360° immersive photos and videos, an ecological approach to memory assessment: the ObReco-2
2022 Bruni, F; Mancuso, V; Stramba-Badiale, C; Pieri, L; Riva, G; Cipresso, P; Pedroli, E
Changing Body Representation Through Full Body Ownership Illusions Might Foster Motor Rehabilitation Outcome in Patients With Stroke
2020 Matamala-Gomez, M; Malighetti, C; Cipresso, P; Pedroli, E; Realdon, O; Mantovani, F; Riva, G
Assessment of Unilateral Spatial Neglect using a free mobile application for Italian clinicians
2018 Cipresso, P; Pedroli, E; Serino, S; Semonella, M; Tuena, C; Colombo, D; Pallavicini, F; Riva, G
The Role of Age on Multisensory Bodily Experience: An Experimental Study with a Virtual Reality Full-Body Illusion
2018 Serino, S; Scarpina, F; Dakanalis, A; Keizer, A; Pedroli, E; Castelnuovo, G; Chirico, A; Catallo, V; Di Lernia, D; Riva, G
Egocentric and allocentric spatial reference frames in aging: A systematic review
2017 Colombo, D; Serino, S; Tuena, C; Pedroli, E; Dakanalis, A; Cipresso, P; Riva, G
A novel technique for improving bodily experience in a non-operable super-super obesity case
2016 Serino, S; Scarpina, F; Keizer, A; Pedroli, E; Dakanalis, A; Castelnuovo, G; Chirico, A; Novelli, M; Gaudio, S; Riva, G
Feeling ghost food as real one: Psychometric assessment of presence engagement exposing to food in augmented reality
2016 Chicchi Giglioli, I; Chirico, A; Cipresso, P; Serino, S; Pedroli, E; Pallavicini, F; Riva, G
Testing augmented reality for cue exposure in obese patients: An exploratory study
2016 Pallavicini, F; Serino, S; Cipresso, P; Pedroli, E; Chicchi Giglioli, I; Chirico, A; Manzoni, G; Castelnuovo, G; Molinari, E; Riva, G
The Use of Virtual Reality Tools for the Assessment of Executive Functions and Unilateral Spatial Neglect
2016 Pedroli, E; Serino, S; Giglioli, A; Pallavicini, F; Cipresso, P; Riva, G
Virtual reality body swapping: A tool for modifying the allocentric memory of the body
2016 Serino, S; Pedroli, E; Keizer, A; Triberti, S; Dakanalis, A; Pallavicini, F; Chirico, A; Riva, G
Assessing Unilateral Spatial Neglect using advanced technologies: The potentiality of mobile virtual reality
2015 Pallavicini, F; Pedroli, E; Serino, S; Dell'Isola, A; Cipresso, P; Cisari, C; Riva, G
Neglect App. Usability of a new application for assessment and rehabilitation of neglect
2015 Pedroli, E; Serino, S; Cipresso, P; Pallavicini, F; Chicchi Giglioli, I; Guastafierro, E; Gaggioli, A; Riva, G
The role of virtual reality in neuropsychology: The virtual multiple errands test for the assessment of executive functions in Parkinson's disease
2014 Serino, S; Pedroli, E; Cipresso, P; Pallavicini, F; Albani, G; Mauro, A; Riva, G
Virtual multiple errands test (VMET): a virtual reality-based tool to detect early executive functions deficit in Parkinson's disease
2014 Cipresso, P; Albani, G; Serino, S; Pedroli, E; Pallavicini, F; Scotti, M; Riva, G
Virtual multiple errands test: Reliability, usability and possible applications
2013 Pedroli, E; Cipresso, P; Serino, S; Pallavicini, F; Albani, G; Riva, G