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Titolo Tipologia Data di pubblicazione Autori File
“Looking at nothing”: An implicit ocular motor index of face recognition in developmental prosopagnosia 01 - Articolo su rivista 2023 Malaspina M.Albonico A. +
An ocular motor index of rapid face recognition: The ‘looking-at-nothing’ effect 01 - Articolo su rivista 2022 Malaspina M.Albonico A. +
Contrasting domain-general and domain-specific accounts in cognitive neuropsychology: An outline of a new approach with developmental prosopagnosia as a case 01 - Articolo su rivista 2022 Albonico A.Malaspina M. +
The persistence of remote visual semantic memory following ocular blindness 01 - Articolo su rivista 2022 Malaspina M.Albonico A. +
The Focal Attention Window Size Explains Letter Substitution Errors in Reading 01 - Articolo su rivista 2021 Daini, RobertaAlbonico, AndreaVeronelli, LauraMalaspina, Manuela +
Search for face identity or expression: Set size effects in developmental prosopagnosia 01 - Articolo su rivista 2020 Albonico A.Malaspina M. +
Mapping self-face recognition strategies in congenital prosopagnosia 01 - Articolo su rivista 2018 Malaspina, MAlbonico, ADaini, R +
The role of focal attention in foveal crowding and its relationship with reading in the lifespan. 02 - Intervento a convegno 2018 Daini, RAlbonico, AFacchin, ABricolo, E +
Do people have insight into their face recognition abilities? 01 - Articolo su rivista 2017 ALBONICO, ANDREAMALASPINA, MANUELADAINI, ROBERTA +
Italian normative data and validation of two neuropsychological tests of face recognition: Benton Facial Recognition Test and Cambridge Face Memory Test 01 - Articolo su rivista 2017 ALBONICO, ANDREAMALASPINA, MANUELADAINI, ROBERTA
Dissociation between the focal and orientation component of spatial attention in detection, discrimination and reading tasks 07 - Tesi di dottorato Bicocca post 2009 2016 ALBONICO, ANDREA
Right perceptual bias and self-face recognition in individuals with congenital prosopagnosia 01 - Articolo su rivista 2016 MALASPINA, MANUELAALBONICO, ANDREADAINI, ROBERTA
Temporal dissociation between the focal and orientation components of spatial attention in central and peripheral vision 01 - Articolo su rivista 2016 ALBONICO, ANDREAMALASPINA, MANUELABRICOLO, EMANUELADAINI, ROBERTA +
Differential effects of the size of the attentional window in central and peripheral vision 02 - Intervento a convegno 2014 ALBONICO, ANDREAMALASPINA, MANUELABRICOLO, EMANUELADAINI, ROBERTA +
Dissociazione tra la componente selettiva e la componente focale dell’attenzione visuo-spaziale in visione centrale e periferica 02 - Intervento a convegno 2014 ALBONICO, ANDREAMALASPINA, MANUELABRICOLO, EMANUELADAINI, ROBERTA +
Elaborazione delle espressioni facciali, emotive e non, in soggetti affetti da sindrome di Asperger o autismo ad alto funzionamento 01 - Articolo su rivista 2014 MALASPINA, MANUELAALBONICO, ANDREADAINI, ROBERTARICCIARDELLI, PAOLA
Is Congenital Prosopagnosics’ eye movements pattern specific in self compared to others’ faces discrimination? 02 - Intervento a convegno 2014 MALASPINA, MANUELAALBONICO, ANDREADAINI, ROBERTA
L’io è diverso dall’altro? Uno studio sui movimenti oculari nella Prosopagnosia Congenita 02 - Intervento a convegno 2014 MALASPINA, MANUELAALBONICO, ANDREADAINI, ROBERTA
A new explanatory model of neglect 02 - Intervento a convegno 2013 ALBONICO, ANDREAMALASPINA, MANUELADAINI, ROBERTA +
Attentive Pop-out: spatial asymmetries in a visual search task 02 - Intervento a convegno 2013 ALBONICO, ANDREAMALASPINA, MANUELABRICOLO, EMANUELADAINI, ROBERTA +