A Novel Mask with Selective Ports for Inflow and Outflow Reduces CO2 Rebreathing during Non-Invasive Ventilation: A Physiological Study in Healthy Volunteers
2023 Rezoagli, E; Signori, D; Grassi, A; Rabboni, F; Lucchini, A; Bellani, G; Foti, G
Reliability of plateau pressure during patient-triggered assisted ventilation. Analysis of a multicentre database
2022 Bianchi, I; Grassi, A; Pham, T; Telias, I; Teggia Droghi, M; Vieira, F; Jonkman, A; Brochard, L; Bellani, G
Clinical value of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) in the management of patients with acute respiratory failure: a single centre experience
2021 Bronco, A; Grassi, A; Meroni, V; Giovannoni, C; Rabboni, F; Rezoagli, E; Teggia-Droghi, M; Foti, G; Bellani, G
Paradoxical effect of chest wall compression on respiratory system compliance: a multicenter case series of ARDS patients, with multimodal assessment
2021 Rezoagli, E; Bastia, L; Grassi, A; Chieregato, A; Langer, T; Grasselli, G; Caironi, P; Pradella, A; Santini, A; Protti, A; Fumagalli, R; Foti, G; Bellani, G
Assisted mechanical ventilation promotes recovery of diaphragmatic thickness in critically ill patients: A prospective observational study
2020 Grassi, A; Ferlicca, D; Lupieri, E; Calcinati, S; Francesconi, S; Sala, V; Ormas, V; Chiodaroli, E; Abbruzzese, C; Curto, F; Sanna, A; Zambon, M; Fumagalli, R; Foti, G; Bellani, G
Comparison of Two Approaches to Estimate Driving Pressure During Assisted Ventilation
2020 Teggia-Droghi, M; Grassi, A; Rezoagli, E; Pozzi, M; Foti, G; Patroniti, N; Bellani, G
Occurrence of pendelluft under pressure support ventilation in patients who failed a spontaneous breathing trial: an observational study
2020 Coppadoro, A; Grassi, A; Giovannoni, C; Rabboni, F; Eronia, N; Bronco, A; Foti, G; Fumagalli, R; Bellani, G
Driving Pressure Is Associated with Outcome during Assisted Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
2019 Bellani, G; Grassi, A; Sosio, S; Gatti, S; Kavanagh, B; Pesenti, A; Foti, G
Effect of face mask design and bias flow on rebreathing during noninvasive ventilation
2019 Signori, D; Bellani, G; Calcinati, S; Grassi, A; Patroniti, N; Foti, G
Plateau and driving pressure in the presence of spontaneous breathing
2019 Bellani, G; Grassi, A; Sosio, S; Foti, G
Neurologic outcome of postanoxic refractory status epilepticus after aggressive treatment
2018 Beretta, S; Coppo, A; Bianchi, E; Zanchi, C; Carone, D; Stabile, A; Padovano, G; Sulmina, E; Grassi, A; Bogliun, G; Foti, G; Ferrarese, C; Pesenti, A; Beghi, E; Avalli, L
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in early acute respiratory distress syndrome
2017 Grassi, A; Foti, G; Laffey, J; Bellani, G
An Effective and Safe Strategy to Target Normothermia in Neurocritical Patients
2016 Grassi, A; Abate, M; Patruno, A; Talei Franzesi, C; Rota, M; Citerio, G
Angiotensin-(1-7) improves oxygenation, while reducing cellular infiltrate and fibrosis in experimental Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
2015 Zambelli, V; Bellani, G; Borsa, R; Pozzi, F; Grassi, A; Scanziani, M; Castiglioni, V; Masson, S; Decio, A; Laffey, J; Latini, R; Pesenti, A
The effects of exogenous surfactant treatment in a murine model of two-hit lung injury
2015 Zambelli, V; Bellani, G; Amigoni, M; Grassi, A; Scanziani, M; Farina, F; Latini, R; Pesenti, A
Pulmonary surfactant synthesis after unilateral lung injury in mice
2014 Lamonica, G; Amigoni, M; Vedovelli, L; Zambelli, V; Scanziani, M; Bellani, G; Grassi, A; Simonato, M; Carnielli, V; Cogo, P
Treatment of Graft versus Host Disease with Mesenchymal Stromal Cells: A Phase I Study on 40 Adult and Pediatric Patients
2014 Introna, M; Lucchini, G; Dander, E; Galimberti, S; Rovelli, A; Balduzzi, A; Longoni, D; Pavan, F; Masciocchi, F; Algarotti, A; Micò, C; Grassi, A; Deola, S; Cavattoni, I; Gaipa, G; Belotti, D; Perseghin, P; Parma, M; Pogliani, E; Golay, J; Pedrini, O; Capelli, C; Cortelazzo, S; D'Amico, G; Biondi, A; Rambaldi, A; Biagi, E
Role of the Renin-Angiotensin System in ARDS
2012 Zambelli, V; Grassi, A; Bellani, G