The Domination Game: Dilating Bubbles to Fill Up Pareto Fronts
2023 Coelho, V; Papetti, D; Tangherloni, A; Cazzaniga, P; Besozzi, D; Nobile, M
Modeling Calcium Signaling in S. cerevisiae Highlights the Role and Regulation of the Calmodulin-Calcineurin Pathway in Response to Hypotonic Shock
2022 Spolaor, S; Rovetta, M; Nobile, M; Cazzaniga, P; Tisi, R; Besozzi, D
SMGen: A Generator of Synthetic Models of Biochemical Reaction Networks
2022 Riva, S; Cazzaniga, P; Nobile, M; Spolaor, S; Rundo, L; Besozzi, D; Tangherloni, A
A CUDA-powered method for the feature extraction and unsupervised analysis of medical images
2021 Rundo, L; Tangherloni, A; Cazzaniga, P; Mistri, M; Galimberti, S; Woitek, R; Sala, E; Mauri, G; Nobile, M
FiCoS: A fine-grained and coarse-grained GPU-powered deterministic simulator for biochemical networks
2021 Tangherloni, A; Nobile, M; Cazzaniga, P; Capitoli, G; Spolaor, S; Rundo, L; Mauri, G; Besozzi, D
HyperBeta: characterizing the structural dynamics of proteins and self-assembling peptides
2021 Nobile, M; Fontana, F; Manzoni, L; Cazzaniga, P; Mauri, G; Saracino, G; Besozzi, D; Gelain, F
If You Can't Beat It, Squash It: Simplify Global Optimization by Evolving Dilation Functions
2021 Papetti, D; Ashlock, D; Cazzaniga, P; Besozzi, D; Nobile, M
Investigating the performance of multi-objective optimization when learning Bayesian Networks
2021 Nobile, M; Cazzaniga, P; Ramazzotti, D
Screening for Combination Cancer Therapies With Dynamic Fuzzy Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimization
2021 Spolaor, S; Scheve, M; Firat, M; Cazzaniga, P; Besozzi, D; Nobile, M
The Impact of Representation on the Optimization of Marker Panels for Single-cell RNA Data
2021 Tangherloni, A; Riva, S; Spolaor, S; Besozzi, D; Nobile, M; Cazzaniga, P
ACDC: Automated Cell Detection and Counting for time-lapse fluorescence microscopy
2020 Rundo, L; Tangherloni, A; Tyson, D; Betta, R; Militello, C; Spolaor, S; Nobile, M; Besozzi, D; Lubbock, A; Quaranta, V; Mauri, G; Lopez, C; Cazzaniga, P
Coupling Mechanistic Approaches and Fuzzy Logic to Model and Simulate Complex Systems
2020 Spolaor, S; Nobile, M; Mauri, G; Cazzaniga, P; Besozzi, D
cuProCell: GPU-Accelerated Analysis of Cell Proliferation With Flow Cytometry Data
2020 Nobile, M; Nisoli, E; Vlachou, T; Spolaor, S; Cazzaniga, P; Mauri, G; Pelicci, P; Besozzi, D
Fourier Surrogate Models of Dilated Fitness Landscapes in Systems Biology : or how we learned to torture optimization problems until they confess
2020 Nobile, M; Cazzaniga, P; Spolaor, S; Besozzi, D; Manzoni, L
Fuzzy modeling and global optimization to predict novel therapeutic targets in cancer cells
2020 Nobile, M; Votta, G; Palorini, R; Spolaor, S; De Vitto, H; Cazzaniga, P; Ricciardiello, F; Mauri, G; Alberghina, L; Chiaradonna, F; Besozzi, D
Simpful: A user-friendly python library for fuzzy logic
2020 Spolaor, S; Fuchs, C; Cazzaniga, P; Kaymak, U; Besozzi, D; Nobile, M
Surfing on Fitness Landscapes: A Boost on Optimization by Fourier Surrogate Modeling
2020 Manzoni, L; Papetti, D; Cazzaniga, P; Spolaor, S; Mauri, G; Besozzi, D; Nobile, M
Which random is the best random? A study on sampling methods in Fourier surrogate modeling
2020 Nobile, M; Spolaor, S; Cazzaniga, P; Papetti, D; Besozzi, D; Ashlock, D; Manzoni, L
Computational Intelligence for Life Sciences
2019 Besozzi, D; Manzoni, L; Nobile, M; Spolaor, S; Castelli, M; Vanneschi, L; Cazzaniga, P; Ruberto, S; Rundo, L; Tangherloni, A
Estimation of kinetic reaction constants: exploiting reboot strategies to improve PSO’s performance
2019 Spolaor, S; Tangherloni, A; Rundo, L; Cazzaniga, P; Nobile, M