicity Relation for Low-mass Galaxies at z ∼ 1-2
2024 Revalski, M; Rafelski, M; Henry, A; Fossati, M; Fumagalli, M; Dutta, R; Pirzkal, N; Beckett, A; Arrigoni Battaia, F; Dayal, P; D'Odorico, V; Lusso, E; Nedkova, K; Prichard, L; Papovich, C; Peroux, C
The MUSE Ultra Deep Field (MUDF). VI. The Relationship between Galaxy Properties and Metals in the Circumgalactic Medium
2024 Beckett, A; Rafelski, M; Revalski, M; Fumagalli, M; Fossati, M; Nedkova, K; Dutta, R; Bielby, R; Cantalupo, S; Dayal, P; D'Odorico, V; Galbiati, M; Péroux, C
The stellar population of a z ∼ 3.25 Ly α -emitting group associated with a damped Ly α absorber
2024 Pruto, G; Fumagalli, M; Rafelski, M; Revalski, M; Fossati, M; Mackenzie, R; Theuns, T
The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE: Survey design, overview, and simulated implementation
2024 Jin, S; Trager, S; Dalton, G; Aguerri, J; Drew, J; Falcón-Barroso, J; Gänsicke, B; Hill, V; Iovino, A; Pieri, M; Poggianti, B; Smith, D; Vallenari, A; Abrams, D; Aguado, D; Antoja, T; Aragón-Salamanca, A; Ascasibar, Y; Babusiaux, C; Balcells, M; Barrena, R; Battaglia, G; Belokurov, V; Bensby, T; Bonifacio, P; Bragaglia, A; Carrasco, E; Carrera, R; Cornwell, D; Domínguez-Palmero, L; Duncan, K; Famaey, B; Fari na, C; Gonzalez, O; Guest, S; Hatch, N; Hess, K; Hoskin, M; Irwin, M; Knapen, J; Koposov, S; Kuchner, U; Laigle, C; Lewis, J; Longhetti, M; Lucatello, S; Méndez-Abreu, J; Mercurio, A; Molaeinezhad, A; Monguió, M; Morrison, S; Murphy, D; de Arriba, L; Pérez, I; Pérez-Ràfols, I; Picó, S; Raddi, R; Romero-Gómez, M; Royer, F; Siebert, A; Seabroke, G; Som, D; Terrett, D; Thomas, G; Wesson, R; Worley, C; Alfaro, E; Prieto, C; Alonso-Santiago, J; Amos, N; Ashley, R; Balaguer-Nú nez, L; Balbinot, E; Bellazzini, M; Benn, C; Berlanas, S; Bernard, E; Best, P; Bettoni, D; Bianco, A; Bishop, G; Blomqvist, M; Boeche, C; Bolzonella, M; Bonoli, S; Bosma, A; Britavskiy, N; Busarello, G; Caffau, E; Cantat-Gaudin, T; Castro-Ginard, A; Couto, G; Carbajo-Hijarrubia, J; Carter, D; Casamiquela, L; Conrado, A; Corcho-Caballero, P; Costantin, L; Deason, A; de Burgos, A; De Grandi, S; Di Matteo, P; Domínguez-Gómez, J; Dorda, R; Drake, A; Dutta, R; Erkal, D; Feltzing, S; Ferré-Mateu, A; Feuillet, D; Figueras, F; Fossati, M; Franciosini, E; Frasca, A; Fumagalli, M; Gallazzi, A; García-Benito, R; Fusillo, N; Gebran, M; Gilbert, J; Gledhill, T; Delgado, R; Greimel, R; Guarcello, M; Guerra, J; Gullieuszik, M; Haines, C; Hardcastle, M; Harris, A; Haywood, M; Helmi, A; Hernandez, N; Herrero, A; Hughes, S; Irsic, V; Jablonka, P; Jarvis, M; Jordi, C; Kondapally, R; Kordopatis, G; Krogager, J; Barbera, F; Lam, M; Larsen, S; Lemasle, B; Lewis, I; Lhomé, E; Lind, K; Lodi, M; Longobardi, A; Lonoce, I; Magrini, L; Apellániz, J; Marchal, O; Marco, A; Martin, N; Matsuno, T; Maurogordato, S; Merluzzi, P; Miralda-Escudé, J; Molinari, E; Monari, G; Morelli, L; Mottram, C; Naylor, T; Negueruela, I; Onorbe, J; Pancino, E; Peirani, S; Peletier, R; Pozzetti, L; Rainer, M; Ramos, P; Read, S; Rossi, E; Röttgering, H; Rubi