Excess Topologies in metric spaces
2014 G., B; C., C; Levi, S
Bornological convergence and shields
2013 Beer, ; G:, C; C, ; Levi, S
Gap topologies in metric spaces
2013 Levi, S; Beer, G; Costantini, C
Total boundedness in metrizable spaces
2011 Beer, G; Costantini, C; Levi, S
Uniform continuity, uniform convergence and shields
2010 Beer, G; Levi, S
Strong uniform continuity
2009 Beer, G; Levi, S
Total boundedness and bornologies
2009 Beer, G; Levi, S
Gap, excess and bornological convergence
2008 Beer, G; Levi, S
Pseudometrizable bornological convergence is Attouch-Wets convergence
2008 Beer, G; Levi, S
Bornological convergences
2004 Lechicki, A; Levi, S; Spakowski, A
Compactness and local compactness in hyperspaces
2002 Costantini, C; Levi, S; Pelant, J
Normality and paracompactness of the Fell topology
1999 Holà, L; Levi, S; Pelant, J
Decomposition properties of hyperspace topologies
1997 Holà, L; Levi, S
Infima of hyperspace topologies
1995 Costantini, C; Levi, S; Pelant, J
Metrics that generate the same hyperspace convergence
1993 Costantini, C; Levi, S; Zieminska, J
On the infimum of the Hausdorff and Vietoris topologies
1993 Levi, S; Lucchetti, R; Pelant, J
Distance functionals and suprema of hyperspace topologies
1992 Beer, G; Lechicki, A; Levi, S; Naimpally, S
Extensions of semicontinuous multifunctions
1990 Lechicki, A; Levi, S
Extensions of semicontinuous multifunctions
1988 Lechicki, A; Levi, S
Separability of Baire-measurable images of $K$-analytic spaces
1987 Frolìk, Z; Levi, S