Aberrant cortex contractions impact mammalian oocyte quality
2024 Nikalayevich, E; Letort, G; de Labbey, G; Todisco, E; Shihabi, A; Turlier, H; Voituriez, R; Yahiatene, M; Pollet-Villard, X; Innocenti, M; Schuh, M; Terret, M; Verlhac, M
Calcineurin blockade modifies dendritic cell differentiation and induces a tolerogenic phenotype
2024 Galli, M; Marongiu, L; Cozzi, S; Rocca, G; Stucchi, G; Celant, A; Donato, A; Fontana, I; Innocenti, M; Granucci, F
Killing cancer cells by targeting the tumor microenvironment: study of TRAIL journey in a CAFs model
2024 Baioni, C; Innocenti, M; Colombo, M; Prosperi, D
Multiplexed imaging to reveal tissue dendritic cell spatial localisation and function
2024 Rocca, G; Galli, M; Celant, A; Stucchi, G; Marongiu, L; Cozzi, S; Innocenti, M; Granucci, F
TGF-β Signaling Loop in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Activates Fibroblasts and Increases Tumor Cell Aggressiveness
2024 di Miceli, N; Baioni, C; Barbieri, L; Danielli, D; Sala, E; Salvioni, L; Garbujo, S; Colombo, M; Prosperi, D; Innocenti, M; Fiandra, L
Advanced Cell Culture Models Illuminate the Interplay between Mammary Tumor Cells and Activated Fibroblasts
2023 Del Nero, M; Colombo, A; Garbujo, S; Baioni, C; Barbieri, L; Innocenti, M; Prosperi, D; Colombo, M; Fiandra, L
Investigating Mammalian Formins with SMIFH2 Fifteen Years in: Novel Targets and Unexpected Biology
2023 Innocenti, M
A Protumorigenic mDia2–MIRO1 Axis Controls Mitochondrial Positioning and Function in Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts
2022 Cangkrama, M; Liu, L; Whipman, J; Zubair, M; Matsushita, M; Di Filippo, M; Kopf, M; Innocenti, M; Werner, S
mDia1 Assembles a Linear F-Actin Coat at Membrane Invaginations To Drive Listeria monocytogenes Cell-to-Cell Spreading
2021 Dhanda, A; Vogl, A; Ness, F; Innocenti, M; Guttman, J
mTORC1 and mTORC2 Converge on the Arp2/3 Complex to Promote Kras G12D-Induced Acinar-to-Ductal Metaplasia and Early Pancreatic Carcinogenesis
2021 Zhao, Y; Schoeps, B; Yao, D; Zhang, Z; Schuck, K; Tissen, V; Jäger, C; Schlitter, A; van der Kammen, R; Ludwig, C; D'Haese, J; Raulefs, S; Maeritz, N; Shen, S; Zou, X; Krüger, A; Kleeff, J; Michalski, C; Friess, H; Innocenti, M; Kong, B
A paracrine activin A–mDia2 axis promotes squamous carcinogenesis via fibroblast reprogramming
2020 Cangkrama, M; Wietecha, M; Mathis, N; Okumura, R; Ferrarese, L; Al-Nuaimi, D; Antsiferova, M; Dummer, R; Innocenti, M; Werner, S
The chloride intracellular channel protein CLIC4 inhibits filopodium formation induced by constitutively active mutants of formin mDia2
2020 Argenzio, E; Innocenti, M
New insights into the formation and the function of lamellipodia and ruffles in mesenchymal cell migration
2018 Innocenti, M
Profilin binding couples chloride intracellular channel protein CLIC4 to RhoA–mDia2 signaling and filopodium formation
2018 Argenzio, E; Klarenbeek, J; Kedziora, K; Nahidiazar, L; Isogai, T; Perrakis, A; Jalink, K; Moolenaar, W; Innocenti, M
Flat clathrin lattices are dynamic actin-controlled hubs for clathrin-mediated endocytosis and signalling of specific receptors
2017 Leyton-Puig, D; Isogai, T; Argenzio, E; van der Broek, B; Klarenbeek, J; Janssen, H; Jalink, K; Innocenti, M
Knockout of the Arp2/3 complex in epidermis causes a psoriasis-like disease hallmarked by hyperactivation of transcription factor Nrf2
2017 van der Kammen, R; Song, J; de Rink, I; Janssen, H; Madonna, S; Scarponi, C; Albanesi, C; Kerkhoven, R; Innocenti, M
Invadosomes - shaping actin networks to follow mechanical cues
2016 Kedziora, K; Isogai, T; Jalink, K; Innocenti, M
New nuclear and perinuclear functions of formins
2016 Isogai, T; Innocenti, M
PFA fixation enables artifact-free super-resolution imaging of the actin cytoskeleton and associated proteins
2016 Leyton-Puig, D; Kedziora, K; Isogai, T; van der Broek, B; Jalink, K; Innocenti, M
Quantitative Proteomics Illuminates a Functional Interaction between mDia2 and the Proteasome
2016 Isogai, T; Van Der Kammen, R; Bleijerveld, O; Goerdayal, S; Argenzio, E; Altelaar, A; Innocenti, M