no-Martín, J; Montes, J; Juan, J; Sanna, N; Schallig, E; Schiavon, R; Schultheis, M; Serra, P; Shimwell, T; Simón-Díaz, S; Smith, R; Sordo, R; Sorini, D; Soubiran, C; Starkenburg, E; Steele, I; Stott, J; Stuik, R; Tolstoy, E; Tortora, C; Tsantaki, M; Van der Swaelmen, M; van Weeren, R; Vergani, D; Verheijen, M; Verro, K; Vink, J; Vioque, M; Walcher, C; Walton, N; Wegg, C; Weijmans, A; Williams, W; Wilson, A; Wright, N; Xylakis-Dornbusch, T; Youakim, K; Zibetti, S; Zurita, C
Understanding the unusual life of the Cartwheel galaxy using stellar populations
2024 Ditrani, F; Longhetti, M; Fossati, M; Wolter, A
ViCTORIA project: The LOFAR-MeerKAT view of active galactic nuclei in Virgo cluster early-Type galaxies
2024 Spasic, A; Edler, H; Su, Y; Bruggen, M; De Gasperin, F; Pasini, T; Heesen, V; Simonte, M; Boselli, A; Rottgering, H; Fossati, M
WEAVE First Light Observations: Origin and Dynamics of the Shock Front in Stephan's Quintet
2024 Arnaudova, M; Das, S; Smith, D; Hardcastle, M; Hatch, N; Trager, S; Smith, R; Drake, A; Mcgarry, J; Shenoy, S; Stott, J; Knapen, J; Hess, K; Duncan, K; Gloudemans, A; Best, P; Garcia-Benito, R; Kondapally, R; Balcells, M; Couto, G; Abrams, D; Aguado, D; Aguerri, J; Barrena, R; Benn, C; Bensby, T; Berlanas, S; Bettoni, D; Cano-Infantes, D; Carrera, R; Concepcion, P; Dalton, G; D'Ago, G; Dee, K; Dominguez-Palmero, L; Drew, J; Escott, E; Farina, C; Fossati, M; Fumagalli, M; Gafton, E; Gribbin, F; Hughes, S; Iovino, A; Jin, S; Lewis, I; Longhetti, M; Mendez-Abreu, J; Mercurio, A; Molaeinezhad, A; Molinari, E; Monguio, M; Murphy, D; Pico, S; Pieri, M; Ridings, A; Romero-Gomez, M; Schallig, E; Shimwell, T; Skvarc, J; Stuik, R; Vallenari, A; van der Hulst, J; Walton, N; Worley, C
A complete spectroscopic catalogue of local galaxies in the northern spring sky: Gas properties and nuclear activity in different environments
2023 Cattorini, F; Gavazzi, G; Boselli, A; Fossati, M
A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE). XIV. Main-sequence relation in a rich environment down to Mstar ≃10^6 M⊙
2023 Boselli, A; Fossati, M; Roediger, J; Boquien, M; Fumagalli, M; Balogh, M; Boissier, S; Braine, J; Ciesla, L; C??t??, P; Cuillandre, J; Ferrarese, L; Gavazzi, G; Gwyn, S; Junais, ; Hensler, G; Longobardi, A; Sun, M
A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE): XV. The Hαluminosity function of the Virgo cluster
2023 Boselli, A; Fossati, M; Cote, P; Cuillandre, J; Ferrarese, L; Gwyn, S; Amram, P; Ayromlou, M; Balogh, M; Bellusci, G; Boquien, M; Gavazzi, G; Hensler, G; Longobardi, A; Nelson, D; Pillepich, A; Roediger, J; Sanchez-Janssen, R; Sun, M; Trinchieri, G